Minor in Sport Coaching

The Minor in Sport Coaching (SPCO) meets the needs of those interested in becoming coaches in professional, recreational, youth, and academic settings. The Minor in Sport Coaching provides foundational knowledge for any students who plan to coach in any setting. This minor also serves any Education double majors who intend to become teachers and coaches in the K-12 setting. The Minor in Sport Coaching may also be of interest to students who intend to coach at the collegiate level or outside of the K-12 setting. This minor can be paired with any degree, including a major in Kinesiology. All SPCO minors must earn a "C" or better for all KINE/ATTR courses.

Students who are Kinesiology and Education Double Majors will complete all SPCO courses as part of their degree and can apply for the SPCO certificate prior to graduation.

Most courses are offered both face-to-face and online. This minor can also be completed by those students who are 100% online.

Minor in Sport Coaching
Required Courses
ATTR 3370Prevention & Care of Injuries 13
KINE 3320Foundations of Sport Coaching3
KINE 3321Applied Kinesiology3
KINE 3372Sport Skills Analysis3
KINE 4335Sport and Exercise Psychology3
Prescribed Electives
Select 4 from the following: 24
Fundamentals of Basketball Coaching
Fundamentals of Volleyball Coaching
Fundamentals of Football Coaching
Fundamentals of Track & Field/Cross Country Coaching
Fundamentals of Baseball and Softball Coaching
Fundamentals of Soccer Coaching
Total Hours19

BIOL 2403 or KINE 3321 is a prerequisite for this course.  Please consider taking BIOL 2403 as one of your sciences. Reach out to the professor with any questions.


Each of the KINE 31XX Fundamentals of ... Coaching courses are five-week, online courses. Pay close attention to due dates of assignments.