University-Wide (UNIV)
UNIV 1101. Bearkat U. 1 Hour.
Students explore the science of learning, cognition, and motivation to develop and apply self-directed learning skills to their own academic programs and career development.
UNIV 1301. Introduction to Collegiate Studies. 3 Hours.
UNIV 1301 is a seminar designed to enhance the first-year experience for beginning college students and to increase student success in college. The varied content of the course will facilitate a smoother transition into the college culture. Content areas include: goal setting and time management skills, writing skills, test preparation and taking skills, critical thinking skills, major and career exploration, locating and utilizing campus resources, diversity awareness, wellness strategies, money management, and leadership/civic service awareness. Students with junior and senior status will need to contact the First-Year Experience Office for approval.
Prerequisite: Open to all first year students (first-time and transfer) with less than 60 hours of college credit.
UNIV 2001. Academic Recovery I: Activating Academic Success. 0 Hours.
This course supports students on academic probation with the goal of restoring academic good standing. The course focuses on academic recovery strategies and methods related to university policies, academic and campus resources, communication techniques, studying strategies, and goal setting. It is designed to supplement the academic course load of students.
Prerequisite: Academic Probation Status.
UNIV 2112. Career Education and Development. 1 Hour.
Students explore career-specific skills and dispositions to develop and apply professional skills to early workforce experiences.
Prerequisite: 15 hours.
UNIV 3001. Academic Recovery II: Promoting Academic Resilience. 0 Hours.
This course supports students on academic suspension with the goal of restoring academic good standing. Students develop an understanding of SHSU's academic policies, identify academic goals, explore personal strengths, and identify solutions for academic challenges. It is designed to supplement the academic course load of students.
Prerequisite: Academic Suspension Status.