Special Education (SPED)

SPED 5301. Education of Individuals with Disabilities. 3 Hours.

This course provides an introduction to the strengths and needs of persons with disabilities, with implications for identification and educational programming for regular and special educators. Legislation and case law addressing the rights of individuals with disabilities are discussed.

SPED 5302. Assessment in Special Education. 3 Hours.

This course addresses basic measurement principles, formal and informal assessment, and the connection of assessment to instruction. Students gain experience with diagnostic tools for assessing achievement, social behavior, adaptive behavior, language, and perceptual-motor skills.

SPED 5303. Study of Cognitive and Low Incidence Disabilities. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to provide an in-depth study of the strengths and needs of persons with intellectual disabilities and other low-incidence disabilities. Topics addressed include etiology, family partnerships, educational needs, inclusive programming, and transition issues across the lifespan.

SPED 5304. Teaching Methods for Learners with Mild to Moderate Disab. 3 Hours.

Course content centers upon a rationale for instruction of students with mild to moderate disabilities. Research-based assessment and instructional strategies are presented.

SPED 5305. Individual Assessment of Cognitive Functioning. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to acquaint students with the theory, problems, ethical standards, and techniques of administering individual tests of intelligence. Specifically, each student will learn to administer, score, and interpret the various cognitive assessments.

SPED 5306. Transition Services for Individuals with Disabilities. 3 Hours.

Students study current issues and practices related to transition services to address post-school outcomes in education and training, employment, and independent living. Course content and activities focus on transition program models, federal requirements for transition services, evidence-based practices and predictors for positive post-school transition outcomes, integrating transition into academics, and self-determination.

SPED 5307. Transition Assessment and Instruction. 3 Hours.

Students study the secondary transition assessment process for learners with disabilities including formal and informal transition assessments, functional vocational evaluations, and person- and family- centered planning. Transition assessment models for elementary, secondary, and 18-21 adult programs are addressed.

SPED 5308. Career Development & Employment for Youth with Disabilities. 3 Hours.

Students learn theories, practices, methods, and processes of career development and employment for youth and young adults with disabilities. Students gain knowledge and skills in career development techniques, work-based learning, collaboration with vocational rehabilitation, data collection for decision-making within special education transition programming designed to lead to employment.

SPED 5309. Leadership in Transition Services. 3 Hours.

Students study the role of secondary transition professionals. Topics addressed include collaboration, communication, leadership, conflict resolution, consultative skills, legislation and policy advocacy, state and national resources and organizations, grants for transition programming, and developing programs and relationships in the school district and community. A minimum of one field-based project will be implemented to bridge classroom theory to field-based practice.

SPED 6016. Workshop in Education. 1-3 Hours.

The topic(s) included will vary with academic program and semester offered. Variable Credit (1-3). Course Equivalents: SPED 6316 .

SPED 6088. Special Topics in Special Education. 3 Hours.

This course will examine special topics in the field of Special Education. / This course will examine special topics in the field of Special Education. / This course is designed for independent study of selected topics under the supervision of a faculty member. Variable Credit (1-3.)

SPED 6089. Independent Study in Special Education. 1-3 Hours.

This is a course designed for independent study of selected topics under the supervision of a faculty member. Variable Credit (1-3).
Prerequisite: Consent of Department Chair.

SPED 6301. Applied Behavior Analysis. 3 Hours.

This course presents basic principles, processes, and concepts in Applied Behavior Analysis. Applied project required.

SPED 6302. Seminar In Autism Spectrum Disorders. 3 Hours.

The course provides an overview of autism spectrum disorders, identification and etiology, and research-based programs and services for students identified with disabilities within the spectrum of autism.

SPED 6303. Behavioral Intervention and Change Procedures. 3 Hours.

This course presents an in-depth study of basic principles of Applied Behavior Analysis, behavioral interventions, and ethical considerations in applied settings.
Prerequisite: SPED 6301 .

SPED 6304. In-Home Training and Family Issues. 3 Hours.

This course has a focus on the diverse needs of children and families with exceptionalities. The course covers the interplay of diverse cultures, abilities, and communication within a context of professional collaboration.

SPED 6305. Study of Behavior Disorders in Children. 3 Hours.

This course focuses on theories, characteristics, and instruction for students with mild, moderate, and severe emotional and behavioral disorders. Issues involving definition, classification, and intervention for such disorders as aggression, autism, depression, and delinquency will be addressed.

SPED 6306. Evaluation and Measurement of Behavior. 3 Hours.

This course addresses ethical issues in research, single-subject experimental design, descriptive statistics, visual analysis, and interpretation of data. A research project is required.

SPED 6307. Behavioral Assessment Issues and Procedures. 3 Hours.

This course presents methods and procedures of Applied Behavior Analysis including antecedent manipulations, consequence manipulations, and teaching functionally equivalent responses. Behavior Analytic methods and curriculum for the education and treatment of children with disabilities will be emphasized. Ethics for behavioral intervention will be presented. Demonstration of behavioral methods and strategies required.
Prerequisite: SPED 6303.

SPED 6308. Practicum 1. 3 Hours.

Students gain direct experience in the use of curriculum, methods, and materials for learners with special needs. Additional topics include assessment, modifications, adaptations, learning strategies, direct instruction and collaboration.

SPED 6309. Internship. 3 Hours.

Students in the internship develop and implement multiple Behavior Analytic programs in applied settings under the supervision of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.
Prerequisite: SPED 6303, SPED 6306 and SPED 6307.

SPED 6310. Assessment of Young Children and Low Incidence Populations. 3 Hours.

This course provides instruction and practice in administration, scoring, interpretation, and reporting results of individual tests and assessments for young children, individuals with intellectual disabilities and persons with low-incidence disabilities. Informal techniques such as play-based assessment, portfolio assessment, and contextual assessment are presented.

SPED 6311. Seminar in Special Education. 3 Hours.

This course prepares students for the role of the educational diagnostician. Topics addressed include special education law, consultation and collaboration, second language learners with special needs, and research-based best practices in special education.

SPED 6312. Practicum 2. 3 Hours.

This course provides a field-based practicum under the direction of a certified educational diagnostician. It is designed to provide intensive study in the role of the educational diagnostician.

SPED 6313. Seminar in Language and Learning Disabilities. 3 Hours.

This course presents a study of the research and professional literature related to language and learning disabilities. An overview of math disabilities is also presented.

SPED 6314. Thesis I: Research Methods in Behavioral Analysis. 3 Hours.

Students conduct a literature review and develop a Behavior Analytic research proposal according to APA style for their masters thesis.

SPED 6315. Thesis II. 3 Hours.

Students collect and analyze experimental data and defend their research thesis.
Prerequisite: Admission to Candidacy, SPED 6314.

SPED 6317. Applied Research In Special Education. 3 Hours.

Current research issues in special education will be discussed, with emphasis on research in behavior analysis. Students will conduct an experimental research project, collect and analyze data, and present results. Students will also present research related to experimental project.
Prerequisite: SPED 6314.

SPED 6318. Ethics for Behavior Analysts. 3 Hours.

This course provides students with knowledge and skills to apply ethical standards to guide their professional practices as behavior analysts. Ethical standards and guidelines of professional organizations or agencies are presented, with in-depth study of the standards of Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), Association of Professional Behavior Analysts (APBA), and the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB).
Prerequisite: Admission to graduate studies.

SPED 6319. Bilingual Cognitive Assessment. 3 Hours.

This course provides students with the theory base, knowledge of current issues, and techniques of administering individual tests of cognitive ability. Emphasis is placed on assessment of dual-language individuals in a valid and ethical manner. Each student will learn to administer, score, and interpret current cognitive assessment data that are conducted in English and Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPED 5302 and approval of instructor.

SPED 6321. Outcomes in Behavioral Interventions. 3 Hours.

This course focuses on research-based strategies for improving outcomes in student behavior. Essential principles of the course include ethical conduct, functional behavior assessment, behavior analysis, data collection, and specifically designed research-based classroom interventions.

SPED 6322. Bilingual Special Education Assessment. 3 Hours.

This course addresses measurement principles, formal and informal assessment, and connecting assessment to instruction. Students gain experience with assessment of achievement skills in Spanish and English, social behavior, adaptive behavior, and perceptual-motor skills for English Language Learners (ELLs) to determine eligibility in Special Education.

SPED 6328. Practicum in Behavior Analysis. 3 Hours.

In this course students gain direct experience in the use of behavioral principles, methods, and materials for learners with and without special needs while under the direct supervision of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).
Prerequisite: SPED 6307.

SPED 6329. Behavior Analysis in Complex Organizations. 3 Hours.

Students examine practices and develop competencies in assessing supervisee skills, training personnel, and evaluating the effects of supervision. This course also focuses on the managerial responsibilities associated with supervising therapist who deliver interventions based on ABA principles. It covers performance analysis and management, staff training, behavioral systems analysis, organizational culture, and leadership.

SPED 6331. Advanced Concepts and Principles in ABA. 3 Hours.

Students examine advanced principles, processes, and concepts in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Students are provided with an overview of the philosophical underpinnings of ABA and an in-depth study of human behavior from a radical behaviorist perspective.

SPED 6332. Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 3 Hours.

​Students examine how principles of behavior are discovered and described in the context of experimental research. The course provides a comprehensive conceptualization of learning with humans and animals.

SPED 7088. Special Topics in Special Education. 3 Hours.

This course will examine special topics in the field of Special Education. / This course will examine special topics in the field of Special Education. / This course is designed for independent study of selected topics under the supervision of a faculty member.

SPED 7089. Independent Study in Special Education. 1-3 Hours.

This course will examine special topics in the field of Special Education. / This course will examine special topics in the field of Special Education. / This course is designed for independent study of selected topics under the supervision of a faculty member. Variable Credit (1-3.)

SPED 7101. Doctoral Seminar in Special Education. 1 Hour.

Candidates will demonstrate their knowledge of real problems and needs in both national and local special education programs and policies. Identification of existing research problems and an action plan for implementation will be required.
Prerequisite: Admission to the Ed.D. Program in Special Education.

SPED 7301. Instructional Practices in Special Education. 3 Hours.

Course content examines research-based programs and practices in academics, literacy, math, and behavior which is designed to document student learning under conditions of intensive, research-based instruction, including universal design. Response to Intervention programs will be included as part of a directed effort to meet the educational needs of students at a pre-referral phase. Family partnerships and collaboration with internal and external stakeholders are emphasized. Research-based practices in promoting student self-determination and independent functioning are emphasized.

SPED 7302. Legal Issues and Policies in Special Education. 3 Hours.

This course covers the major laws and policies affecting individuals with exceptionalities. The current body of research and literature in legal issues is emphasized.
Prerequisite: Admission to the Ed.D. program in Special Education.

SPED 7303. Functional and Curriculum-Based Assessment. 3 Hours.

Research and practice in the dynamics and critical decisions involving functional and curriculum-based assessment systems are covered. The relationship between interventions and assessment findings will be focused upon in both academic and behavioral contexts. Candidates will demonstrate proficiency in creating high quality Individualized Educational Programs (IEP) and Behavioral Support Plans (BSP).
Prerequisite: SPED 7302.

SPED 7304. Program Evaluation in Special Education. 3 Hours.

Course content will be devoted to the evaluation of the learning environments that foster student engagement and academic success, prevention of behavior problems, and recognition of diversity. Examination of theories, models, issues, and practices in conducting evaluations of special education programs will be emphasized. The promotion of continuous improvement of school programs and services along with lifelong professional growth for educators are designated course outcomes. School wide reform processes and procedures will be presented.
Prerequisite: SPED 7302.

SPED 7305. Personnel Preparation and Collaboration. 3 Hours.

The content and experiences provided in this course are directed toward the preparation and ongoing professional development of special education personnel in varied roles. Candidates will examine and apply practices and competencies that support and promote ethical and professional behaviors and value continuing professional growth and development. Prerequsite: SPED 7302.

SPED 7306. Small N Designs in Educational Research. 3 Hours.

This course addresses the rationale, logic, and methodology of single subject and small n research designs. Students will practice graphing data and conducting visual analysis. Students will read original research demonstrating single subject designs and will prepare research proposals using small N research designs.
Prerequisite: SPED 7302.

SPED 7316. Independent Research in Special Education. 3 Hours.

This course will provide doctoral students an opportunity to engage in detailed and in-depth research study of a program or issue in special education. Students will work under the supervision of a doctoral faculty member in special education and will produce a written product presentation.
Prerequisite: Admission to doctoral studies and departmental approval.