Teac English as Second Lang (TESL)
TESL 3101. Integration Of Eng Lang Lrng I. 1 Hour.
This course examines the relationship between language and literacy acquisition of English language learners. Candidates in the EC- 6 certification program learn research-based best practices relating to language and literacy acquisition and apply them to linguistically diverse learners in the public school classroom. Attention is given to second language literacy approaches and strategies in early childhood through sixth grade. Concurrent enrollment in READ 3370, READ 3380 and READ 3372.
Prerequisite: BESL 2301, BESL 3301.
TESL 3303. Litr Strat for Eng Lng Lrners. 3 Hours.
This course emphasizes linguistic and cultural principles, lesson planning, practical methods, curricula and materials for teaching English to speakers of other languages in pre-kindergarten to sixth grade classrooms. Students will gain first-hand experience working with linguistically and culturally diverse students in Texas schools.
Prerequisite: BESL 2301, BESL 3301.
TESL 4101. Intgration Of Eng Lang Lrng II. 1 Hour.
This course examines the planning, content, delivery, assessment and modification of sheltered instruction.? Attention will be given to selecting instructional materials and strategies, including activities in the area of visual and performing arts, to develop students' abilities to comprehend and produce English based on appropriate assessment information. Concurrent enrollment in CIED 4334, CIED 4335, CIED 4336.
Prerequisite: BESL 314, READ 3370, READ 3371, READ 3372.
TESL 4102. Intgratn Eng Lang Lrng III. 1 Hour.
The course emphasis is placed on the use of evaluation and continuous assessment to plan and modify instruction for English Language Learners (ELL). Candidates will explore state-mandated policies and legal issues related to ELL as well as assessments appropriate for English Language Learners. Concurrent enrollment in Student Teaching.
Prerequisite: BESL 414.
TESL 4303. Teaching Eng As A Second Lang. 3 Hours.
The course identifies current instructional methods and approaches to teaching English as a second language to nonnative speakers of English beginning at the early childhood level through adult. Principles and concepts of second language learning, linguistic contrasts between English and other languages, and the instructional processes are emphasized. Field experience in PK-12 schools required. Concurrent enrollment in BESL 3301.
Prerequisite: Junior standing and BESL 2301.