Mass Communication (MCOM)

MCOM 1130. Media Literacy. 1 Hour. [TCCN: COMM 2300]

Students critically examine a wide variety of news, media, and digital information. Through class discussions and diverse media experiences, this course helps students understand modern media environments and create healthy media consumption habits. Discussion topics include mainstream and partisan news media, social media, image and video manipulation, fact checking, search engine manipulation and so-called "fake news."
Prerequisite: None.

MCOM 1300. Mass Communication. 3 Hours.

MCOM 1307. Introduction to Digital Social Media. 3 Hours.

Students explore digital communication campaigns, trends, and practices, and how they are currently used on social and emerging media platforms. Students evaluate message strategies and interpret data analytics to determine levels of audience engagement, as well as short- and long-term effects.

MCOM 1330. Media, Culture and Society. 3 Hours. [TCCN: COMM 1335]

This course will survey the history and theory of mass media in American society with an emphasis on issues in broadcast television, cable television, and print journalism. Topics addressed include the impact of the printing press; evolution of print media, telegraph, film camera, and wireless technologies; structure of contemporary media industries; influence of advertisers, regulatory agencies, and ratings services; production, distribution, and syndication systems; social influence and personal use of mass media content.

MCOM 1332. Writing For Mass Media. 3 Hours. [TCCN: COMM 2311]

Designed to introduce writing for media across a wide spectrum of disciplines, this course will provide hands-on practice in basic writing skills for news, broadcast, the web, and public relations. Emphasis is placed on the enhancement of writing and grammar skills.

MCOM 1371. Audio Production & Performance. 3 Hours. [TCCN: COMM 2303]

This course surveys the mechanics of audio production and the operation of studio equipment. Students study and practice the use of microphone techniques, music, sound effects, and performance. They are introduced to digital audio production and appropriate audio software. Lecture and laboratory projects acquaint students with audio production requirements and responsibilities. Students receive practical hands-on experience with attention to mixing, recording, and editing. Students are expected to produce original content for broadcast on KSHU-FM.

MCOM 2366. Film Appreciation. 3 Hours. [TCCN: COMM 2366]

This course uses the film medium to integrate cinematic history and criticism. Production elements such as lighting, sound and character development, as well as genres, themes and narrative pattern will be analyzed. Emphasis is placed on writing critically about the film. Course Equivalents: MCOM 2351 .

MCOM 2371. TV & Film Production. 3 Hours. [TCCN: COMM 1336]

This course introduces students to the basics of visual image production, focusing on graphic design, creative visualization, video editing, lighting, on-camera performance, and studio producing/directing. Students are expected to produce original content for broadcast on Cable Channel 7.

MCOM 3026. Media Practicum. 1-4 Hours.

Advanced instruction in practice and projects. Students perform assigned work with co-curricular activities (KSHU-FM, Cable Channel 7, The Houstonian, student news, and Priority One PR) in a laboratory environment. Variable Credit (1 to 3). Course Equivalents: MCOM 3226
Prerequisite: Either 12 hours of MCOM, plus score of 80 or higher on Grammar Module and Faculty Approval; or Faculty Approval.

MCOM 4022. Special Topic. 1-3 Hours.

This course will examine special topics/issues in the field of media. Different subject matter will be addressed each semester. This course may be repeated as topics change. Variable Credit (1 to 3). Course Equivalents: MCOM 4382
Prerequisite: Either 18 hours of MCFL or 18 hours of MCJR or 18 hours of MCPA or 18 hours of MCPD; and a score of 80 or higher on Grammar Module.

MCOM 4099. Independent Study. 1-3 Hours.

This course provides an opportunity to conduct supervised investigation in an area of special interest. This course is designed specifically for advanced students who are capable of independent research and/or creative activity. Variable Credit (1 to 3). Course Equivalents: MCOM 4399
Prerequisite: Either 18 hours of MCFL or 18 hours of MCJR or 18 hours of MCPA or 18 hours of MCPD and Permission of Dept.

MCOM 4371. Mass Media Law And Ethics. 3 Hours.

This course will examine legal and ethical concepts as they apply to broadcast and cable television, radio, print media, and Internet-based publishing. It will focus on the evolution of the American legal system with specific attention to state statutes, regulatory agencies, ethical issues, and precedent-setting cases as they relate to free speech, open records, privacy, libel, copyright, and obscenity laws.
Prerequisite: Either 18 hours of MCFL, or 18 hours of MCPA, or 18 hours of MCPD, or 18 hours of MCJR and a score of 80 or higher on Grammar Module.

MCOM 4393. Global Media. 3 Hours.

This course studies world media systems in a variety of countries. Emphasis is placed on how history, politics, government, culture, and other social relations influence international media systems, international development projects, and the global flow of information.
Prerequisite: Either 18 hours of MCFL, or 18 hours of MCPD, or 18 hours of MCPA, or 18 hours of MCJR plus, a score of 80 or higher on Grammar Module.

MCOM 4395. Professional Capstone in Film & Media. 3 Hours.

Students explore paths to employment in the film and media industries including building a professional portfolio, creating a social media presence, preparing for and conducting themselves during professional interviews, handling rejection and exploring nontraditional routes to successful careers in film and media industries.
Prerequisite: Senior standing.

MCOM 4398. Professional Internship. 3 Hours.

On-the-job application of skills and knowledge learned in the classroom for students who have completed their sophomore year, completed appropriate courses, and achieved an acceptable GPA. Internships may be with print media, electronic media, agencies, institutions, businesses, non-profit groups, or government agencies. MCOM and AGCO majors only.
Prerequisite: Either 18 hours of MCFL, or 18 hours of MCPD, or 18 hours of MCPA, and a score of 80 or higher on the Grammar Module.