Bachelor of Science, Major in Public Health: 4+1 MPH

The accelerated Bachelor of Science in Public Health: 4+1 Master Public Health degree program option is an innovative program that allows undergraduate students to complete both Baccalaureate and Master’s degrees in five rather than six years. The degree is also market driven with flexible scheduling that prepares students to enter the public health workforce in an expedited manner.

The 4+1 MPH program includes 120 credit hours for the BS degree (108 hours of undergraduate courses + 12 hours of graduate level courses) AND 30 additional hours of graduate level courses to obtain a combined BS and MPH degree. Students need to complete a minimum of 90 hours in their undergraduate program to apply for the 4+1 program. Accepted students can start taking graduate level courses in their Senior year of their undergraduate programs.

The criteria for admission into the accelerated 4+1 MPH degree program are detailed below:

  • Successfully have completed a minimum of 90 hours of undergraduate courses in a degree that is complementary to the field of public health.
  • Earned a GPA of 3.00 or greater in major courses.
  • Complete the application requirements for the MPH program.  The Admissions Application is submitted online through Apply Texas.
  • Application Fee.
  • Three letters of recommendation (from professors and/or employers).
  • A written summary (minimum of 500 words) on why you seek an MPH and how you plan to use the degree.
  • A resume (to include all professional, employment, and volunteer activities).
  • Participate in an interview with the MPH admissions committee.
Bachelor of Science, Major in Public Health: 4+1 MPH
Core Curriculum
Component Area I (Communication)6
Component Area II (Mathematics) 13
Component Area III (Life and Physical Science) 28
Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture)3
Component Area V (Creative Arts)3
Component Area VI (U.S. History)6
Component Area VII (Political Science/Government)6
Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences) 33
Component Area IX (Component Area Option) 44
Degree Specific Requirements
BIOL 2403Human Anatomy & Physiology I 24
BIOL 2404Human Anatomy & Physiology II 24
CHEM 1406Inorganic & Environmental Chemistry 24
or CHEM 1411 General Chemistry I
FSCN 2362Nutrition3
KINE 2115Lifetime Health and Wellness 41
MATH 1314Pre Calculus Algebra 13
or MATH 1410 Elementary Functions
or MATH 1420 Calculus I
MATH 1370Introduction to Biomedical Statistics3
PSYC 1301Introduction To Psychology 33
Major: Foundation
HLTH 1360The Fundamentals of Health Promotion and Health Careers3
HLTH 2383Multicultural Health Issues3
HLTH 2391Human Diseases3
HLTH 3350Principles of Public Health3
HLTH 3392Health Communication and Literacy3
HLTH 4360Research Methods/Statistics 53
HLTH 4380Global Health3
HLTH 4387Community Health3
HLTH 4393Professional Preparation for Health Careers3
HLTH 4394Internship Program 53
Major: Prescribed Electives
Bachelor of Science Prescribed Electives 626
4+1 MPH 7
HLTH 5318Current Topics in Environmental Health3
HLTH 5353Epidemiology3
HLTH 5355Health Services Administration3
HLTH 5361Social and Behavioral Determinants of Public Health3
HLTH 5376Public Health Biostatistics3
HLTH 6352Public Health Grant Writing3
HLTH 6396Health Program Planning/ Pre-Capstone3
HLTH 6397Public Health Capstone / Practicum3
Required Concentration Courses
Choose one of the following Concentrations: 812
Global Health and Social Justice
Public Health and Social Justice
Immigrant and Refugee Health
Global Health Partnerships 5
Health Care Policy
Health Education and Promotion
Foundations of Community Health
Human Ecology
Communication Theory and Practice for Health Professionals
Research Seminar
Thesis OR Prescribed Electives 6
Thesis I
Thesis II
MPH Prescribed Electives
Master of Public Health Prescribed Electives 9
Total Hours150

Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area II (Mathematics).


Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area III (Life and Physical Science).


Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences).


Satisfies one hour of the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IX (Component Area Option).


Courses listed under two requirements may only be taken once and may only fulfill one requirement.


See BS Prescribed Electives course listing below. 


Students need to complete a minimum of 90 hours in their undergraduate program to apply for the 4+1 MPH program.


All required Concentration courses (12 SCH) must be taken from one concentration -- either Global Health and Social Justice OR Health Education and Promotion.


See MPH Prescribed Electives course listing below. 

Undergraduate/Graduate Course Crosswalk
The undergraduate course requirements identified below are satisfied by the corresponding (row) graduate courses identified below.
Undergraduate Level Courses
HLTH 3355United States Health Care Systems (satisfied by HLTH 5355)3
HLTH 3360Epidemiology (satisfied by HLTH 5353)3
HLTH 3361Health Planning & Evaluation (satisfied by HLTH 5361)3
HLTH 4390Environmental Health (satisfied by HLTH 5318)3
Graduate Level Course Replacements
HLTH 5355Health Services Administration3
HLTH 5353Epidemiology3
HLTH 5361Social and Behavioral Determinants of Public Health3
HLTH 5318Current Topics in Environmental Health3
BS Prescribed Electives 6
Select 26 hours of the following (9 hours must be 3000 or 4000 level):
BIOL 1401Environmental Science4
BIOL 2420Introduction to Applied Microbiology4
ENGL 3330Introduction to Technical Writing3
FSCN 3339Community Nutrition3
HLTH 1366Lifestyle and Wellness3
HLTH 2372Health & Medical Terminology3
HLTH 3380Drug Use and Abuse3
HLTH 3385Safety Education3
HLTH 3390Family Life & Sex Education3
HLTH 4117Practicum1
HLTH 4360Research Methods/Statistics 53
HLTH 4363Interventions for Wellness3
HLTH 4365Health Care Policy3
HLTH 4366Health Informatics3
HLTH 4367Economics for Health Managers3
HLTH 4371Patient Navigation3
HLTH 4375Health Laws and Ethics3
HLTH 4392Problems in Health3
HLTH 4394Internship Program 53
HLTH 4395Special Topics in Health3
KINE 2330First Aid and CPR - American Red Cross3
KINE 3362Functional Kinesiology3
KINE 3373Physiology of Exercise3
KINE 4361Managing Health Promotion in the Workplace3
KINE 4365Directing Wellness Programs3
MATH 1316Plane Trigonometry3
MCPA 4381Social Marketing for Public Relations and Advertising3
PHYS 1101General Physics Laboratory I1
PHYS 1301General Physics-Mechanics and Heat3
POLS 3335Political Ethnic Minorities and Gender3
POLS 3366Public Administration3
PSYC 3331Abnormal Psychology3
PSYC 3333Physiological Psychology3
PSYC 3374Development Psychology3
SOCI 1301Introduction to Sociology3
SOCI 3365Sociology Of Health & Illness3
SOCI 4334Sociology Of Disaster3
SOCI 4338Social Gerontology3
VCST 4338Child Abuse And Neglect3
Or other courses approved by Department
MPH Prescribed Electives 8
Choose two courses from the appropriate Concentration Prescribed Electives course lists below:
Global Health and Social Justice
HLTH 5317Case Studies in Occupational Epidemiology3
HLTH 5373Risk Management in Health Care Organizations3
HLTH 5378Health Care Informatics3
HLTH 5380Global Health Partnerships 53
HLTH 6371Advanced Concepts in Health Care Quality3
SCST 5335Global Perspectives in Homeland Security3
SOCI 5338Sociology of Disasters3
SOCI 5355Seminar in Social Inequality3
Graduate level courses in related disciplines approved by the Graduate Program Coordinator3-6
Health Education and Promotion
HLTH 5333Colloquium in Human Sexuality3
HLTH 5334Colloquium in Use and Abuse of Drugs3
HLTH 5338Colloquium in Consumer Health Education3
HLTH 5350Public Health and Social Justice3
HLTH 5351Immigrant and Refugee Health3
HLTH 5363Management and Leadership for Health Professionals3
HLTH 5365Aging and Health Promotion3
HLTH 5378Health Care Informatics3
HLTH 5380Global Health Partnerships3
HLTH 6365Health Care Policy3
SOCI 5322Seminar In Medical Sociology3
Graduate level courses in related disciplines approved by the Graduate Program Coordinator3-6


Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.00 to remain in the 4+1 MPH program.

Students must earn a 2.75 minimum overall GPA in all coursework to complete the BS in Public Health degree.

Students must meet a 2.75 minimum overall major GPA in all major coursework to complete the BS in Public Health degree.

Students must earn a 2.75 minimum SHSU GPA in all coursework to complete the BS in Public Health degree.

Students must meet a 2.75 minimum SHSU major GPA in all major coursework to complete the BS in Public Health degree.

The 4+1 MPH program includes 120 credit hours for the BS degree (108 hours of undergraduate courses + 12 hours of graduate level courses) AND 30 additional hours of graduate level courses to obtain a combined BS and MPH degree.

Students need to complete a minimum of 90 hours in their undergraduate program to apply for the 4+1 program.

Accepted students can start taking graduate level courses in their Senior year of their undergraduate programs.

Students will enroll in HLTH 6396 the first semester of year four and enroll in HLTH 6397 in Spring of year five.

Thesis I and Thesis II replace the Prescribed Electives in the MPH degree plan.

Courses listed under two requirements may only be taken once and may only fulfill one requirement.

First Year
BIOL 240314Component Area IV3 
CHEM 1406 or 141114ENGL 130223 
ENGL 130123HSTY 130153 
KINE 211531HLTH 13603 
MATH 1314, 1410, or 142043MATH 13703 
 15 15 
Second Year
BIOL 240414Component Area IX3 
HSTY 130253BS Prescribed Electives83 
HLTH 23913FSCN 23623 
POLS 230563HLTH 23833 
PSYC 130173POLS 230663 
 16 15 
Third Year
Component Area V3BS Prescribed Electives812BS Prescribed Electives88
BS Prescribed Electives83HLTH 436093HLTH 439493
HLTH 33503HLTH 43933 
HLTH 33923  
HLTH 43803  
HLTH 43873  
 18 18 11
Fourth Year
HLTH 53553HLTH 53183Concentration Course 1103
HLTH 53613HLTH 53533Thesis I or MPH Prescribed Electives11, 123
HLTH 63963HLTH 53763 
 9 9 6
Fifth Year
Concentration Course 2103Concentration Course 3103 
HLTH 63523Concentration Course 4103 
Thesis II or MPH Prescribed Electives11, 123HLTH 63973 
 9 9 
Total Hours: 150

Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area III (Life and Physical Science).


Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area I (Communication).


Satisfies one hour of the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IX (Component Area Option).


Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area II (Mathematics).


Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area VI (U.S. History).


Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area VII (Political Science/Government).


Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Science).


See BS Prescribed Electives course listing below.


Courses listed under two requirements may only be taken once and may only fulfill one requirement.


See Concentration course listing below.


See MPH Prescribed Electives course listing below.


HLTH 6098 (Thesis I) and HLTH 6099 (Thesis II) replace the MPH Prescribed Electives in the MPH degree plan.

Undergraduate/Graduate Course Crosswalk
The undergraduate courses identified below are being replaced by the corresponding (row) graduate courses identified below.
Undergraduate Level Courses
HLTH 3355United States Health Care Systems3
HLTH 3360Epidemiology3
HLTH 3361Health Planning & Evaluation3
HLTH 4390Environmental Health3
Graduate Level Course Replacements
HLTH 5355Health Services Administration3
HLTH 5353Epidemiology3
HLTH 5361Social and Behavioral Determinants of Public Health3
HLTH 5318Current Topics in Environmental Health3
BS Prescribed Electives 8
Select 26 hours of the following (9 hours must be 3000 or 4000 level):
BIOL 1401Environmental Science4
BIOL 2420Introduction to Applied Microbiology4
ENGL 3330Introduction to Technical Writing3
FSCN 3339Community Nutrition3
HLTH 1366Lifestyle and Wellness3
HLTH 2372Health & Medical Terminology3
HLTH 3380Drug Use and Abuse3
HLTH 3385Safety Education3
HLTH 3390Family Life & Sex Education3
HLTH 4117Practicum1
HLTH 4360Research Methods/Statistics 93
HLTH 4363Interventions for Wellness3
HLTH 4365Health Care Policy3
HLTH 4366Health Informatics3
HLTH 4367Economics for Health Managers3
HLTH 4371Patient Navigation3
HLTH 4375Health Laws and Ethics3
HLTH 4392Problems in Health3
HLTH 4394Internship Program 93
HLTH 4395Special Topics in Health3
KINE 2330First Aid and CPR - American Red Cross3
KINE 3362Functional Kinesiology3
KINE 3373Physiology of Exercise3
KINE 4361Managing Health Promotion in the Workplace3
KINE 4365Directing Wellness Programs3
MATH 1316Plane Trigonometry3
MCPA 4381Social Marketing for Public Relations and Advertising3
PHYS 1101General Physics Laboratory I1
PHYS 1301General Physics-Mechanics and Heat3
POLS 3335Political Ethnic Minorities and Gender3
POLS 3336The Presidency and Executives3
PSYC 3331Abnormal Psychology3
PSYC 3333Physiological Psychology3
PSYC 3374Development Psychology3
SOCI 1301Introduction to Sociology3
SOCI 3365Sociology Of Health & Illness3
SOCI 4334Sociology Of Disaster3
SOCI 4338Social Gerontology3
VCST 4338Child Abuse And Neglect3
Or other courses approved by Department
Required Concentration Courses: Global Health and Social Justice 10
HLTH 5350Public Health and Social Justice3
HLTH 5351Immigrant and Refugee Health3
HLTH 5380Global Health Partnerships 93
HLTH 6365Health Care Policy3
Total Hours12
Required Concentration Courses: Health Education and Promotion 10
HLTH 5331Foundations of Community Health3
HLTH 5332Human Ecology3
HLTH 5360Communication Theory and Practice for Health Professionals3
HLTH 5374Research Seminar3
Total Hours12
MPH Prescribed Electives 11
Choose two courses from the appropriate Concentration Prescribed Electives course lists below:
Global Health and Social Justice
HLTH 5317Case Studies in Occupational Epidemiology3
HLTH 5373Risk Management in Health Care Organizations3
HLTH 5378Health Care Informatics3
HLTH 5380Global Health Partnerships 93
HLTH 6371Advanced Concepts in Health Care Quality3
SCST 5335Global Perspectives in Homeland Security3
SOCI 5338Sociology of Disasters3
SOCI 5355Seminar in Social Inequality3
Graduate level courses in related disciplines approved by the Graduate Program Coordinator3-6
Health Education and Promotion
HLTH 5333Colloquium in Human Sexuality3
HLTH 5334Colloquium in Use and Abuse of Drugs3
HLTH 5338Colloquium in Consumer Health Education3
HLTH 5350Public Health and Social Justice3
HLTH 5351Immigrant and Refugee Health3
HLTH 5363Management and Leadership for Health Professionals3
HLTH 5365Aging and Health Promotion3
HLTH 5378Health Care Informatics3
HLTH 5380Global Health Partnerships3
HLTH 6365Health Care Policy3
SOCI 5322Seminar In Medical Sociology3
Graduate level courses in related disciplines approved by the Graduate Program Coordinator3-6


Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.00 to remain in the 4+1 MPH program.

Students must earn a 2.75 minimum overall GPA in all coursework to complete the BS in Public Health degree.

Students must meet a 2.75 minimum overall major GPA in all major coursework to complete the BS in Public Health degree.

Students must earn a 2.75 minimum SHSU GPA in all coursework to complete the BS in Public Health degree.

Students must meet a 2.75 minimum SHSU major GPA in all major coursework to complete the BS in Public Health degree.

The 4+1 MPH program includes 120 credit hours for the BS degree (108 hours of undergraduate courses + 12 hours of graduate level courses) AND 30 additional hours of graduate level courses to obtain a combined BS and MPH degree.

Students need to complete a minimum of 90 hours in their undergraduate program to apply for the 4+1 program.

Accepted students can start taking graduate level courses in their Senior year of their undergraduate programs.

Students will enroll in HLTH 6396 the first semester of year four and enroll in HLTH 6397 in Spring of year five.

Thesis I and Thesis II replace the Prescribed Electives in the MPH degree plan.

Courses listed under two requirements may only be taken once and may only fulfill one requirement.

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) marketable skills initiative is part of the state’s 60x30TX plan and was designed to help students articulate their skills to employers.  Marketable skills are those skills valued by employers and/or graduate programs that can be applied in a variety of work or education settings and may include interpersonal, cognitive, and applied skill areas.

The BS in Public Health: 4+1 MPH is designed to provide graduates with the following marketable skills:

  • Design a population-based policy, program, project, grant, and/or intervention in the field of Public Health.
  • Apply epidemiological methods to settings and situations in public health practice.
  • Assess population needs, assets, and capacities that affect communities’ health that employ awareness of cultural values.
  • Advocate for political, social, or economic policies and programs that will improve health in diverse populations.
  • Interpret results of data analysis for public health research, policy, or practice.
  • Compare the organization, structure, and function of health care, public health, and regulatory systems across national and international settings.
  • Communicate audience-appropriate (i.e., non-academic, non-peer audience) public health content, both in writing and through oral presentation.
  • Propose strategies to identify stakeholders and build coalitions and partnerships for influencing public health outcomes.