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Search Results for "KINE 3321"

KINE 3321. Applied Kinesiology. 3 Hours.

Students analyze human movement in order to understand and apply exercise and sport training principles for improved human performance. This course is designed for students preparing to be coaches, physical educators, or teachers of sport, exercise, or physical activity. Required for Sport Coaching Minors and BS in KINE and Education Double Majors. Advanced Elective for all other majors.
Prerequisite: 45 credit hours or instructor approval.

Undergraduate Certificate in Sport Coaching
The Undergraduate Certificate in Sport Coaching will provide foundational knowledge for students who are Kinesiology and Education Double Majors or any education double majors who intend to become teachers and coaches in the K-12 setting.  This certificate can also be selected by students who intend to coach at the collegiate level or outside of the K-12 setting.  Further, the certificate program will allow current coaches or individuals who are post-baccalaureate to receive formal coach education.