Fashion Merchandising (FAMD)

FAMD 1332. Introduction to Fashion Merchandising. 3 Hours.

Students examine the history, characteristics, and global interrelationships of all segments of the fashion industry; and identify how fashion is conceived, marketed, and sold. Students learn and demonstrate knowledge of the evolving nature of the fashion business as they relate to the four levels of the fashion industry which include the Primary, Secondary, Retail, and Auxiliary Levels of Merchandising. Students are also introduced to fashion related terminology, resources, processes, practices, industry participants, and career opportunities. Course Equivalents: FACS 1332 .

FAMD 1369. Introduction to Textiles. 3 Hours.

This course provides an introduction to fiber science and technological advances in the manufacture of textile products. It focuses on the complex interrelationships of fibers, yarns, fabrics, finishes, and coloring processes. Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 1369, FACS 2369 .

FAMD 2333. Fashion Merchandising Technology. 3 Hours.

Students explore fashion merchandising ­and design-related software and technologies used in the fashion and retailing industries. Students are introduced to the computer as a creative tool to upgrade and maintain their skills with the current industry standards. The latest software is taught with an emphasis on fashion industry applications. Course Equivalents: FACS 2333
Prerequisite: FAMD 1332.

FAMD 2366. Fashion in Society. 3 Hours.

Basic fashion theory is studied along with theories of dress and adornment from both psychological and sociological perspectives. The course also examines the individual's attitudes toward and perceptions of personal dress and the appearance of others. Offered fall semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 2366 .

FAMD 2375. Fashion Promotion. 3 Hours.

Promotion principles are applied to the merchandising of fashion goods through special events, displays of merchandise, and advertising and personal selling. Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 2375, FACS 3378
Prerequisite: FAMD 1332.

FAMD 3325. Digital Fashion Retailing. 3 Hours.

Students employ the principles of omni-channel retailing through the development and management of layered, digitally connected, and coordinated shopping experiences. Settings include retail channels such as brick and mortar, catalog, e-commerce, and mobile with a focus on the customer experience. Students also identify effective interactive marketing strategies, including social media and search engine optimization as they design integrated marketing strategies across various digital platforms. Offered in summer only. Course Equivalents: FACS 3325
Prerequisite: FAMD 1332 and FAMD 2333.

FAMD 3348. Buying I Merchandise Control. 3 Hours.

Techniques of merchandise control including retail mathematics involved in markup, markdown, stock control, open-to-buy, inventory control, pricing and financial statements are studied. Consideration is given to managerial decisions based on the mathematical information encountered in retailing. Taken prior to HUSC 4369 Internship. Offered fall semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 3348, FACS 3363, FACS 4363
Prerequisite: FAMD 1332 and FAMD 2333.

FAMD 3368. Fashion Forecasting. 3 Hours.

Students gain a comprehensive understanding of fashion product trends, including researching and interpreting fashion direction, analyzing comparable market offerings, and developing color, style and fabric trends. Customer shopping preferences, revenue optimization, global collaboration, and selling innovation are explored through creative problem-solving. Course Equivalents: FACS 3368
Prerequisite: FAMD 1332 and FAMD 2366.

FAMD 3371. Fashion Merchandising Management. 3 Hours.

This course addresses fundamental principles for successful merchandising of fashion goods, including sales, buying, and marketing procedures. Analysis of consumer and customer demands also are explored. Taken prior to HUSC 4369 Internship. (3-0). Offered fall semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 3371
Prerequisite: FAMD 2375.

FAMD 3375. Fashion Brand Management. 3 Hours.

Students will develop, build, and sustain a consistent fashion brand strategy. Students will employ creative thinking skills in communicating strategic and engaging brand experiences, promotions, and content specific for fashion products. Students explore multiple types of fashion branding strategies, from luxury brands to mass-market brands. Course Equivalents: FACS 3375
Prerequisite: FAMD 2333 and FAMD 2375.

FAMD 4329. Global Issues in Fashion. 3 Hours.

Students examine the global nature and scope of the production and distribution of fashion goods. Students evaluate current political, social, and economic developments within the international marketplace and develop strategies to address challenges that face the global fashion industry. Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 4329
Prerequisite: FAMD 3371.

FAMD 4348. Buying II: Planning & Allocation. 3 Hours.

Students examine and interpret the influence of merchandise planning and allocation on retail profit and analyze buying patterns and trends. Students develop merchandise plans and strategies for appropriate allocation of inventory. The roles and responsibilities of fashion merchandising buyers, planners, and allocators are explored. Course Equivalents: FACS 4348
Prerequisite: FAMD 2333 and FAMD 3348.

FAMD 4359. Fashion Innovation and Creativity. 3 Hours.

Students use design-based thinking to engage with the unique challenges of product innovation and processes. Students work in cross-functional teams to develop creative innovation strategies applied to the fashion system framework to impact and drive positive change. Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 4359
Prerequisite: FAMD 3368.

FAMD 4367. Seminar in Clothing, Textiles, and Merchandising. 3 Hours.

This course consists of inquiry in special areas of the fashion industry: marketing, production, consumption, socioeconomic and behavioral aspects of consumers. This course also will explore the link between the fashion industry and the physical and mental well-being of producers and consumers of fashion goods. Offered fall semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 4367
Prerequisite: FAMD 2366, FAMD 3325.