Equine Science (EQSC)
EQSC 2364. Equine Science. 3 Hours.
Students engage in a survey of the working and pleasure horse industry; breed selection, breeding, feeding, diseases, unsoundness, and management. Laboratory work involves evaluation, care and grooming, tack and equipment, and basic management. Course Equivalents: AGRI 2364, AGRI 3364
Prerequisite: ANSC 1319 with a grade of C or better.
EQSC 2365. Equine Safety and Handling. 3 Hours.
Students gain knowledge and skills in the proper techniques and behavior when working around horses safely and effectively. Topics include animal and human behavior, handling, and human-animal interaction techniques, controlling and manipulating horse movement, health and animal well-being assessment, and basic management strategies and techniques.
Prerequisite: ANSC 1319 with a grade of C or better.
EQSC 2390. Selection and Evaluation of Horses. 3 Hours.
This course allows the student to become familiar with the basic concepts necessary to select and evaluate horses from a judge's perspective. Evaluation of conformation, balance, symmetry, cadence, suppleness, and impulsion is used to understand these concepts. The ability to prepare and present oral and written reasons to support critical thinking and decision-making skills is reviewed. Course Equivalents: AGRI 2390 .
EQSC 2396. Special Topic. 3 Hours.
Students examine special topics/issues in Equine Science at an introductory level. This course may be repeated up to three times as topics and subject matter changes.
EQSC 3340. Equine Behavior & Training I. 3 Hours.
This course will aid in developing skills to increase horsemanship ability and knowledge so that the student can more effectively communicate with the young horse. The fundamentals of equine behavior are studied. Ground training methods are applied to teach the young horse discipline while increasing the training and value of the horse. Stable management, equipment, and pedigrees will also be discussed. Course Equivalents: AGRI 3340
Prerequisite: EQSC 2364.
EQSC 3355. Foaling Practicum. 3 Hours.
Students engage in practical, hands-on experiences of foaling mares. Endocrinology of parturition, nutritional management of mares and foals, and rebreeding management of post-partum mares are examined.
Prerequisite: EQSC 2364.
EQSC 4096. Directed Study. 1-6 Hours.
Arranged professional and developmental learning experiences incorporating a practical application of equine skills and practices. Topics may include internships, individual research, and industry studies. Variable Credit (1-6).
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.
EQSC 4367. Stock Horse Equitation. 3 Hours.
The course will be an in-depth study of equitation including simple and advanced maneuvers that are essential to various types of equine performance events. Students will be expected to strengthen communication skills between horse and rider through various exercises. The university equestrian team will be developed from this course. Junior standing. Course Equivalents: AGRI 4367
Prerequisite: EQSC 3340.
EQSC 4369. Special Topic. 3 Hours.
Students examine special topics/issues in Equine Science at an advanced level. This course may be repeated up to three times as topics and subject matter change.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
EQSC 4373. Equine Reproduction. 3 Hours.
Students explore the general principles and applications of equine reproduction is presented. Course material may include reproductive anatomy of the mare and the stallion and endocrinology as related to reproduction. Course Equivalents: AGRI 4373
Prerequisite: EQSC 2364 and Junior standing.
EQSC 4379. Equine Nutrition. 3 Hours.
Students engage in an overall evaluation of the equine digestive system, in regards to anatomy, physiology, digestive processes, nutrient requirements, feedstuffs, management, and health care. Current topics in equine nutrition research are also discussed. Junior standing. Course Equivalents: AGRI 4379
Prerequisite: EQSC 2364.
EQSC 4387. Equine Exercise Physiology. 3 Hours.
Students examine current concepts and research regarding physiological changes occurring during the training and conditioning of horses for athletic endeavors. Topics may include the industries of horse sales, training, physical rehabilitation, veterinary medicine, types of tack, and equipment used in training, among others.
Prerequisite: EQSC 2364 and EQSC 4379.
EQSC 4391. Equine Behavior & Training II. 3 Hours.
Students study equine behavior, safety, and training techniques. Laboratory work involves planning record keeping systems, feeding schedules, tack and equipment, training young stock for work and pleasure, and specialized management practices. Course Equivalents: AGRI 4391
Prerequisite: EQSC 3340 and Junior standing.