Secondary Education (CISE)
CISE 3383. Planning Instruction With Technology Integration. 3 Hours.
This course is designed to provide teachers who seek certification at the secondary level (grades 7-12) with an introductory overview of the teacher education program, with an introduction into instructional issues and teaching models, and with an introduction into how technology impacts education both in terms of increasing teacher productivity and in terms of integrating technology into instruction.
Prerequisite: Junior status.
CISE 3384. The Teaching Profession. 3 Hours.
This course is for those seeking 7-12 certification and is an introduction to the concept of teaching as a professional career that makes a difference in the lives of children, youth, and their families. The course will introduce students to lesson planning, writing clear learning objectives, instructional strategies, formative and summative assessment methods, classroom management, professional ethics, and the use of technology as an instructional tool.
Prerequisite: 32 Hours.
CISE 4088. Special Topics in Secondary Education. 3 Hours.
This course will examine special topics in the field of Secondary Education. Variable Credit (1-3.)
CISE 4089. Independent Study in Secondary Education. 1-3 Hours.
This course is designed to permit individual students to study specific areas of interest and need. Course Equivalents: CISE 4375
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.
CISE 4363. Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools. 3 Hours.
Students will learn the methods and activities used to actively engage secondary school students in the construction of mathematical concepts. Topics may include the development of instructional methods and materials for the teaching of mathematics in the secondary classroom.
Prerequisite: CISE 3384.
CISE 4364. Methods of Teaching in Secondary Schools. 3 Hours.
This course focuses on developing strategies that are effective in secondary schools. Candidates use the TEKS to develop objectives and plan effective instruction. Extensive field experience required. Co-requisite: CISE 4379 Admission to Methods.
Prerequisite: CISE 4380 and READ 4378.
CISE 4374. Human Growth and Learning. 3 Hours.
This course examines growth and learning primarily in secondary environments. Major theories of teaching-learning processes are studied. Human development related to education is emphasized. Special attention is paid to diversity in the public school environment. Required field experience in 8-12 public schools. This course is taken as part of the Secondary Methods Block for 7-12 certification. Course Equivalents: CISE 3374
Prerequisite: Admission to Educator Preparation Program and Departmental Approval.
CISE 4376. Developing a Professional Teacher Portfolio. 3 Hours.
The purpose of this course is to provide the prospective secondary teacher the opportunity to organize artifacts on the development, exploration, integration, application, and teaching of content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and skill development in the development of a professional teacher portfolio.
Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in student teaching and departmental approval.
CISE 4377. Assessment of Student Learning In Secondary Grades. 3 Hours.
This course is designed to provide the prospective secondary teacher the opportunity to construct and use teacher made tests and performance assessments that support the alignment process. Students will study various facets and strategies relating to assessment. Co-requisite: CISE 4364 Admission to Educator Prep Prg (TCHR).
Prerequisite: READ 4378.
CISE 4379. Differentiated Pedagogy. 3 Hours.
In this course, teacher candidates focus on differentiation of curriculum and pedagogy that addresses student differences in order to promote academic rigor for all learners. Co-requisite CISE 4364; Admission to Educator Prep Prg (TCHR)
Prerequisite: CISE 3384 and READ 4378.
CISE 4380. Responsibilities of the Professional Educator. 3 Hours.
This course is designed to assist future teachers in understanding the structure, organization, and management of public schools at the national, state, and local levels. Course content will include a study of the needs of the special learner and students from various cultures.
Prerequisite: 3384.
CISE 4394. Creating an Environment For Learning-Secondary Education. 3 Hours.
(The Companion Course for Secondary and All-Level Student Teaching) This course provides a survey of classroom management and discipline approaches appropriate in a public school setting. Candidates will explore multiple components that produce a well managed classroom. Candidates will create a classroom management plan that will be a functional model for their classrooms. ; Admission to Educator Preparation Program.
Prerequisite: CISE 3384.
CISE 4396. Student Teaching - Secondary Classroom. 3 Hours.
The student is assigned to teach in secondary classrooms (grades 8-12) for a placement totally approximately twelve to fourteen weeks. This time is divided among observation, participation, teaching and conference activities in two classrooms that span the certification grades. This course corresponds to one of those placements. As an example, a student will have one placement in a lower grade such as 7th grade and the second placement in a higher level such as high school.
Prerequisite: Senior status and admission to student teaching.
CISE 4397. Student Teaching - Secondary Classroom. 3 Hours.
The student is assigned to teach in secondary classrooms (grades 8-12) for a placement totally approximately twelve to fourteen weeks. This time is divided among observation, participation, teaching and conference activities in two classrooms that span the certification grades. This course corresponds to one of those placements.
Prerequisite: Senior status and admission to student teaching.