Master of Science in Business Security and Resilience

The Master of Science in Business Security and Resilience will provide students seeking to embark on careers, or advance in existing careers, in the corporate sector with the analytical tools and knowledge base to cope with critical business concerns including threats to business operations, business continuity planning, project management, operations planning and control, organizational change, cybersecurity, digital forensics, and data analytics.  The MS in Business Security and Resilience will offer students a choice of one of our tracks in Business Cybersecurity and Risk Management, Business Project Risk, and Data Analytics.  The multidisciplinary program will consist of courses offered via the Department of Security Studies, the Department of Computer Science, and the Department of Management, Marketing, and Information Systems, the Department of Finance and Banking, the Department of Economics and International Business, the Department of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship, and the Department of Accounting.

Additional information: Reference the Program Landing Page for additional information, such as cost, delivery format, contact information, or to schedule a visit.