Wildlife Management (WMGT)

WMGT 2301. Principles of Wildlife Management. 3 Hours. [TCCN: AGRI 2330]

Students engage in a survey of sustainable and profitable wildlife management techniques, habitats, and resources. Topics may include alternative wildlife practices, animal and plant identification, ethical and economic considerations of wildlife and fisheries management, conservation, habitat alteration and renewal, and economic impact of the wildlife industry.

WMGT 2396. Special Topic. 3 Hours.

Students examine special topics/issues in Wildlife Management at an introductory level. This course may be repeated up to three times as topics and subject matter changes.

WMGT 3301. Wildlife Ranch Management. 3 Hours.

Students evaluate establishing, managing, and maintaining wildlife enterprises. The focus of this course is designing a profitable and sustainable ranch using both scientific and economic perspectives regarding livestock, as well as native and non-native wildlife species.
Prerequisite: WMGT 2301 with a grade of C or better.

WMGT 3350. Cervid Fawn Care. 3 Hours.

Students examine the care of young cervid species from parturition to weaning with a main focus on white-tailed deer. Topics may include diagnosing and treating sick fawns, active and passive antibody transfer, fawn handling, immobilization, health, and birthing and weaning protocols.
Prerequisite: WMGT 2301.

WMGT 3381. Game Animal Production. 3 Hours.

Students study the principles and practices of game animal production. Game animals commonly used for economic diversification of agricultural enterprises are the central focus of the course. Topics may include animal identification, population dynamics, nutrition, habitat preservation and modification, reproduction, game laws, and economic integration in traditional agricultural enterprises. Course Equivalents: AGRI 3381
Prerequisite: WMGT 2301 with a grade of C or better and Sophomore standing.

WMGT 3382. Habitat & Pond Management. 3 Hours.

Students study wildlife habitat and riparian zone management, food plots for upland game birds and white-tailed deer, and pond management for largemouth bass, sunfish, and catfish production.
Prerequisite: WMGT 2301 with a grade of C or better and Sophomore standing.

WMGT 4096. Directed Study. 1-6 Hours.

Arranged professional and developmental learning experiences incorporating a practical application of wildlife management skills and practices. This course may include internships, individual research, and industry studies.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

WMGT 4301. Cervid Breeding and Production. 3 Hours.

Students examine production of the cervid species with a focus on white-tailed deer. Reproductive management practices pertaining to preferred, selective genetics and breeding cycles are be emphasized, with production based on an effective confinement management system. The primary topics may include general industry cycles, reproductive techniques and cycles, weaning of offspring and vaccination protocols, immobilization, and interstate/intrastate movement of cervid species.
Prerequisite: WMGT 2301 with a grade of C or better and Junior standing.

WMGT 4302. Cervid Management. 3 Hours.

Students examine the cervid industry from breeding to parturition. Cervid management is based on a confinement setting and focuses on anatomy and physiology, cervid nutrition during this stage of production, and feed types and feeding programs, cost of production, state and federal regulations, diseases and treatments, and fawn care.
Prerequisite: WMGT 2301 with a grade of C or better and ANSC 3373.

WMGT 4320. Wildlife Management Techniques. 3 Hours.

Students explore techniques and tools commonly used in the wildlife industry for management of captive and non-captive wild game animals. Topics include humane methods of trapping/capturing, managed wild game species and predator species, animal population assessment of mammals, birds and fish, establishment of food plots for wild game species, prescribed burns to manage wildlife habitat, and general animal management to ensure the well-being of the animal.
Prerequisite: WMGT 2301; C or better.

WMGT 4340. Exotic Animal Production. 3 Hours.

Students examine the multi-faceted exotic species industry in the state of Texas. Topics may include identification of species, habitat and nutritional needs, holding facility design, regulation and transportation requirements, marketing, cost of production, genetics, and determining market value.
Prerequisite: WMGT 2301 with a grade of C or better.

WMGT 4341. Upland Game Bird Management. 3 Hours.

Students conduct an in-depth investigation of upland game birds common in Texas. Topics may include identification, life cycles, plant and habitat identification, plant community succession, and the tools used to manage succession for successful upland game bird management.
Prerequisite: WMGT 2301 with a grade of C or better.

WMGT 4369. Special Topic. 3 Hours.

Individual study in specialized areas of Wildlife Management. To be directed and approved by the Animal Science advisor. This course is designed to be a multi-topic course. The student can take the course under various special topics being offered.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.