Bachelor of Science, Major in Environmental Science (Sustainability)

Additional information: Reference the Program Landing Page for additional information, such as cost, delivery format, contact information, or to schedule a visit. 

Bachelor of Science, Major in Environmental Science (Sustainability)
Core Curriculum
Component Area I (Communication)6
Component Area II (Mathematics) 13
Component Area III (Life and Physical Science) 28
Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture) 33
Component Area V (Creative Arts)3
Component Area VI (U.S. History)6
Component Area VII (Political Science/Government)6
Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences) 43
Component Area IX (Component Area Option) 54
Degree Specific Requirements
BIOL 1406General Biology I4
BIOL 1407General Biology II4
CHEM 1411General Chemistry I4
MATH 1314Pre Calculus Algebra 13
or MATH 1410 Elementary Functions
or MATH 1420 Calculus I
MATH 1342Elementary Statistics3
or MATH 3379 Statistical Methods in Practice
or STAT 3379 Statistical Methods in Practice
Major: Foundation
BIOL 1401Environmental Science 24
BIOL/GEOG 3320Sustainability & Environment3
BIOL 3409General Ecology4
BIOL 4374Biostatistics3
ECON 3352Energy and Environmental Economics 43
or GEOG 4351 Economic Geography
GEOG 1401Weather and Climate 24
GEOG 2464Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)4
GEOG 3310Sustainable Development3
GEOG 4330Hydrology and Water Resources3-4
or GEOG 4432 Geomorphology
GEOG 4331Conservation of Natural Resources3
GEOG 4361Geographic Information Systems for Public Health3-4
or GEOG 4365 Applied Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
or GEOG 4468 Remote Sensing
GEOL 1403Physical Geology4
or GEOL 1405 Geologic & Environmental Hazards
GEOL 3326Environmental Geology3
PLSC 3440Soil Science4
POLS 3395Environmental Policy3
SOCI 4337Environment And Society3
or COMS 3393 Environmental Communication
or SOCI 4334 Sociology Of Disaster
Major: Prescribed Advanced Electives
Select 17 hours from the following advanced electives:17
Soil & Water Conservation Engineering
Wildlife Biology
Aquatic Biology
Environmental Communication
Introduction to Technical Writing
Environmental Geography
Cultural Geography
Earth and Environment Seminar
Hydrology and Water Resources
Field Studies
Urban Geography
Population Geography
Cultural Field Study
Geographic Information Systems for Public Health
Applied Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Environmental and Geoscience Internship
Remote Sensing
Earth and Environment Seminar
Economic Geology
Environmental and Geoscience Internship
Environmental Health
Environmental Ethics
Soil Fertility Management and Fertilizers
Forage Crops and Pasture Management
Integrated Pest Management
Sociology Of Disaster
Environment And Society
Principles of Wildlife Management
Habitat & Pond Management
Minor: Not Required 6, 7
Total Hours120-122

Satisfies the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area II (Mathematics) and serves as a prerequisite for CHEM 1411 and BIOL 4374.


Satisfies the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area III (Life and Physical Science).


SOCI 2319 satisfies the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture) and serves as a prerequisite for SOCI 4337 and SOCI 4339.


ECON 2301 satisfies the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences) and serves as a prerequisite for ECON 3352.


GEOG 2355 or GEOG 2356 is recommended plus one semester credit hour.


A minor is not required for this degree program; however, a student has the option to add a minor, but to do so, additional semester credit hours will be needed above the degree program’s stated total semester credit hours. All minors can be paired with this degree program.


All minors can be paired with this degree program. 


Students must earn a 2.0 minimum overall GPA in all coursework. 

Students must meet a 2.0 minimum overall major GPA in all major coursework.

Students must earn a 2.0 minimum SHSU GPA in all coursework.

Students must meet a 2.0 minimum SHSU major GPA in all major coursework.

Additional information: Reference the Program Landing Page for additional information, such as cost, delivery format, contact information, or to schedule a visit. 

First Year
BIOL 140114Component Area IX1
ENGL 130123CHEM 14114
GEOG 140114ENGL 130223
HSTY 130133GEOL 1403 or 14054
MATH 131443HSTY 130233
 17 15
Second Year
Component Area V3Component Area IV73
Component Area VIII53Component Area IX83
BIOL 14064BIOL 14074
MATH 1342, 3379, or STAT 33793GEOG 24644
POLS 230563POLS 230663
 16 17
Third Year
BIOL 3320 or GEOG 33203ECON 3352 or GEOG 43513
BIOL 34094GEOG 4330 or 44323-4
GEOG 43313GEOL 33263
GEOG 4361, 4365, or 44683-4POLS 33953
 Prescribed Electives93
 13-14 15-16
Fourth Year
BIOL 43743Prescribed Electives910
GEOG 33103SOCI 4337, COMS 3393, or SOCI 43343
PLSC 34404 
Prescribed Electives94 
 14 13
Total Hours: 120-122

Satisfies the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area III (Life and Physical Science).


Satisfies the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area I (Communication).


Satisfies the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area VI (U.S. History).


Satisfies the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area II (Mathematics) and serves as a prerequisite for CHEM 1411 and BIOL 4374.


ECON 2301 satisfies the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences) and serves as a prerequisite for ECON 3352.


Satisfies the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area VII (Political Science/Government).


SOCI 2319 satisfies the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture) and serves as a prerequisite for SOCI 4337 and SOCI 4339.


GEOG 2355 or GEOG 2356 is recommended plus one semester credit hour. 


See Prescribed Advanced Electives (Environmental Science) course list below.

Prescribed Advanced Electives 917
Select 17 hours from the following advanced electives:
AGET 3383Soil & Water Conservation Engineering3
BIOL 3461Wildlife Biology4
BIOL 4330Aquatic Biology3
COMS 3393Environmental Communication3
ENGL 3330Introduction to Technical Writing3
GEOG 3301Environmental Geography3
GEOG 3340Meteorology3
GEOG 3342Climatology3
GEOG 3350Cultural Geography3
GEOG 4100Earth and Environment Seminar1
GEOG 4330Hydrology and Water Resources3
GEOG 4333Field Studies3
GEOG 4356Urban Geography3
GEOG 4357Population Geography3
GEOG 4360Cultural Field Study3
GEOG 4361Geographic Information Systems for Public Health3
GEOG 4365Applied Geographic Information Systems (GIS)3
GEOG 4399Environmental and Geoscience Internship3
GEOG 4432Geomorphology4
GEOG 4468Remote Sensing4
GEOL 3330Oceanography3
GEOL 4100Earth and Environment Seminar1
GEOL 4312Economic Geology3
GEOL 4399Environmental and Geoscience Internship3
GEOL 4426Hydrogeology4
HLTH 4390Environmental Health3
PHIL 4334Environmental Ethics3
PLSC 4330Soil Fertility Management and Fertilizers3
PLSC 4370Forage Crops and Pasture Management3
PLSC 4397Integrated Pest Management3
SOCI 4334Sociology Of Disaster3
SOCI 4337Environment And Society3
WMGT 2301Principles of Wildlife Management3
WMGT 3382Habitat & Pond Management3


Students must earn a 2.0 minimum overall GPA in all coursework. 

Students must meet a 2.0 minimum overall major GPA in all major coursework.

Students must earn a 2.0 minimum SHSU GPA in all coursework.

Students must meet a 2.0 minimum SHSU major GPA in all major coursework.

A minor is not required for this degree program; however, a student has the option to add a minor, but to do so, additional semester credit hours will be needed above the degree program’s stated total semester credit hours. All minors can be paired with this degree program.

All minors can be paired with this degree program. 

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) marketable skills initiative is part of the state’s 60x30TX plan and was designed to help students articulate their skills to employers.  Marketable skills are those skills valued by employers and/or graduate programs that can be applied in a variety of work or education settings and may include interpersonal, cognitive, and applied skill areas.

The BS in Environmental Science (Sustainability) is designed to provide graduates with the following marketable skills:

  • Use the scientific method to address environmental problems.
  • Think critically.
  • Generate and/or interpret geospatial data based geographic information systems (GIS) and/or remote sensing.
  • Apply knowledge of the environment and ecosystems to address environmental issues.
  • Interpret environmental policy to work within existing regulations.
  • Interdisciplinary problem solvers that can integrate Biology, Chemistry, Geoscience, and social science.