Bachelor of Science, Major in Interior Design

Additional information: Reference the Program Landing Page for additional information, such as cost, delivery format, contact information, or to schedule a visit. 

Bachelor of Science, Major in Interior Design
Core Curriculum
Component Area I (Communication)6
Component Area II (Mathematics) 13
Component Area III (Life and Physical Science)8
Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture)3
Component Area V (Creative Arts)3
Component Area VI (U.S. History)6
Component Area VII (Political Science/Government)6
Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences)3
Component Area IX (Component Area Option) 24
Degree Specific Requirements
COMS 3370Intercultural Communication3
or ETSM 4335 Human Factors & Ergonomics
KINE 2115Lifetime Health and Wellness 21
MATH 1314Pre Calculus Algebra 13
or MATH 1324 Mathematics for Managerial Decision Making
or MATH 1332 College Mathematics
or MATH 1342 Elementary Statistics
Select two additional Social and Behavioral Sciences6
Interpersonal Communication
Critical Thinking
Introduction To Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Major: Foundation
ARTS 1316Drawing3
INDS 1140Introduction to Interior Design1
INDS 1360Applied Design Theory3
Major: Required
HUSC 4369Internship3
INDS 2361History of Furnishings I3
INDS 2364Materials and Sources3
INDS 2365Digital Drawing for Interior Design3
INDS 2386Studio I: Space Planning3
INDS 2387Architectural Graphics for Interiors3
INDS 2388Building Systems for Interiors3
INDS 3332Lighting Design for Interiors3
INDS 3337Studio III: Design Process3
INDS 3338Studio II: Residential Design3
INDS 3360Interior Design Profession Practice & Procedure3
INDS 3361History of Furnishings II3
INDS 3365Digital Drawing for Interior Design II3
INDS 3377Interior Codes & Standards3
INDS 4330Studio IV: Commercial Design I3
INDS 4331Studio V: Commercial Design II3
Major: Prescribed Electives
ARTS 3385Art History Survey II3
ARTS 4384Modern Art Before 19453
or ARTS 4385 Art Since 1945
or ARTS 3383 Design History
ETCM 3372Construction Drafting 33
ETDD 2363Architectural Design3
Electives: General
General Electives2
Minor: Not Required 4,5
Total Hours120

Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area II (Mathematics).


Satisfies one hour of the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IX (Component Area Option).


ETCM department waives prerequisites for Interior Design majors.


A minor is not required for this degree program; however, a student has the option to add a minor, but to do so additional semester credits hours will be needed above the degree program’s stated total semester credit hours.


All minors can be paired with this degree program.


Students must earn a 2.0 minimum overall GPA in all coursework. 

Students must meet a 2.5 minimum overall major GPA in all major coursework.

Students must earn a 2.0 minimum SHSU GPA in all coursework.

Students must meet a 2.5 minimum SHSU major GPA in all major coursework.

A minimum grade of "C" is required for Interior Design majors in all ARTS, ETCM, and INDS courses and in the prerequisites for these courses. The program requires a 2.5 GPA.

The Interior Design specific courses (INDS designation) are only offered once per academic year, in either Fall or Spring, as noted in the plan of study.

INDS 1140 is a prerequisite for INDS 1360.

INDS 1360 is a prerequisite for INDS 2386.

INDS 2364 , INDS 2386, and INDS 2387 should be taken concurrently.

INDS 1360 or INDS 2364 is a prerequisite for ETDD 2363

ARTS 1316, ETDD 2363, and INDS 2365 and INDS 2388 are prerequisites for INDS 3338.  

ARTS 3385 is a prerequisite for ARTS 3383ARTS 4384, or ARTS 4385.

A passing sophomore portfolio review is required along with departmental approval prior to taking INDS 3338.  

HUSC 4369 requires departmental approval and 90 hours of course work completed.

Additional information: Reference the Program Landing Page for additional information, such as cost, delivery format, contact information, or to schedule a visit. 

First Year
Component Area III4Component Area III4
ARTS 13163Component Area VIII3
ENGL 130113ENGL 130213
HSTY 130123HSTY 130223
INDS 11401INDS 13603
MATH 1314, 1324, 1332, or 134233 
 17 16
Second Year
Component Area IV3ETDD 23633
INDS 23643INDS 23613
INDS 23863INDS 23653
INDS 23873INDS 23883
KINE 211541POLS 230653
POLS 230553 
 16 15
Third Year
Component Area V3ARTS 33853
INDS 33323INDS 33373
INDS 33383INDS 33603
INDS 33613INDS 33653
INDS 33773PHIL 2303, COMS 2386, PSYC 1301, or SOCI 13013
 15 15
Fourth Year
ARTS 4384, 4385, or 33833Component Area IX3
COMS 3370 or ETSM 43353HUSC 43693
ETCM 337263INDS 43313
INDS 43303PHIL 2303, COMS 2386, PSYC 1301, or SOCI 13013
General Electives2 
 14 12
Total Hours: 120

Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area I (Communications).


Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area VI (U.S. History).


Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area II (Mathematics).


Satisfies one hour of the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IX (Component Area Option).


Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area VII (Political Science/Government).


ETCM department waives prerequisites for Interior Design majors.


Students must earn a 2.0 minimum overall GPA in all coursework. 

Students must meet a 2.5 minimum overall major GPA in all major coursework.

Students must earn a 2.0 minimum SHSU GPA in all coursework.

Students must meet a 2.5 minimum SHSU major GPA in all major coursework.

A minimum grade of "C" is required for Interior Design majors in all ARTS, ETCM, and INDS courses and in the prerequisites for these courses. The program requires a 2.5 GPA.

The Interior Design specific courses (INDS designation) are only offered once per academic year, in either Fall or Spring, as noted in the plan of study.

INDS 1140 is a prerequisite for INDS 1360.

INDS 1360 is a prerequisite for INDS 2386.

INDS 2364, INDS 2386, and INDS 2387 should be taken concurrently.

INDS 1360 or INDS 2364 is a prerequisite for ETDD 2363

ARTS 1316, ETDD 2363 and INDS 2365  and INDS 2388  are prerequisites forINDS 3338

ARTS 3385 is a prerequisite for ARTS 3383, ARTS 4384, or ARTS 4385.

A passing sophomore portfolio review is required along with departmental approval prior to taking INDS 3338.

HUSC 4369 requires departmental approval and 90 hours of course work completed.

A minor is not required for this degree program; however, a student has the option to add a minor, but to do so, additional semester credit hours will be needed above the degree program’s stated total semester credit hours.

All minors can be paired with this degree program.

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) marketable skills initiative is part of the state’s 60x30TX plan and was designed to help students articulate their skills to employers.  Marketable skills are those skills valued by employers and/or graduate programs that can be applied in a variety of work or education settings and may include interpersonal, cognitive, and applied skill areas.

The BS in Interior Design is designed to provide graduates with the following marketable skills:

  • Oral and written communication.
  • Technical interior design knowledge.
  • Manual and digital drawing.
  • Critical thinking and problem solving.
  • Application of evidence-based design.