Agricultural Sciences (AGRI)
AGRI 1131. Introduction to Professional Leadership Skills. 1 Hour. [TCCN: AGRI 1131]
Students explore career options available to professionals in agricultural sciences, education, and business. Specific requirements for the various professions are discussed by a series of guest speakers. Course is intended for beginning students.
AGRI 1309. Computers in Agriculture. 3 Hours. [TCCN: AGRI 1309]
This course is designed to acquaint students with software applications useful to agriculture and how various technological advances are applied in modern agricultural enterprises.
AGRI 2396. Topics in Agriculture. 3 Hours.
Students examine special topics/issues in agriculture at an introductory level. Topics may be offered in: Agriculture, Animal Science, Agricultural Business, Horticulture and Plant Science, Agricultural Communications, and Agricultural Engineering Technology. This course may be repeated up to three times as topics and subject matter change.
AGRI 4096. Independent Studies. 1-3 Hours.
Arranged professional and developmental learning experiences incorporating a practical application of agricultural skills and practices. To include internships, individual research, and industry studies. Course may be repeated for credit, max 6. Course Equivalents: AGRI 4396
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.
AGRI 4100. Applied Agricultural Technology. 1 Hour.
Arranged developmental learning experiences incorporating an application of agricultural skills and practices in an emphasis area of the student's choice. Individual study plans are devised by faculty to provide the student with broad-based knowledge.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.
AGRI 4120. Professional Career Skills. 1 Hour.
Students engage in a review of current careers in agriculture with emphasis on professional and managerial opportunities. Topics may include preparation of resume, interview skills, and other means of professional communication.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
AGRI 4341. Brewing Technology. 3 Hours.
Students examine the use of barley, hops, yeast, and other ingredients in craft brewing production. Biological and chemical processes in preparing, cooking, and fermenting brewed beverages are studied. Beer styles and quality influenced by ingredients, cooking, fermentation, and storage will be examined. Students improve sensory perception of craft beer.
Prerequisite: PLSC 1307 and CHEM 1406 or CHEM 1407 or CHEM 1411 or CHEM 1412 and Approval of instructor.
AGRI 4350. Agricultural Biosecurity. 3 Hours.
Students study the potential spread and prevalence of contagious organisms, reproductive diseases and contaminants in the agriculture, food, fiber, and natural resource industries. Concepts dealing with isolation, resistance, sanitation, containment, transportation, and food safety issues and potential economic impact to the agricultural industry and others are major topics.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
AGRI 4364. International Agriculture. 3 Hours.
Students gain a global perspective of production agriculture, marketing, food supply chain, international trade, political and economic influences on world food and fiber production and distribution systems. May be taken for repeated credit as the curriculum may vary based upon location.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing, faculty approval.
AGRI 4369. Special Topics in Agriculture. 3 Hours.
Students examine special topics/issues in Agricultural Science at an advanced level. This course may be repeated up to three times as topics and subject matter change.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
AGRI 4371. Agricultural Safety & Health. 3 Hours.
Students examine the hazards and necessary safety precautions associated with the food, fiber, natural resources, and agricultural industry. Control strategies are explored and prevention methods identified. Hazards examined include machinery, livestock, controlled spaces, pesticides, and other issues common to the food, fiber, natural resources and agricultural industry.
Prerequisite: AGET 2303 or ETEC 1390 or ETDD 1361 and Junior standing.
AGRI 4388. Principles of Agriculture Leadership & Community Development. 3 Hours.
Students examine the characteristics of leadership theory, parliamentary procedure, personal development, and organizational structure.
Prerequisite: Junior standing or higher.