French (FREN)
FREN 1411. Elementary French. 4 Hours.
Students who have no previous instruction in French study an introduction to French pronunciation, vocabulary, and basic language codes stressing an oral approach to the language with special emphasis on conversation and oral drill. A weekly one-hour language laboratory is required. Competent speakers of French or those with considerable knowledge of the language should take the CLEP prior to registering. Grade of C or better required in FREN 1411 in order to continue to FREN 1412. Instruction is in French.
FREN 1412. Elementary French. 4 Hours.
This course is a continuation of FREN 1411. Students discuss and drill language codes with more complexity. Stress is placed on aural and oral skills. A one-hour language laboratory period weekly is required. Competent speakers of French or those with considerable knowledge of the language should take the CLEP prior to registering. Instruction is in French.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in FREN 1411 or equivalent.
FREN 2311. Intermediate French I. 3 Hours. [TCCN: FREN 2311]
A continuation of FREN 1412. Students study readings of medium difficulty as a basis for reading and aural comprehension as well as for oral communication. Competent speakers of French or those with considerable knowledge of the language should take the CLEP prior to registering. Instruction is in French.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in FREN 1411 and FREN 1412 or equivalent.
FREN 2312. Intermediate French II. 3 Hours. [TCCN: FREN 2312]
A continuation of FREN 2311. Students focus on practical needs for communication. Competent speakers of French or those with considerable knowledge of the language should take the CLEP prior to registering. Instruction is in French.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in FREN 1411, FREN 1412, and FREN 2311 or equivalent.
FREN 3362. Survey of French Literature I. 3 Hours.
Students in this course examine topics and texts in French literature from pre-medieval to the seventeenth centuries. Students read, analyze and discuss the texts that have shaped European history, society, and culture. Instruction is in French.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in FREN 1411, FREN 1412, FREN 2311, and FREN 2312 or equivalent.
FREN 3363. Survey of French Literature II. 3 Hours.
Students in this course examine topics and texts in French literature from the eighteenth century to the present. Students read, analyze, and discuss the texts in French that have shaped European history and society, and culture. Instruction is in French.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in FREN 1411, FREN 1412, FREN 2311, and FREN 2312 or equivalent.
FREN 3365. French Grammar And Stylistics. 3 Hours.
Students focus on fluent usage of oral and written French. Students intensively study selected written work with the purpose of mastering mid-level proficiency skills. Instruction is in French.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in FREN 1411, FREN 1412, FREN 2311, and FREN 2312 or equivalent.
FREN 3367. French Phonetics and Conversation. 3 Hours.
Students study the basic theory of French pronunciation and intonation. With ample opportunity for drill, students achieve an intermediate level of oral proficiency. Instruction is in French.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in FREN 1411, FREN 1412, FREN 2311, and FREN 2312 or equivalent.
FREN 3380. French Culture & Civilization. 3 Hours.
Students portray the overall picture of the role played by French culture and civilization throughout the world. This course will provide cultural background for French majors or minors. Instruction is in French.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in FREN 1411, FREN 1412, FREN 2311, and FREN 2312 or equivalent.
FREN 4075. Individual French Readings. 1-6 Hours.
Individual students who may need study of a particular era or genre or author can enroll. Enrollment in this course is restricted and approval for such must be obtained from the Program Coordinator. The course may be repeated for credit as content varies. Variable Credit (1-3). Course Equivalents: FREN 4375
Prerequisite: Advanced standing in French or consent of instructor and department chair.
FREN 4364. Modern French Usage and Conversation. 3 Hours.
Students of all levels, including those seeking oral proficiency focus on extemporaneous speech and conversation dealing with modern topics. Instruction is in French.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in FREN 1411, FREN 1412, FREN 2311, and FREN 2312 or equivalent.
FREN 4370. Seminar in Selected Topics of Literacy, Language, and Civilization. 3 Hours.
Students conduct an in-depth study of a selected topic by which French majors and minors, tracking specific skills, may acquire the necessary knowledge of francophone culture and/or the ability to speak, read, and write the French language at an advanced level. The topic to be explored will change from semester to semester. The course may be repeated for credit as the content varies.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in FREN 1411, FREN 1412, FREN 2311, and FREN 2312 or equivalent.
FREN 4377. French for Business Communication. 3 Hours.
Students focus on vocabulary, expressions and language used in oral and written business communication in French. Instruction is in French.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in FREN 1411, FREN 1412, FREN 2311, and FREN 2312 or equivalent.
FREN 4379. Francophone Literature. 3 Hours.
Students survey the major topics in Francophone literatures and film from the French-speaking regions of the world. Instruction is in French.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in FREN 1411, FREN 1412, FREN 2311, and FREN 2312 or equivalent.
FREN 4380. French in North America. 3 Hours.
Students examine linguistic variations of French in North America by examining phonological, lexical, syntactic, and morphological variations. North American Francophone communities, such as Quebec, Caribbean Islands (e.g., Martinique, Guadeloupe, Haiti), and Louisiana, are examined through history, social context, political situations, and demographic context. Instruction is in French.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in FREN 1411, FREN 1412, FREN 2311, and FREN 2312 or equivalent.
FREN 4381. Translation and Interpretation. 3 Hours.
Students examine translation and interpretation strategies from French into English and vice-versa. Students analyze and practice methods, techniques, and practical situations where French translation and interpretation into English, and English translation and interpretation into French, are required for communication. Instruction is in French.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in FREN 1411, FREN 1412, FREN 2311, and FREN 2312 or equivalent.
FREN 4382. French for Healthcare. 3 Hours.
Students examine vocabulary and idiomatic expressions used in healthcare. Students acquire fluency in oral and written French in topics relevant to healthcare professionals, such as the human body, diseases, illnesses, therapies, medication, and healthcare administration. Instruction is in French.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in FREN 1411, FREN 1412, FREN 2311, and FREN 2312 or equivalent.