Criminal Justice (CRIJ)

CRIJ 5330. Critical Analysis Of Justice Administration. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 530); Students engage in an analysis of the criminal justice system in the United States that covers the role of justice agencies as part of societal response to crime, the knowledge base of the criminal justice system, issues, problems, and trends.

CRIJ 5332. Perspectives In Criminology. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 532); Students survey the field of criminology that emphasizes perspectives regarding the making of law, breaking of law, and societal responses to the breaking of law.

CRIJ 5334. Courts As Organizations. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 534); Students engage in a critical evaluation of the dispensing of justice in the United States, using a systems theory approach and current court policy.

CRIJ 5363. The Juvenile Offender. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 563); Students explore theoretical perspectives regarding the causes and correlates of juvenile offending. Particular attention is paid to the role of family, peers, and school.

CRIJ 5367. Gender and Criminal Justice. 3 Hours.

Students explore the role of gender in offending, victimization, and criminal justice processing as well as evaluate the influence of gender on working in criminal justice professions. Criminological and victimological theories are assessed in light of gender and the relationship between gender and criminal justice as drawn from both the social and biological sciences.
Prerequisite: CRIJ 5364.

CRIJ 5372. Community Based Corrections. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 572); Students are provided an overview of techniques and procedures used in the supervision of adult and juvenile probationers and parolees and other residents of community-based corrections facilities in addition to the preparation of social history, pre-hearing, and pre-sentence investigation reports. An emphasis is placed on practical problems confronting the probation and parole officers.

CRIJ 5392. Survey Of Research Methods. 3 Hours.

Students examine the theory and application of social science research techniques and designs, with a focus on the interpretation and use of research findings. Students who have not completed an introductory course in research methods within the past five years must take CRIJ 3378 as a prerequisite.

CRIJ 5393. Legal Aspects of the Criminal Justice System. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 593); Students study the aspects of law which are relevant to and essential for a better understanding of the criminal justice system and its related processes.

CRIJ 6093. Independent Studies in Criminal Justice. 1-3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 693);This course is designed for the directed study of individual students who wish to engage in intensive study in some specific area of research. Variable Credit (1-3). . Course Equivalents: CRIJ 6393
Prerequisite: Consent of the Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs of the College and of the instructor directing the readings.

CRIJ 6099. Thesis. 1-3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 699); The completion and defense of the Thesis. (The student must be registered in 6099 the semester in which he/she receives his/her master's degree.) Variable Credit (1-3). Course Equivalents: CRIJ 6399 .

CRIJ 6332. Resource Development in the Organizational Context. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 632); Students explore critical issues and strategic questions regarding managing human resources in criminal justice agencies. Policy areas discussed are: (1) employee influence; (2) human resource flow; (3) reward systems; and (4) work systems. Human resource management as a coherent, proactive management model.

CRIJ 6333. Seminar In Organization and Administration. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 633); Students study the bureaucracy and complex organizations with a strong emphasis on the concepts and practices of the organization and management of public agencies in the United States. Special consideration is given to the various philosophies, typologies, and models of administrative systems in criminal justice.

CRIJ 6334. Research Methods and Quantitative Analysis. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 634); Students explore the methods and techniques of research and research design; conducting and assessing research in the criminal justice agency management environment; translation of research findings to policy; and informational resources readily available to the agency manager. This course is designed to prepare students to gather decision-relevant information.

CRIJ 6335. Seminar In Leadership and Management. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 635); Students explore problems and alternative solutions in criminal justice management. The case study method and current readings provide an admixture of practical and educational experiences intended to foster and disseminate new ideas for management strategies, especially as this is impacted by leadership styles, human resources, and the environment.

CRIJ 6336. Computer/Technology Applications For Criminal Justice. 3 Hours.

Students examine the techniques of data processing with emphasis upon utilization and application to criminal justice information management.

CRIJ 6339. Police In Society. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 639); Students examine the evolution of police in modern society with a special emphasis given to the role of the police play in contemporary society. Current research examining the function of the police will be examined.

CRIJ 6360. Seminar In Deviant Behavior. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 660); Students analyze behavior which violates expectations that are shared and recognized as legitimate. Special attention is focused on societal reactions to such behavior.

CRIJ 6361. Social Policy. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 661); Students evaluate the legal, social, economic, philosophic, and controversial issues of governmental programs, administered by federal, state, local units of government, and the client systems served.

CRIJ 6363. Leadership Psychology In Criminal Justice Management. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 663); Students examine the important psychological processes that are involved in dealing with others. The manner in which an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by others, especially in a criminal justice leadership environment, is the focal point.

CRIJ 6365. Community Theory and the Administration of Justice. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 665); Students examine the nature of criminal justice organizations as components of the political, social, and economic inter-organizational networks that comprise communities. Topics such as the intersection of criminal justice, mental health, juvenile justice and educational systems are examined. The impact of criminal victimization and attributes of communities that foster crime are examined in detail. The processes that motivate and implement change in community-based organizations are also addressed.

CRIJ 6368. Seminar on Drugs, Society, and Policy Issues. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 668); Students focus on issues and problems surrounding the problem of illicit drugs in society. Particular emphasis is placed on policy related issues.

CRIJ 6372. Seminar In Criminology and Corrections. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 672); Students explore theory and problems in Criminology and Corrections. One or more term papers evidencing qualities of scholarship will be required.

CRIJ 6385. Statistics For Criminal Justice Research. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 685); Students review descriptive and graphical techniques for criminal justice and criminological research, including probability and sampling theory, the normal curve and statistical inference, Central Limit Theorem, Chi-square, T and F distributions, analysis of variance, and linear regression.

CRIJ 6386. Statistics For Criminal Justice Research II. 3 Hours.

Students cover statistical analyses and techniques such as reliability tests, factor analysis, and multiple imputation. Various modeling strategies are also covered, including logistic regression, ordinal regression, Poisson regression, and negative binomial regression.
Prerequisite: CRIJ 6385.

CRIJ 6387. The Ethics Of Criminal Justice. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 687); Students explore ethics and moral philosophy in criminal justice, including the role of natural law, constitutional law, code of ethics, and philosophical principles. Strong emphasis is placed on examining the role of justice in a free society and the practical implications of justice to practitioners of police, courts, and corrections.

CRIJ 6388. Emergent Issues In Criminal Justice Leadership. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 688); This course serves as a capstone course for the Master of Science in Criminal Justice Leadership program, providing an opportunity for the integration of information offered in the program and its relationship to emergent issues. Students address the effect of emergent perspectives in organization theory on public administration in general and more specifically upon criminal justice management and leadership. Students examine the impact of emergent technology upon criminal justice operations as well as study the integration of organization theory, principles of public administration, and community expectations of criminal justice leaders.

CRIJ 6392. Program Evaluation In Criminal Justice. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 692); Students study the principles and techniques of program evaluation, including models and case studies.

CRIJ 6394. Special Topics-Criminal Justice. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 694); This course is needed to offer master's level students the option of registering for a multi-topic course. Students can take the course under various special topics being offered.

CRIJ 6396. Legal Aspects Of Criminal Justice Management. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 696); Students are provided an overview of the legal issues commonly facing managers in criminal justice agencies. Particular emphasis is placed on public employment law including the hiring, promoting, disciplining and discharging of employees, fair employment practices, and agency and administrator civil liability. Both state and federal statutory and case law are examined.

CRIJ 6398. Research & Writing in CJ. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 698); Students are provided an overview of research strategies; principles of research writing; and procedures for initiating, executing, and completing a Thesis. Preparation and approval of a Prospectus. (Preliminary planning for the Thesis should begin during the first semester of graduate work; the student should enroll in CRIJ 6398 after he/she has completed 12 semester hours of graduate work.)

CRIJ 7070. Independent Studies in Criminal Justice. 1-3 Hours.

Directed readings designed to give the student flexibility in developing an area of specialization. Variable Credit (1-3). A student can take only two CRIJ 7070 courses. Course Equivalents: CRIJ 7370
Prerequisite: Enrollment requires prior permission of the appropriate Dean and the supervising faculty which is given only when necessary to meet specific needs of the student and the College.

CRIJ 7330. Seminar In Organization Theory. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 730); Students examine organizational thought with application to criminal justice as well as analyze the developmental state of organizational theory, including historical derivations and the implications of various theoretical bases for organizational functioning.

CRIJ 7333. Proseminar In Criminal Justice Issues. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 733); This course is designed to further doctorial students' professional development in the areas of teaching, research, and career preparation. It will prepare students for successful college teaching, develop and refine skills related to research and writing, and help students prepare for job searches.

CRIJ 7334. Seminar In American Policing. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 734); Students examine the philosophy and role of policing in the United States, politics of policing, managing police organizations, police community relations, police operational and administrative practices, police research, police executive development, emergent issues and problems in policing.

CRIJ 7336. Seminar In American Correction. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 736); Students engage in an in-depth examination of the various issues and problems in corrections as they relate to administration and management. A variety of problems is explored, including the philosophical justification for prisons, personnel management, sentencing and its implications, community-based corrections, rehabilitation, judicial intervention, and correctional reform.

CRIJ 7337. Criminological Theory. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 737); Students are provided an overview of the major paradigms focusing on the causes of crime and deviant behavior with special attention given to the social, political, and intellectual background, which each perspective arose. The course includes a discussion of criminological theories from a philosophy of science perspective focusing on issues such as theory construction, theoretical integration, and the formal evaluation of theory.

CRIJ 7338. Seminar In American Courts. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 738); Students examine the role and structure of prosecution, public defense, and the courts in the United States jurisprudence with emphasis upon criminal law and problems in the administration of justice.

CRIJ 7339. Distribution and Correlates of Crime. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 739); Students engage in a survey of research on the scope and nature of criminal activity and factors correlated with criminal behavior. Attention specifically on four general categories: race/ethnicity, gender, age, and class. Students examine the issues of etiology, victimology, differential police enforcement, sentencing, and correctional practices.

CRIJ 7340. Administration of Justice. 3 Hours.

Students in this advanced seminar address criminal justice systems theory, discretionary decision-making in criminal justice, and factors related to differences and discrimination in system processing.

CRIJ 7342. Advanced Statistics I. 3 Hours.

Students are introduced to multivariate statistical techniques, including multiple regression, logistic regression, discriminate analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, canonical correlation, factor analysis, cluster analysis, and multidimensional scaling. Course Equivalents: CRIJ 7442
Prerequisite: CRIJ 6385 or equivalent in past years.

CRIJ 7360. Advanced Seminar In Criminological Theory. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 760). Students engage in extensive studies in areas of classical and/or current criminological theory. A basic knowledge of criminology is assumed. Emphasis is placed on analytical, critical evaluation, and the advancement of theory.

CRIJ 7366. Seminar on Penalty of Death. 3 Hours.

Students examine the death penalty with a focus on areas of research needed in order to better evaluate the appropriateness of this sanction. This course includes: 1) a specific focus on the death penalty from a variety of different perspectives; 2) a critical examination of the existing body of scholarship; and 3) the identification of what is needed for evolving scholarship in each area.

CRIJ 7371. Special Topics-Criminal Justice. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 771). This course is needed to offer doctoral level students the option of registering for a multi-topic course. The student can take the course under various special topics being offered.

CRIJ 7373. Research Practicum. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: CJ 773); Students engage in supervised training, including special applications in information acquisition, storage, retrieval, analysis, and display in criminal justice.

CRIJ 7375. Seminar in Legal Aspects of Criminal Justice. 3 Hours.

Students address legal research, constitutional law, criminal procedure, criminal law, and juvenile justice as relevant to understanding the criminal justice system and its related processes.

CRIJ 7387. Research Design. 3 Hours.

Students engage in advanced study of scientific inquiry with an emphasis on the practical aspects of research design and implementation. Topics may include the philosophy of science; the relationship of sampling theory to statistical theory; studies in causation; non-experimental research; data systems and modern data processing techniques.
Prerequisite: CRIJ 7434 and consent of instructor.

CRIJ 7389. Advanced Statistics II. 3 Hours.

Students engage in a survey of reliability analysis, loglinear, and logit loglinear analysis, nonlinear, weighted and two stage least-squares regression, probit analysis, survival analysis and Cox regression.
Prerequisite: CRIJ 7434.

CRIJ 7393. Computer Based Data Analysis. 3 Hours.

This course is intended to develop proficiency in data analysis using computerized statistical programs such as SPSS. Statistical theory and research design issues are combined with hands-on computer experience. The course emphasizes data management, multivariate statistics, and diagnostics.
Prerequisite: CRIJ 1387, CRIJ 7389, and CRIJ 7434.

CRIJ 8099. Dissertation IV. 1-3 Hours.

Advanced research in criminology or criminal justice. Variable Credit (1 to 3). Course Equivalents: CRIJ 8399
Prerequisite: CRIJ 8396, CRIJ 8397, and CRIJ 8398.

CRIJ 8396. Dissertation. 3 Hours.

Advanced research in criminology or criminal justice.

CRIJ 8397. Dissertation II. 3 Hours.

Advanced research in criminology or criminal justice.
Prerequisite: CRIJ 8396.

CRIJ 8398. Dissertation III. 3 Hours.

Advanced research in criminology or criminal justice.
Prerequisite: CRIJ 8396 and CRIJ 8397.