Master of Education in Teaching and Learning

The Master of Education in Teaching and Learning is a 30 hour program that includes 18 hours of core course work and 12 hours of certification-specific coursework. This program of study leads to the Master of Education degree and Texas teacher certifications in either PK-3 or EC-6, 4-8, and 7-12.  A graduate research project must be completed during the research course CIED 5370

Applicants interested in pursuing Masters of Education in Teaching and Learning should contact the School of Teaching and Learning at (936) 294-3956 for more information.

The Master of Education in Teaching and Learning program at Sam Houston State University is fully accredited by the Texas Education Agency through the Texas Accountability System for Educator Preparation Programs.

Additional information: Reference the Program Landing Page for additional information, such as cost, delivery format, contact information, or to schedule a visit.

Applicants seeking admission to the Master of Education in Teaching and Learning program must submit the following directly to the Office of Graduate Admissions:

  1. Graduate Application
  2. Application Fee
  3. Admission Essay 
  4. Application to the Educator Preparation Program (EPP).
  5. A passing score on the Pre-admission Content (PACT) exam for certification area. 
  6. Pay the $35 Texas Education Accountability System for Educator Preparation Programs Fee (paid to the TEA as required by TAC 229.9.7) if seeking Texas Teacher certification.
  7. Pay the $100 Educator Preparation Program Fee.
  8. Official transcript (indicating an undergraduate degree) from an accredited academic institution.
  9. Candidates must have a minimum 3.0 GPA for the baccalaureate degree or the last 60 hours of coursework.
Master of Education in Teaching and Learning
Core Coursework
BESL 5318Sheltered Instruction in Prekindergarten-123
CIED 5301Alternative Teacher Preparation I3
CIED 5302Alternative Teacher Preparation II3
CIED 5370Foundations of Education Research3
CIED 5398Practicum in Classroom Instruction I3
CIED 5399Practicum in Classroom Instruction II3
Certification Courses
Select one of the following certification areas12
PK-3 Certification Coursework
Curriculum Development-Early Childhood Education
Language and Literacy Development in the Young Child
Theoretical Perspectives in Early Childhood Education
Development Of The Young Child
EC-6, 4-8, 7-12 Certification Coursework
Instructional Coaching
Integrating Current Technologies in Education
Advanced Methods for Classroom Management and Discipline
Assessment and Accountability
Total Hours30

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) marketable skills initiative is part of the state’s 60x30TX plan and was designed to help students articulate their skills to employers.  Marketable skills are those skills valued by employers and/or graduate programs that can be applied in a variety of work or education settings and may include interpersonal, cognitive, and applied skill areas.

The MEd in Teaching and Learning is designed to provide graduates with the following marketable skills:

  • Prepared to teach all content areas necessary for certification area
  • Prepared to implement evidence-based methods of teaching and learning
  • Fully qualified to teach in Texas Public schools  ​