Business Analysis (BANA)
BANA 2372. Business Analysis. 3 Hours. [TCCN: BUSI 2305]
An introduction to the use of business statistics. Topics include: data visualization, descriptive statistics, probability, discrete and continuous distributions, statistical modeling, sampling distributions, and statistical inference.
Prerequisite: MATH 1314 or MATH 1324 or MATH 1410 or MATH 1420.
BANA 3363. Inter Business Analysis. 3 Hours.
This course is a continuation of BANA 2372 and is designed to introduce the use of statistics as a business tool in the face of incomplete knowledge. Students will learn the following topics in this course: estimation, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, goodness-of-fit measures, correlation, simple and multiple regression.
Prerequisite: BANA 2372 or MATH 1342.
BANA 4080. Independent Study. 3 Hours.
The credit in this course varies according to the work performed. The student may pursue special studies for which a special course is not organized. Variable Credit (1 to 3).
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.
BANA 4365. Introduction To Business Forecasting & Economics. 3 Hours.
In this course, students will apply statistical methods for business and economic forecasting and for hypothesis testing, estimation, and analyzing economic data. Course Equivalents: ECON 4365
Prerequisite: 42 completed hours and ECON 2301 and ECON 2302 and BANA 3363 or MATH/STAT 3379.
BANA 4373. Advanced Business Analytics for Economics and Business. 3 Hours.
Students learn how to analyze business data using advanced statistical methods, tools and software. Topics include data preparation, data visualization, and deployment of automated analytics pipelines using the appropriate computer software.
Prerequisite: BANA 2372 or MATH 1342.