Minor in Crime Analysis and Mapping

The minor in Crime Analysis and Mapping provides students with an interdisciplinary skillset with technical and analytical methods in criminal justice and geographic information systems (GIS).  The minor will help students gain competencies in the basics of criminal justice, mapping and analyzing patterns that relate to crime, and perspectives on how integrating crime data with technology can lead to more robust analysis and targeting of resources for various law enforcement applications.

Minor in Crime Analysis and Mapping
Required Courses
CRIJ 2361Introduction To The Criminal Justice System3
or CRIJ 2368 Criminal Investigation
CRIJ 3372Foundations of Crime Analysis3
GEOG 2464Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)4
SCST 4363Homeland Security Intelligence3
Select two from the following:6
Computer Cartography
Readings in Geography
GIS in Law Enforcement
Applied Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Prescribed Electives
Select one from the following:3
Police Systems & Practices
Police Strategies
Computer Cartography
GIS in Law Enforcement
Applied Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
GIS Programming
Total Hours22

 Note:  Courses listed under two requirements (Required and Prescribed Electives) may only be taken once and may only fulfill one requirement.