Master of Education in School Leadership

The Master of Education in School Leadership is a thirty-credit hour program designed specifically for educators who wish to work towards Principal Certification.  The program complies with existing standards for professional certification to produce proficient school administrators who are well educated in school leadership and administration; effective leadership strategies; campus business management; and federal, state, and local school regulations.  Candidates in this program will also possess the skills necessary to evaluate programs for overall school improvement, improve instruction and curricula, and understand how diverse populations and special programs affect a school and its community.  A comprehensive examination is required toward the end of the program coursework.  The study plan originates in the Department of Educational Leadership.

Additional information: Reference the Program Landing Page for additional information, such as cost, delivery format, contact information, or to schedule a visit.

Applicants seeking admission to the M.Ed. in School Leadership must submit the following directly to the Office of Graduate Admissions:

  1. ApplyTexas application and application fee
  2. Texas Education Accountability System for Educator Preparation Programs Fee ($35 paid to TEA as required by TAC 229.9.7) if seeking Texas Principal certification
  3. Official transcript from the baccalaureate degree-granting institution with a GPA of 3.0 overall or in the last 60 hours
  4. Copy of teacher service record from school district that reflects: 1) at least 1 year of certified teaching experience; and 2) current employment, all in Texas Education Agency-accredited schools.  Note:  At least 2 years of certified teaching experience are required for the Principal as Instructional Leader certification in Texas.
  5. Copy of valid teaching certificate
  6. Written essay
  7. School Leadership Statement

University Application Deadlines
Fall:  August 1st 
Spring:  December 15th 
Summer:  May 15th

Direct questions to the Department of Educational Leadership at (936) 294-1147.

Candidates have 6 years from the semester of the first course to complete program/degree requirements and state certification (e.g., pass exams).

The degree requires thirty hours of graduate coursework. A comprehensive examination is required toward the end of the program coursework.

Master of Education in School Leadership
Required Courses
EDAD 5332School Leadership3
EDAD 5372Federal, State, and Local School Law3
EDAD 5386Special Populations and Special Programs3
EDAD 6310School Culture and Communication3
EDAD 6362Principal Practicum/Internship 16
EDAD 6370Campus Business Management3
EDAD 6371Role of Principal in School Administration3
EDAD 6378Instructional Supervision3
EDAD 6379Program Evaluation For School Improvement3
Total Hours30

EDAD 6362 Principal Practicum/Internship is taken over two long semesters fall and spring or spring and fall (3 hours each semester) and may be taken with one other course.

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) marketable skills initiative is part of the state’s 60x30TX plan and was designed to help students articulate their skills to employers.  Marketable skills are those skills valued by employers and/or graduate programs that can be applied in a variety of work or education settings and may include interpersonal, cognitive, and applied skill areas.

The MEd in School Leadership is designed to provide graduates with the following School Leadership/Instructional Leader marketable skills to:

  • Build trusting relationships.
  • Use collaborative decision-making.
  • Support data-driven instruction (building capacity of teachers, staff, and students).
  • Practice ethical leadership.
  • Observe and provide TTESS-aligned feedback .
  • Lead effective professional development.