Department of Human Sciences
Department Chair: Ron Reed, M.S.
Contact Information:
Human Sciences
(936) 294-1250
Box 2177 SHSU
1700 University Ave.
Huntsville, TX 77341-2177
Website: Department of Human Sciences
The mission of the Department of Human Sciences is to prepare future professionals with the knowledge and skills to positively impact individuals, families, and communities.
- Food Science and Nutrition Program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
- Dietetic Internship Program available for qualified FSCN graduates (leads to RDN credential)
- Interior Design Program accredited by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) and the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD)
- Kappa Omicron Nu Honor Society for Human Sciences (Kappa Alpha Phi Chapter)
Suggested Minors
The majority of degree programs in the Department of Human Sciences do not require a minor. However, a minor may be elected for any program, in keeping with student career goals. Students graduating with a degree in the DPD program (Food Science and Nutrition) have minored in Chemistry, Mass Communication, Psychology, and other areas. Interior Design majors often minor in Architectural Design Technology, Construction Management, Graphic Design, or General Business Administration. Students majoring in Fashion Merchandising are required to have a minor in either General Business Administration, Management, Marketing, Supply Chain Management, Entrepreneurship, or Finance.
Program Specific Requirements
Most degree programs within the Department of Human Sciences require completion of HUSC 4369. Students have multiple opportunities to learn about degree requirements through the admission and advising process, including Saturdays@Sam (one each fall and spring semester), SAM Center advising, advising within the department, and advising through career fairs sponsored by Career Services at SHSU.
For the following program areas, employment opportunities include, but are not limited to, the following career options:
- Fashion Merchandising
- fashion brand management
- retail buying
- retail planning and allocation
- retail management
- visual merchandising
- fashion marketing
- social media strategy and marketing
- wholesale representative
- showroom management
- apparel supply chain and logistics
- trend forecasting
- fashion brand promotion and special events
- Food Science and Nutrition
- Registered Dietitian (with required post-graduate internship and Master's (M.S.) degree)
- clinical settings
- wellness coach/programs
- community organizations
- administrative positions
- public health agencies
- corporate in food manufacturing, food distribution, other
- spokesperson for food councils (wheat, rice, beef, etc.)
- non-profit community nutrition programs (USDA, WIC)
- food service/nutrition director for hospitals, schools
- nutritional consultant to sports teams, gyms, corporate executives, food companies, cruise lines, spas, and retail food stores
- food scientist
- sports nutritionist
- food stylist
- Registered Dietitian (with required post-graduate internship and Master's (M.S.) degree)
- Interior Design
- Registered Interior Designer (with the passing of a professional licensure exam, NCIDQ, and state registration)
- residential designer (single-family homes, multi-family housing, retail home furnishings and products)
- commercial designer (workplace, healthcare/wellness, hospitality, retail, restaurants, education, mixed-use)
- lighting designer
- kitchen and bath designer
- space planner
- CAD/Revit manager
- architecture and design (A&D) sales representative
- Registered Interior Designer (with the passing of a professional licensure exam, NCIDQ, and state registration)
Students have multiple opportunities to learn about careers associated with their degree programs, including Saturdays@Sam (one each fall and spring semester), SAM Center advising, advising within SHSU Career Services, the department, career fairs sponsored by the Career Success Center, and guest speakers and field trips sponsored through classes and pre-professional student organizations.
Upon completion of a bachelor’s degree, qualified students may choose to apply for admission to one of the Graduate programs in Human Sciences. Refer to the Graduate Catalog for more details.
Competitive scholarships and awards are given annually to full-time students of at least junior standing majoring in one of the program areas in Human Sciences. (Award recipients must be enrolled at Sam Houston State University for a minimum of one semester as a full-time student, must have completed 12 hours in Human Sciences, and must be following the curriculum of a program major within the Department of Human Sciences with full-time student status.)
College of Health Sciences
- Cady/Huskey-Health Scholarship: $2,000
- COHS Bridge Scholarship: $2,000
- Crowley/Gilbert Family Scholarship: $1,000
- William (Al) and Elizabeth Rampmeier Endowed Scholarship: $1,000
Department of Human Sciences
- Elmadel Driscoll Robinson Endowed Scholarship: $1,000
- Family and Consumer Sciences Memorial Endowed Scholarship: $1,000
- Keener Family COBA/FCS Scholarship: $1,000
- Lena Campbell Mathis Endowed Scholarship: $2,500
- Lynch Endowed Scholarship: $1,000
- Mattie Bea Prather Medford Family and Consumer Sciences Endowed Scholarship: $1,000
- Rachel Mary Prather Allen Family and Consumer Sciences Endowed Scholarship: $500
- Wiley G. and Marian Boyd McDonald Endowed Scholarship: $1,000
Many other scholarship opportunities are available, including those based on the academic record of the incoming student. Many organizations at the national, state, and local level, including professional organizations and corporations, offer scholarships for specific majors within the department. Students should check the specific criteria required by these organizations. Brochures and information concerning the department and scholarships may be obtained by writing:
Department of Human Sciences
Box 2177
Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, Texas 77341-2177
or e-mail your request to Human Sciences. Website: Department of Human Sciences
Student Organizations
- American Society of Interior Designers-ASID (student chapter)
- International Interior Design Association-IIDA (student chapter)
- Kappa Omicron Nu, Kappa Alpha Phi Chapter (honor society for Human Sciences)
- Sam Houston Student Dietetic Association
- National Retail Federation-NRF (student chapter), Fashion Merchandising
- Internships and Study Abroad
All students who complete programs in Fashion Merchandising and Interior Design must complete a supervised internship (HUSC 4369) of at least 200 supervised clock hours as a requirement for graduation. Students are given leads for securing internship opportunities, but part of the internship experience is securing a suitable position.
Students majoring in Food Science and Nutrition are required to complete a number of shadowing hours in several junior- and senior-level courses to complete the knowledge requirements of The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (i.e.,FSCN 3445, FSCN 4360, and FSCN 4361).
Fashion Merchandising
FAMD 1332. Introduction to Fashion Merchandising. 3 Hours.
Students examine the history, characteristics, and global interrelationships of all segments of the fashion industry; and identify how fashion is conceived, marketed, and sold. Students learn and demonstrate knowledge of the evolving nature of the fashion business as they relate to the four levels of the fashion industry which include the Primary, Secondary, Retail, and Auxiliary Levels of Merchandising. Students are also introduced to fashion related terminology, resources, processes, practices, industry participants, and career opportunities. Course Equivalents: FACS 1332 .
FAMD 1369. Introduction to Textiles. 3 Hours.
This course provides an introduction to fiber science and technological advances in the manufacture of textile products. It focuses on the complex interrelationships of fibers, yarns, fabrics, finishes, and coloring processes. Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 1369, FACS 2369 .
FAMD 2333. Fashion Merchandising Technology. 3 Hours.
Students explore fashion merchandising and design-related software and technologies used in the fashion and retailing industries. Students are introduced to the computer as a creative tool to upgrade and maintain their skills with the current industry standards. The latest software is taught with an emphasis on fashion industry applications. Course Equivalents: FACS
Prerequisite: FAMD 1332 (allows concurrent enrollment).
FAMD 2366. Fashion in Society. 3 Hours.
Basic fashion theory is studied along with theories of dress and adornment from both psychological and sociological perspectives. The course also examines the individual's attitudes toward and perceptions of personal dress and the appearance of others. Offered fall semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 2366 .
FAMD 2375. Fashion Promotion. 3 Hours.
Promotion principles are applied to the merchandising of fashion goods through special events, displays of merchandise, and advertising and personal selling. Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 2375, FACS 3378
Prerequisite: FAMD 1332.
FAMD 3325. Digital Fashion Retailing. 3 Hours.
Students employ the principles of omni-channel retailing through the development and management of layered, digitally connected, and coordinated shopping experiences. Settings include retail channels such as brick and mortar, catalog, e-commerce, and mobile with a focus on the customer experience. Students also identify effective interactive marketing strategies, including social media and search engine optimization as they design integrated marketing strategies across various digital platforms. Offered in summer only. Course Equivalents: FACS 3325
Prerequisite: FAMD 1332 and FAMD 2333.
FAMD 3348. Buying I Merchandise Control. 3 Hours.
Techniques of merchandise control including retail mathematics involved in markup, markdown, stock control, open-to-buy, inventory control, pricing and financial statements are studied. Consideration is given to managerial decisions based on the mathematical information encountered in retailing. Taken prior to HUSC 4369 Internship. Offered fall semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 3348, FACS 3363, FACS 4363
Prerequisite: FAMD 1332 and FAMD 2333.
FAMD 3368. Fashion Forecasting. 3 Hours.
Students gain a comprehensive understanding of fashion product trends, including researching and interpreting fashion direction, analyzing comparable market offerings, and developing color, style and fabric trends. Customer shopping preferences, revenue optimization, global collaboration, and selling innovation are explored through creative problem-solving. Course Equivalents: FACS 3368
Prerequisite: FAMD 1332 and FAMD 2366.
FAMD 3371. Fashion Merchandising Management. 3 Hours.
This course addresses fundamental principles for successful merchandising of fashion goods, including sales, buying, and marketing procedures. Analysis of consumer and customer demands also are explored. Taken prior to HUSC 4369 Internship. (3-0). Offered fall semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 3371
Prerequisite: FAMD 2375.
FAMD 3375. Fashion Brand Management. 3 Hours.
Students will develop, build, and sustain a consistent fashion brand strategy. Students will employ creative thinking skills in communicating strategic and engaging brand experiences, promotions, and content specific for fashion products. Students explore multiple types of fashion branding strategies, from luxury brands to mass-market brands. Course Equivalents: FACS 3375
Prerequisite: FAMD 2333 and FAMD 2375 (allows concurrent enrollment).
FAMD 4329. Global Issues in Fashion. 3 Hours.
Students examine the global nature and scope of the production and distribution of fashion goods. Students evaluate current political, social, and economic developments within the international marketplace and develop strategies to address challenges that face the global fashion industry. Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 4329
Prerequisite: FAMD 3371.
FAMD 4348. Buying II: Planning & Allocation. 3 Hours.
Students examine and interpret the influence of merchandise planning and allocation on retail profit and analyze buying patterns and trends. Students develop merchandise plans and strategies for appropriate allocation of inventory. The roles and responsibilities of fashion merchandising buyers, planners, and allocators are explored. Course Equivalents: FACS 4348
Prerequisite: FAMD 2333 and FAMD 3348 (allows concurrent enrollment).
FAMD 4359. Fashion Innovation and Creativity. 3 Hours.
Students use design-based thinking to engage with the unique challenges of product innovation and processes. Students work in cross-functional teams to develop creative innovation strategies applied to the fashion system framework to impact and drive positive change. Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 4359
Prerequisite: FAMD 3368 (allows concurrent enrollment).
FAMD 4367. Seminar in Clothing, Textiles, and Merchandising. 3 Hours.
This course consists of inquiry in special areas of the fashion industry: marketing, production, consumption, socioeconomic and behavioral aspects of consumers. This course also will explore the link between the fashion industry and the physical and mental well-being of producers and consumers of fashion goods. Offered fall semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 4367
Prerequisite: FAMD 2366, FAMD 3325.
Food Science and Nutrition
FSCN 1367. Basic Nutrition. 3 Hours.
Basic principles of nutrition for personal health and wellness. Current concepts in diet adequacy and nutritional needs of individuals is stressed. The influence on healthy diet practices and their relationship to health promotion and disease prevention is the focus. Diet quality and the impact of food choices are explored. Course Equivalents: FACS 1367 .
FSCN 1441. Food Preparation And Selection. 4 Hours. [TCCN: AGRI 1329]
Scientific principles in the preparation of selected basic food products are applied. Consideration is given to the composition and properties of food, methods of preparation and processing to retain nutrients, standards for desirable products, simple meal service, and food economics. Practical application is made through laboratory experiences. (3-2). Course Equivalents: FACS 1441 .
FSCN 2362. Nutrition. 3 Hours. [TCCN: HECO 1322]
Study is made of the fundamental concepts of nutrition. The various nutrients, their sources, metabolism, physiology and interrelationships are emphasized. Healthy eating guidelines for health promotion and disease prevention and requirements for different stages of growth and development for individuals and populations are studied. (3-0). Meets requirement for pre-nursing curriculum. Course Equivalents: FACS 2362
Prerequisite: 3 hours completed in BIOL or CHEM and 3 hours completed in MATH.
FSCN 3329. Nutrition through the Lifespan. 3 Hours.
Students in this course focus on nutrient needs throughout the lifespan and the physiological basis for these needs. Instruction focuses on the interrelationships of diet, nutrition, body composition, emotional development, behavior, and aging. Factors related to the development of food behaviors at various life stages and current research trends focused on lifespan nutrition issues are explored. Offered fall semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 3329
Prerequisite: FSCN 2362 with a C or better and 45 credit hours.
FSCN 3330. Professionalism in Dietetics. 3 Hours.
Students gain knowledge of professional practice expectations for the nutrition and dietetics practitioner level of practice. Topics will address the governance of nutrition and dietetics practice, such as the Scope of Practice for the Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and the Code of Ethics for the Profession of Nutrition and Dietetics. Other topics address state licensure and certification in the practice of nutrition and dietetics, individual National Provider Identifier (NPI), and coding and billing of nutrition and dietetics services to obtain reimbursement for services from public or private payers, fee-for-service, and value-based systems.
Prerequisite: FSCN 2362.
FSCN 3339. Community Nutrition. 3 Hours.
This course examines the role of nutrition in health promotion and disease prevention in community groups. Tools for developing community nutrition interventions are emphasized. Students will implement a community intervention using behavior theories, needs assessment, developing goals, objectives and program evaluations. Government food and nutrition programs and health care delivery system are also examined. Students will study the legislative, sociological, and scientific aspects of public and community health. Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 3339
Prerequisite: FSCN 2362 with a C or better and 45 credit hours.
FSCN 3367. Food Science. 3 Hours.
This course provides fundamentals of physical and chemical structures and properties of food materials and foods during harvesting, preparation, processing, preservation and storage. (1-4). Offered spring semesters. , FSCN 1441 and FSCN 2362. Course Equivalents: FACS 3367
Prerequisite: CHEM 4 hrs.
FSCN 3370. Nutritional Pathways. 3 Hours.
This advanced course establishes knowledge and understanding of nutritional concepts in the biochemical context. Biochemical, physical and metabolic functions of the nutrients; pathways of nutrients from ingestion, assimilation and metabolism; digestive and metabolic interactions between drugs and nutrients are discussed. (3-0). Offered fall semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 3370
Prerequisite: CHEM 1412, Junior Standing, and FSCN majors only.
FSCN 3380. Advanced Nutrition. 3 Hours.
Course focus is on concepts of normal nutrition in relation to the chemistry and physiology of the human body; analysis of methods used in assessing human nutrition status; evaluation of current nutritional problems. Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 3380, FACS 4378
Prerequisite: FSCN 2362 with a C or better and FSCN 3370.
FSCN 3445. Quantity Food Purchasing, Preparation, & Service. 4 Hours.
Course provides experience in menu planning, food preparation, service, and use of institutional equipment in quantity food service. Principles and methods of buying, preparing, and serving rood for various types of quantity food facilities are considered. Factors affecting food quality, food costs, and quantity food production as related to the time factor are emphasized. Lab experience is arranged with SHSU Dining Services. Students must complete a minimum of 24 lab hours by participating in the lab activities and observing personnel, equipment, layout, food safety, food production and service procedures. (2-2). Course Equivalents: FACS 3445
Prerequisite: FSCN 1441 or FSMG 2441, 45 hours completed.
FSCN 4360. Clinical Dietetics I. 3 Hours.
Study of medical nutrition therapy. Course includes current diet manipulations for disease conditions including the provision of enteral and parenteral nutrition. Nutritional adequacy for disease conditions and the impact of sociological, economic, psychological factors on nutritional status is addressed. Case studies and work with clients to gain hands-on knowledge is required. Offered fall semesters. FSCN majors only. Course Equivalents: FACS 4360
Prerequisite: FSCN 3380 and FSCN 4371, FSCN majors only.
FSCN 4361. Clinical Dietetics II. 3 Hours.
Continuation of the study of the applications of medical nutrition therapy from FACS 4360. It includes current diet therapy for a variety of disease conditions including the provision of enteral and parenteral nutrition. Nutritional adequacy for disease conditions and the impact of sociological, economic, psychological factors on nutritional status is addressed. It includes class discussions, case studies and work with clients to gain hands-on knowledge. Students utilize the scientific literature to understand evidence-based practice. Offered spring semesters. FSN majors only. Course Equivalents: FACS 4361
Prerequisite: FSCN 4360.
FSCN 4370. Advanced Food Service Organization and Management. 3 Hours.
Course is focused on principles of organization and management as they relate to food service systems; development of managerial and motivational skills; communications; decision making; management by objectives. (3-0). Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 4370
Prerequisite: FSCN 3445.
FSCN 4371. Nutrition Assessment. 3 Hours.
A study of nutrition assessment methods for determining nutrition diagnoses and care. Skills development in obtaining nutrition histories, diet analysis, motivational interviewing, body composition and performing nutrition-focused physical examinations. Students will learn to develop nutrition prescriptions and counseling plans as well as documentation of nutrition care. Experiential learning is utilized. Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 4371
Prerequisite: FSCN 3370 or concurrent enrollment, FSCN majors only.
FSCN 4372. Nutrition Counseling and Education. 3 Hours.
Students gain skills in nutrition counseling, education, and communication to improve food and nutrient intake for health, wellness, and medical nutrition therapy in diverse individuals and groups across the lifespan. Opportunities for student demonstration will reinforce methods to facilitate behavior change and/or behavior modification.
Prerequisite: FSCN 3329.
FSCN 4373. Cultural Food Practices. 3 Hours.
Cultural food practices from around the world will be studied. Students will learn various nutrition education strategies used to make effective dietary changes in keeping with cultural norms. An exploration and appreciation of how cultural factors affect our food patterns will assist in developing cultural competency. Offered fall semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 4373
Prerequisite: FSCN 2362, FSCN 3339, and FSCN 3380.
FSCN 4374. Research in Nutrition Science. 3 Hours.
Students gain required knowledge and skills in research methodology in nutrition science, interpretation of research literature, and integration of research principles into evidence-based practice guidelines for medical nutrition therapy. Students learn to integrate scientific information and translate nutrition research into practice while developing effective and professional oral and written communication and documentation. Students gain knowledge to locate, interpret, evaluate, and use professional literature to make ethical, evidence-based practice decisions; select and use appropriate information technologies to locate and apply evidence-based guidelines and protocols; and apply critical thinking skills.
Prerequisite: CHEM 2123 and CHEM 2323, Junior Standing.
Food Service Management
FSMG 1331. Introduction to the Hospitality Industry. 3 Hours.
An overview of the hospitality industry, this course includes restaurants, hotels and resorts. Includes historical perspective, analysis of the industry in terms of professional opportunities and the future outlook for the industry. (3-0). Offered fall semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 1331 .
FSMG 2441. Meal Management in Hospitality. 4 Hours.
This course includes choice, purchase, preparation and service of meals in hospitality settings. Through laboratory experiences emphasis is given to table settings and appointments, various forms of meal service and special occasion functions. The importance of acceptable social procedures and aesthetic values related to the above activities are stressed. (3-2). Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 2441 .
FSMG 3334. Lodging Operations. 3 Hours.
A study is made of principles involving basic operations of hospitality facilities including guest expectations, management of services, budget control, personnel management and security. (3-0). Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 3334
Prerequisite: FSMG 1331.
Interior Design
INDS 1140. Introduction to Interior Design. 1 Hour.
Students explore the interior design profession including basic concepts and topics related to the knowledge, skills, theories, contemporary and societal issues of design practice, and career paths in interior design.
INDS 1360. Applied Design Theory. 3 Hours. [TCCN: ARTS 1311]
Specific attention is given to fundamental design theories, elements and principles of design as they function in the interior environment. Opportunities are provided for a variety of applied experiences with art and design media. Practical application in two-dimensional and three-dimensional projects is made through laboratory experiences. (2-2). Course Equivalents: FACS 1360
Prerequisite: C or better in INDS 1140.
INDS 2361. History of Furnishings I. 3 Hours. [TCCN: ARCH 1301]
A study of history of interior furniture, furnishings, and architecture from the Egyptian period to the Renaissance. Emphasis is given to the social, economic, and political conditions that influenced furniture, interiors, and architectural design. (3-0). Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 2361 .
INDS 2364. Materials and Sources. 3 Hours.
A theoretical analysis of design is merged with understanding of interior materials and products which meet human needs. Assessment of quality and performance criteria is emphasized, along with the design process.(3-0). Offered fall semesters. Co-requisites: INDS 2386 and INDS 2387. Course Equivalents: FACS 2364 .
INDS 2365. Digital Drawing for Interior Design. 3 Hours. [TCCN: ARCH 1315]
This course addresses computer graphics for interior designers. It will focus on the implementation of computer-aided design processes and drafting techniques to produce construction and presentation drawings. Students will explore various digital drafting techniques to develop 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional drawings. Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 2365
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in INDS 2364 and INDS 2387.
INDS 2386. Studio I: Space Planning. 3 Hours.
This course provides the student with an introduction to complex process of planning residential and small commercial spaces for interior design. As part of the design process, space planning begins with a programmatic investigation of human needs, desired spatial quality, and building parameters. Students will explore space planning variations applied to a variety of interior spaces, stressing the importance of changing needs in design development and problem solving. Influencing factors such as the human element, barrier-free design and building systems are included. Offered spring semesters. Co-requisites: INDS 2364 and INDS 2387. Course Equivalents: FACS 2386
Prerequisite: INDS 1360.
INDS 2387. Architectural Graphics for Interiors. 3 Hours. [TCCN: ARCH 1307]
The course focuses on the development of two-dimensional graphic representations of architectural design. Practical application is achieved through development of drafting skills and representational sketching. (2-2). Co-requisites: INDS 2364 and INDS 2386. Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 2387
Prerequisite: MATH 1332, or MATH 1314, or MATH 1324, or MATH 1342.
INDS 2388. Building Systems for Interiors. 3 Hours. [TCCN: ARCH 2312]
This course focuses on helping students to develop an understanding of building systems as they apply to interior design. Student understanding of systems is communicated in drawing of construction, electrical, mechanical, ceiling and floor systems as part of design solutions. (2-2). Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 2388
Prerequisite: INDS 2387 with a grade of C or better.
INDS 3332. Lighting Design for Interiors. 3 Hours.
This course provides basic principles of light and color, measurement and control of light as applied to human needs in both residential and commercial interiors. Environmental systems for day lighting and solar design are studied. (3-0). Offered fall semesters. Concurrent enrollment in INDS 3338. Course Equivalents: FACS 3332
Prerequisite: INDS 2364, INDS 2387, and INDS 2388 with a grade of C or better.
INDS 3337. Studio III: Design Process. 3 Hours.
The student in this course will implement the design process in residential and commercial spaces through drawings and model construction techniques. Students will explore various rendering media and develop three-dimensional drawings along with volumetric study of spaces (1-4). Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 3337
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in INDS 3332, INDS 3338, and INDS 3377.
INDS 3338. Studio II: Residential Design. 3 Hours.
The student will apply the design process to residential spaces. It will include development of schematic and technical drawings, material selection, perspective representations of space, and specifications. (1-4). Offered fall semesters. Concurrent enrollment in INDS 3332. Course Equivalents: FACS 3338
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in ARTS 1316, INDS 2365, INDS 2388, and ETCM 2363.
INDS 3360. Interior Design Profession Practice & Procedure. 3 Hours.
This course includes fundamentals of business procedures used in interior design residential and commercial establishments. Practical application is implemented through design project management. (3-0). Offered spring semesters. Co-requisite: INDS 3337. Course Equivalents: FACS 3360
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in INDS 3338.
INDS 3361. History of Furnishings II. 3 Hours.
This course is focused on the study of history of interiors, architecture, and furnishings from the post-Renaissance era to the present. Emphasis is given to the social, economic, and political conditions that influenced furniture, interior, and architectural design. Offered fall semesters.(3-0). Course Equivalents: FACS 3361 .
INDS 3365. Digital Drawing for Interior Design II. 3 Hours.
Students in this course focus on computer applications through digital design, three-dimensional modeling, perspective drawing, problem identification, problem solving, and research techniques applied to interior environments. Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 3365
Prerequisite: ETCM 2363, INDS 2365, and INDS 2388.
INDS 3377. Interior Codes & Standards. 3 Hours.
A study of laws, codes, standards and regulations that are in effect to protect human health and safety for interiors. Included are the fire and life safety codes, barrier-free design, and ergonomics. (3-0). Offered fall semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 3377
Prerequisite: Junior Standing.
INDS 4330. Studio IV: Commercial Design I. 3 Hours.
A study is made of design development of interiors through analysis of space and structure. Focus is on comprehensive design solutions implemented through multiphase projects including space planning, contract documents, specifications, finish selections, sustainability, and various presentation techniques. (1-4). Offered fall semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 4330
Prerequisite: INDS 3332, INDS 3337, INDS 3338, INDS 3360, INDS 3365 and INDS 3377 with a grade of C or higher and senior standing.
INDS 4331. Studio V: Commercial Design II. 3 Hours.
The capstone course for Interior Design majors, this course includes a semester-long project or a series of comprehensive projects preparing students for internship and professional office settings. Students are encouraged to demonstrate knowledge gained to-date to solve various design situations. Graphics presentations include hand and digital drawings and media. (1-4). Offered spring semesters. Course Equivalents: FACS 4331
Prerequisite: INDS 4330 and ETCM 3372 with a grade of C or higher, senior standing.
Human Sciences
HUSC 3335. Event Administration. 3 Hours.
This course prepares students to attain the operational skills involved in event administration. The course focuses on social and corporate events, target markets and market segments, budgeting and forecasting, theme and proposal writing, and logistics and planning for on- and off-premise events. The course also examines the benefits of networking, promoting sales and marketing, and the importance of human resource issues in event administration. Course Equivalents: FACS 3335
Prerequisite: Junior Standing.
HUSC 4068. Research Problems. 1-4 Hours.
Seminars provide adequate research experiences for students having special needs and requirements for the completion of work for a degree. Registration is permitted only by approval of the department chair. Course may be repeated for credit. Variable Credit (1-4). Course Equivalents: FACS 4068, FACS 4368
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
HUSC 4369. Internship. 3 Hours.
Course consists of an off-campus work experience in an approved professional environment under the guidance of an internship supervisor. A minimum of two hundred (200) supervised clock hours are required for appropriate credit and enrollment in the course HUSC 4369 at the time the work is being completed. Offered spring semesters and summer only. Refer to the department internship handbook for specific major requirements. Refer to the department internship handbook for specific major requirements. Course Equivalents: FACS 4369
Prerequisite: Departmental Approval Required and 90 semester hours completed.
HUSC 4392. Independent Study in Human Science. 3 Hours.
A directed individual study of an approved problem related to one of the majors in Human Sciences. Course Equivalents: FACS 4392
Prerequisite: 9 advanced hours in declared major in Human Sciences and approval of department chair.
HUSC 4395. Special Topics in Human Science. 3 Hours.
This course will examine special topics in the field of Human Science. Course Equivalents: FACS 4395 .
Berna El Rahi Abed el Sater, PHD, Assistant Professor of Food Science and Nutrition, Department of Human Sciences, PHD, University of Montreal; MS, American University of Beirut; BS, Notre Dame University
Deneisha Alice Branch, MBA, Lecturer of Human Sciences, Department of Human Sciences, MBA, American Intercontinental Univ; BFA, American Intercontinental Univ
Laura Keilers Burleson, PHD, Assistant Professor of Interior Design, Department of Human Sciences, PHD, Texas Tech University; MS, Oklahoma State University; BS, Oklahoma State University
Linda Gail Fergus, PHD, Assistant Professor of Food Science and Nutrition, Department of Human Sciences, PHD, LSU & A&M College; MS, Texas Woman's University; BS, LSU & A&M College
Megan Rebecca Garcia, BS, Assistant Professor of Practice of Interior Design, Department of Human Sciences, BS, Texas State Univ-San Marcos
Cherine Hatem, PHD, Assistant Professor of Food Science and Nutrition, Department of Human Sciences, PHD, Univ of Houston-Main; MS, Case Western Reserve Univ; BS, John Carroll University
Ernesto Molinar Hernandez, PHD, Lecturer of Food Science & Nutrition, Department of Human Sciences, PHD, Univ of Massachusetts-Amherst; MS, Oregon State University; BS, University of Guanajuato
Domenique Elizabeth Jones, PHD, Lecturer of Human Sciences, Department of Human Sciences, PHD, Univ of Tennessee-Knoxville; MS, Univ of North Texas; BS, Univ of North Texas
Tabbetha Dawn Lopez, PHD, Assistant Professor of Food Science & Nutrition and Dietetics Director, Department of Human Sciences, PHD, Univ of Houston-Main; MS, Texas Tech University; BS, Univ of Houston-Main; BS, Univ of Houston-Main
Sahar Mihandoust, PHD, Lecturer of Interior Design, Department of Human Sciences, PHD, Texas Tech University; MA, Rensselaer Poly Inst; MA, Islamic Azad University; BA, Islamic Azad University
Keila E Tyner, PHD, Associate Professor of Practice in Fashion Merchandising, Department of Human Sciences, PHD, Iowa State University; MS, Colorado State University; BS, Texas Christian University
Heather Jean Wall, BARCH, Assistant Professor of Practice of Interior Design, Department of Human Sciences, BARCH, Univ of Southern California