Teach English as Second Lang (TESL)
TESL 3303. Literacy Strategy for English Language Learners. 3 Hours.
This course emphasizes linguistic and cultural principles, lesson planning, practical methods, curricula and materials for teaching English to speakers of other languages in pre-kindergarten to sixth grade classrooms. Students will gain first-hand experience working with linguistically and culturally diverse students in Texas schools.
Prerequisite: BESL 2301, BESL 3301.
TESL 3313. English Second Language Methodology I. 3 Hours.
In this course, candidates will study linguistic and cultural principles in language teaching and learning. Emphasis is placed on research-based English as a Second Language (ESL) methodology in the classroom. Students observe ESL classroom practices and create lesson plans and materials for English language learners. Ten hours of field experience is required as part of the course.
Prerequisite: BESL 3301 with a grade of C or higher.
TESL 4303. Teaching English As A Second Language. 3 Hours.
The course identifies current instructional methods and approaches to teaching English as a second language to nonnative speakers of English beginning at the early childhood level through adult. Principles and concepts of second language learning, linguistic contrasts between English and other languages, and the instructional processes are emphasized. Field experience in PK-12 schools required.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
TESL 4314. English Second Language Methodology II. 3 Hours.
In this course, candidates apply research based methods in planning and implementing instruction for English language learners in the content areas. Students develop curricular materials and assessments for English language learners at all levels of English language proficiency. Fifteen hours of field experience is required as part of the course.
Prerequisite: TESL 3313 .
TESL 4330. Teaching Second Language Online. 3 Hours.
Students explore theory, design, and research related to meaningful online instruction in second/foreign language learning. Current teaching practices and research in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) are examined.