Athletic Training (ATTR)
ATTR 2110. Taping and Bandaging. 1 Hour.
This skills-based course explores the appropriate utilization and application of preventative, therapeutic, and rehabilitative taping and bandaging used in the athletic training profession. The wrapping and bandaging of various extremities susceptible to injury in sport and activity are emphasized in this course. Course Equivalents: ATTR 2310 .
ATTR 2300. Introduction to Athletic Training. 3 Hours.
This course is an introduction to the profession of Athletic Training. Topics include methods of care, treatment, and rehabilitation of athletic injuries. Laboratory experiences are provided to assist the student with athletic injury scenarios. This course is offered in the Fall only.
Prerequisite: Department Approval.
ATTR 3370. Prevention & Care of Injuries. 3 Hours.
This course includes instruction and laboratory work in the care and prevention of injuries. It is designed to meet the needs of the athletic coach and physical education teacher. Course Equivalents: KINE 3370
Prerequisite: BIOL 2401 or BIOL 2403 or KINE 3321, and 45 Credit Hours or Department Approval.
ATTR 4369. Therapeutic Exercise Interventions. 3 Hours.
This course will focus on therapeutic exercise for a variety of injuries and conditions common in sport and exercise settings. Emphasis will be placed on timing and healing phases as indicators of appropriate interventions. Indications, contraindications, and precautions of various interventions will be included. This course is recommended for those students pursuing the allied health fields (e.g. physical and occupational therapy, athletic training, chiropractic, etc...)
Prerequisite: ATTR 3370 and BIOL 2403 or BIOL 2401.