Bachelor of Science, Major in Human Performance and Wellness Management

The BS in Human Performance and Wellness Management (HPWM) prepares students for careers in corporate, private, and commercial fitness, including strength and conditioning, high-performance athletic coaching, and fitness entrepreneurship. Future job prospects include strength and conditioning coach1, performance sports specialist, sports scientist, certified personal trainer1, wellness coordinator, and other fitness specializations. This degree also prepares you to continue into graduate school programs such as a master's or doctorate in Occupational Therapy, master's in Sport and Human Performance, Applied Sport Sciences, and other Kinesiology graduate programs.

This degree is focused on applied settings where you will be working with the general population, such as at a performance center, commercial gym, or recreational facility.

This degree will also allow completion of prerequisites for entry into an occupational therapy doctoral or masters program; however, research your top schools to determine your needed admission requirements (Typical pre-requisites for OT school may include: KINE 3367PSYC 3331PSYC 3333, PSYC 3374, SOCI 1301),  and you may also need a medical terminology course of 1-3 hours.

This degree is tailored for students interested in Strength and Conditioning coaching, owning their own fitness business (fitness entrepreneurship), or interested in the marketing and management of fitness and wellness. The electives allow you to focus your electives on those classes, specific to your career goals.  A minor is not required for this degree but is allowed (additional coursework may be needed).

1Certification requires additional external exams and processes, however, the curriculum prepares you to be successful on these exams.

Additional information: Reference the Program Landing Page for additional information, such as cost, delivery format, contact information, or to schedule a visit.

Bachelor of Science in Human Performance and Wellness Management
Core Curriculum
Component Area I (Communication)6
Component Area II (Mathematics) 13
Component Area III (Life and Physical Science) 28
Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture)3
Component Area V (Creative Arts)3
Component Area VI (U.S. History)6
Component Area VII (Political Science/Government)6
Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences) 33
Component Area IX (Component Area Option) 4, 54
Degree Specific Requirements
BIOL 2403Human Anatomy & Physiology I 2, 64
BIOL 2404Human Anatomy & Physiology II 64
CHEM 1406Inorganic & Environmental Chemistry 24
or CHEM 1411 General Chemistry I
COMS 1361Public Speaking 43
FSCN 2362Nutrition 73
KINE 1331Foundations of Kinesiology 83
KINE 2115Lifetime Health and Wellness 51
MATH 1314Pre Calculus Algebra 13
or MATH 1316 Plane Trigonometry
MATH 1370Introduction to Biomedical Statistics 93
or STAT 3379 Statistical Methods in Practice
PHYS 1105Classical Physics and Thermodynamics Lab1
or PHYS 1101 General Physics Laboratory I
PHYS 1305Classical Physics and Thermodynamics3
or PHYS 1301 General Physics-Mechanics and Heat
PSYC 1301Introduction To Psychology 33
Major: Foundation
ATTR 3370Prevention & Care of Injuries3
KINE 2114Weight Training and Physical Conditioning (Major Core)1
KINE 3173Exercise Physiology Laboratory1
KINE 3362Functional Kinesiology3
KINE 3364Motor Learning3
KINE 3373Physiology of Exercise3
KINE 4314Advanced Strength Training3
KINE 4361Managing Health Promotion in the Workplace3
or KINE 4365 Directing Wellness Programs
KINE 4362Biomechanical Analysis3
KINE 4373Advanced Topics in Physiology of Exercise3
KINE 4377Principles of Exercise Testing and Prescription3
KINE 4393Adult Fitness Management3
KINE 4394Internship 103
KINE 4395Internship II 103
Major: Required (Business Block) 11
MGMT 3310Principles Of Management 113
or MKTG 3310 Principles Of Marketing
Prescribed Electives (Business Block) Select 9 hours from the following: 119
Entrepreneurial Law
Entrepreneurship I - Startup
Business Law
New Product Commercialization
Management of Innovation and Technology
Human Resource Management
Consumer Behavior
Professional Selling
Integrated Marketing Communication and Promotional Strategy
Prescribed Electives: General 125
Prescribed Electives: Advanced 126
Advanced Electives - ATTR, BUAD, HLTH, KINE, MGMT, MKTG, PSYC, or SPMT
Minor: Not Required 13,14
Total Hours120

Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area II (Mathematics).


Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area III (Life and Physical Science) and should be taken in your first few semesters. You must earn a C or better.


Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences). 


Satisfies three semester credit hours of the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IX (Component Area Option). 


Satisfies one semester credit hour of the of Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IX (Component Area Option). 


BIOL 2401 and BIOL 2402 may be used as transfer courses for this requirement; please see a SAM Center advisor for more details.


FSCN 1367 may be used as a transfer course for this requirement; please see a SAM Center advisor for more details. FSCN 2362 requires 3 credit hours of BIOL/CHEM and 6 credit hours of MATH.


KINE 1331 should be taken as a freshman or during first semester. This course is a prerequisite for all upper-level KINE courses. Transfer students can co-enroll in KINE 1331 and upper-level courses with permission. Students interested in the graduate degree in Athletic Training (MSAT) can take ATTR 2300 in place of KINE 1331.


Will accept MATH 1342, MATH 3379, or STAT 3379 if transferred in from another institution or major.


Students must enroll in KINE 4394 and KINE 4395 for a total of 6 semester credit hours related to the internship. These courses may be taken in sequence across two semesters, or be completed all in one semester. Each class will require 200 hours at an approved internship site(s), for a total of 400 contact hours at the internship site(s).


MKTG 3310 has a prerequisite of 50 hours.

MKTG 3310 is a prerequisite for MKTG 3320, MKTG 3370 AND MKTG 3328.

MGMT 3310 is a prerequisite for MGMT 3325, MGMT 3327, AND MGMT 3330.


Electives should match your professional preparation. Typical pre-requisites for Occupational Therapy (OT) school may include: KINE 3367PSYC 3331PSYC 3333PSYC 3374SOCI 1301. Additionally, you may need a medical terminology course of 1-3 hours. Other suggested electives for graduate work in Strength Training, Sport and Human Performance, and other Kinesiology degrees include: KINE 3367,  ATTR 4369​, KINE 4369, KINE 5387, or upper-level courses in BUAD, MKTG, or MGMT. Students wanting to gain research experience may take KINE 4117 and/or KINE 4392 and work with faculty on an approved project. All but 3 hours of electives will be upper level (3000 or 4000 level) courses in ATTR, BUAD, HLTH, KINE, MGMT, MKTG, PHYS, or PSYC.


A minor is not required for this degree program; however, a student has the option to add a minor, but to do so additional semester credits hours will be needed above the degree program’s stated total semester credit hours.


The following minor cannot be paired with this degree program: Minor in Kinesiology. 


Students must earn a 2.0 minimum overall GPA in all coursework. 

Students must meet a 2.0 minimum overall major GPA in all major coursework.

Students must earn a 2.0 minimum SHSU GPA in all coursework.

Students must meet a 2.0 minimum SHSU major GPA in all major coursework.

All ATTR/KINE majors and/or minors must earn a "C" or better for all ATTR, KINE, and/or SPMT courses.

KINE 13311 is a prerequisite for upper-level KINE courses and should be taken as a freshman or during the first semester as a transfer.

1Students interested in ATTR graduate MSAT program can take  ATTR 2300 or KINE 1331.

BIOL 2404 requires a grade of “C” or higher in BIOL 2403.

Students must take BIOL 2403 and BIOL 2404 as an 8-hour sequence.

MATH 3379 requires 3 credit hours of college math.

KINE 3364 requires KINE 1331 or ATTR 2300, and 45 + credit hours.

KINE 3373 requires 45 credit hours of coursework completed and prerequisites of BIOL 2403 and BIOL 2404, and KINE 1331 or ATTR 2300.

ATTR 3370 requires prerequisites of BIOL 2403KINE 1331 or ATTR 2300, and 45+ credit hours.

KINE 3362 requires prerequisites of KINE 1331 or ATTR 2300, and BIOL 2403 and 45+ credit hours.

KINE 4117 and KINE 4392 can be taken for students wanting to gain research experience. 

KINE 4373 requires a prerequisite of KINE 3373.

KINE 4377 requires a prerequisite of KINE 3362 and KINE 3373, must earn a "C" or better.

KINE 4362 requires a prerequisite of KINE 3362, PHYS 1305 and PHYS 1105 or PHYS 1301 and PHYS 1101.

KINE 4393 requires a prerequisite of KINE 2114, KINE 2115, ATTR 3370, KINE 3373, KINE 3173, and 75 Credit Hours; students must take KINE 4393 at least one semester prior to their KINE 4394 and KINE 4395 Internship.

KINE 4394 and KINE 4395 require Senior Standing and completion of KINE 4393 and KINE 4377, must earn a "C" or better.

KINE 4314 requires a prerequisite of KINE 2114, KINE 2115KINE 3362, and KINE 3373.

MKTG 3310 has a prerequisite of 50 hours.

MGMT 3310 requires 45 credit hours of coursework completed.

MKTG 3310 is a prerequisite for MKTG 3320, MKTG 3370, and MKTG 3328.

MGMT 3310 is a prerequisite for MGMT 3325, MGMT 3327, and MGMT 3330.

Additional information: Reference the Program Landing Page for additional information, such as cost, delivery format, contact information, or to schedule a visit. 

First Year
BIOL 24031, 24BIOL 240424
ENGL 130133CHEM 1406 or 141114
KINE 133143ENGL 130233
KINE 21141HSTY 130173
KINE 211551MATH 1370 or STAT 337983
MATH 1314 or 131663 
 15 17
Second Year
FSCN 236293Component Area IV3
HSTY 130273Component Area V3
PHYS 1305 or 13013COMS 1361123
PHYS 1105 or 11011KINE 33623
POLS 2305103POLS 2306103
PSYC 1301113 
 16 15
Third Year
ATTR 33703KINE 33643
KINE 31731KINE 43143
KINE 33733Business Block Electives13, 159
MGMT 3310 or MKTG 3310133 
Electives: General (ATTR, BUAD, CHEM, HLTH, KINE, MGMT, MKTG, PHYS, PSYC, SOCI, or SPMT)143 
Electives: Advanced (ATTR, BUAD, CHEM, KINE, MGMT, MKTG, PHYS, PSYC, SOCI, or SPMT) 142 
 15 15
Fourth Year
KINE 4361 or 43653KINE 4394163
KINE 43623KINE 4395163
KINE 43733Electives: Advanced (ATTR, BUAD, CHEM, KINE, MGMT, MKTG, PHYS, PSYC, or SPMT)146
KINE 43773 
KINE 43933 
 15 12
Total Hours: 120

Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area III (Life and Physical Science) and should be taken in your first few semesters. You must earn a C or better.


BIOL 2401 and BIOL 2402 may be used as transfer courses for this requirement; please see a SAM Center advisor for more details.


Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area I (Communications).


KINE 1331 should be taken as a freshman or during the first semester. This course is a prerequisite for all upper-level KINE courses. Transfer students can co-enroll in KINE 1331 and upper-level courses with permission. Students interested in the graduate degree in Athletic Training (MSAT) can take ATTR 2300 in place of KINE 1331.


Satisfies one semester credit hour of the of Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IX (Component Area Option).


Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area II (Mathematics).


Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area VI (U.S. History).


Will accept MATH 1342MATH 3379, or STAT 3379 if transferred in from another institution or major.


FSCN 1367 may be used as a transfer course for this requirement; please see a SAM Center advisor for more details.  FSCN 2362 requires 3 credit hours of BIOL/CHEM and 6 credit hours of MATH.


Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area VII (Political Science/Government).


Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences).


Satisfies three semester credit hours of the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IX (Component Area Option). 


MKTG 3310 has a prerequisite of 50 hours.

MKTG 3310 is a prerequisite for MKTG 3320, MKTG 3370, ANDMKTG 3328.

MGMT 3310 is a prerequisite for MGMT 3325, MGMT 3327, AND MGMT 3330.


Electives should match your professional preparation. Typical pre-requisites for Occupational Therapy (OT) school may include: KINE 3367PSYC 3331PSYC 3333PSYC 3374SOCI 1301. Additionally, you may need a medical terminology course of 1-3 hours. Other suggested electives for graduate work in Strength Training, Sport and Human Performance, and other Kinesiology degrees include: KINE 3367ATTR 4369​, KINE 4369KINE 5387, or upper-level courses in BUAD, MKTG, or MGMT. Students wanting to gain research experience may take KINE 4117 and/or KINE 4392 and work with faculty on an approved project. All but 3 hours of electives will be upper level (3000 or 4000 level) courses in ATTR, BUAD, CHEM, KINE, MGMT, MKTG, PHYS, PSYC, SOCI, or SPMT.


See, Business Block Elective course list below.


Students must enroll in KINE 4394 and KINE 4395 for a total of 6 semester credit hours related to the internship. These courses may be taken in sequence across two semesters, or be completed all in one semester.

Business Block Elective Courses 13,15
BUAD 3338Entrepreneurial Law3
BUAD 3345Entrepreneurship I - Startup3
BUAD 3355Business Law3
MGMT 3325New Product Commercialization3
MGMT 3327Management of Innovation and Technology3
MGMT 3330Human Resource Management3
MKTG 3320Consumer Behavior3
MKTG 3328Professional Selling3
MKTG 3370Integrated Marketing Communication and Promotional Strategy3


Students must earn a 2.0 minimum overall GPA in all coursework. 

Students must meet a 2.0 minimum overall major GPA in all major coursework.

Students must earn a 2.0 minimum SHSU GPA in all coursework.

Students must meet a 2.0 minimum SHSU major GPA in all major coursework.

All ATTR/KINE majors and/or minors must earn a "C" or better for all ATTR, KINE, and/or SPMT courses.

KINE 13311 is a prerequisite for upper-level KINE courses and should be taken as a freshman or during the first semester as a transfer.

1Students interested in ATTR graduate MSAT program can take ATTR 2300 or KINE 1331.

BIOL 2404 requires a grade of “C” or higher in BIOL 2403.

Students must take BIOL 2403 and BIOL 2404 as an 8-hour sequence.

MATH 3379 requires 3 credit hours of college math.

KINE 3364 requires KINE 1331 or ATTR 2300, and 45 + credit hours.

KINE 3373 requires 45 credit hours of coursework completed and prerequisites of BIOL 2403 and BIOL 2404, and KINE 1331 or ATTR 2300.

ATTR 3370 requires prerequisites of BIOL 2403KINE 1331 or ATTR 2300, and 45+ credit hours.

KINE 3362 requires prerequisites of KINE 1331 or ATTR 2300, and BIOL 2403 and 45+ credit hours.

KINE 4117 and KINE 4392 can be taken for students wanting to gain research experience. 

KINE 4373 requires a prerequisite of KINE 3373.

KINE 4377 requires a prerequisite of KINE 3362 and KINE 3373, must earn a "C" or better.

KINE 4362 requires a prerequisite of KINE 3362PHYS 1305 and PHYS 1105 or PHYS 1301 and PHYS 1101.

KINE 4393 requires a prerequisite of KINE 2114KINE 2115ATTR 3370KINE 3373KINE 3173, and 75 Credit Hours; students must take KINE 4393 at least one semester prior to their KINE 4394 and KINE 4395 Internship.

KINE 4394 and KINE 4395 require Senior Standing and completion of KINE 4393 and KINE 4377, must earn a "C" or better.

KINE 4314 requires a prerequisite of KINE 2114KINE 2115KINE 3362, and KINE 3373.

MKTG 3310 has a prerequisite of 50 hours.

MGMT 3310 requires 45 credit hours of coursework completed.

MKTG 3310 is a prerequisite for MKTG 3320MKTG 3370, and MKTG 3328.

MGMT 3310 is a prerequisite for MGMT 3325MGMT 3327and MGMT 3330.

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) marketable skills initiative is part of the state’s 60x30TX plan and was designed to help students articulate their skills to employers.  Marketable skills are those skills valued by employers and/or graduate programs that can be applied in a variety of work or education settings and may include interpersonal, cognitive, and applied skill areas.

The BS in Human Performance and Wellness Management is designed to provide graduates with the following marketable skills:

  • Fitness assessment, exercise program design and implementation.
  • Fitness and wellness entrepreneurship.
  • Determination of strategies for performance enhancement and prevention of injuries.
  • Effective communication with a range of audiences in exercise science settings.
  • Effective teaching of motor skills in individual and group settings.