Bachelor of Science, Major in Family and Consumer Sciences (General)

This is an archived copy of the 2016-2017 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Bachelor of Science, Major in Family and Consumer Sciences (General)
Core Curriculum
Component Area I (Communication)6
Component Area II (Mathematics)3
Component Area III (Life and Physical Science)8
Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture)3
Component Area V (Creative Arts)3
Component Area VI (U.S. History)6
Component Area VII (Political Science/Government)6
Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences)3
Component Area IX (Component Area Option)4
Degree Specific Requirements
MATH 1314Pre Calculus Algebra 13
or MATH 1332 College Mathematics
MATH Elective3
CHEM 1406Inorganic & Envir Chemistry 24
or CHEM 1411 General Chemistry I
Natural Sciences8
Major Core
FACS 2368Consumer Education3
FACS 4362Presentation Techniques 43
FACS 1360Basic Principles of Design 33
FACS 1330Intro Soft Textiles Constructn3
FACS 1441Food Preparation And Selection4
FACS 1331Intro To Hospitality Industry3-4
or FACS 2441 Meal Management In Hospitality
FACS 2369Introduction To Textiles3
FACS 3369Family Relationships 43
FACS 3445Quan Food Pur Prep & Ser 54
FACS 4369Internship3
FACS Advanced15
Electives (14 of these hours must be Junior or Senior level.)23
Total Hours120-121

MATH 1314 or MATH 1332 satisfied Component Area II.


CHEM 1406 or CHEM 1411 satisfies 4 hours of Component Area III.


FACS 1360 satisfies Component Area V.


FACS 3369 and FACS 4362 require Junior standing.


FACS 4369 requires departmental approval and 100 hours of coursework completed.


FACS 2441 is a prerequisite for FACS 3445.


Students who plan to become teacher certified in FACS post-graduation should closely follow the FACS courses as outlined in the teacher certification program for this department.

To fulfill the FACS hours required of the major, the following courses are recommended for specific career paths as follows:

FACS in Business/Event Planning
FACS 3376Textile Science3
FACS 3377Codes,Stndrds & Facility Maint3
FACS 3378Fashion Promotion3
FACS 4370Adv Food Sys Org & Mngt3
FACS 4372Resource Management3


FACS 3364 also is recommended for this career path.

FACS 3364 requires 45 hours of course work completed.

FACS 1360 is a prerequisite for FACS 3378 and satifies Core Component Area V.

FACS 4372 requires Junior Standing.

FACS in Extension
FACS 3330Patternmaking & Apparel Produc3
FACS 3339Community and Life Cycle Nutri3
FACS 3376Textile Science3
FACS 4333Child Dev & Guidance3
FACS 4372Resource Management3


FACS 3364 is also recommended for this career path.

FACS 1367 or FACS 2362 is a prerequisite for FACS 3339

FACS 1360 is a prerequisite for FACS 3330.

FACS 4333 andFACS 4372 requires Junior Standing.

FACS in Family Service
FACS 3339Community and Life Cycle Nutri3
FACS 4372Resource Management3
FACS 4333Child Dev & Guidance3
COMS 4386Family Communication3
SOCI 3365Sociology Of Health & Illness3


FACS 1367 or FACS 2362 is a prerequisite for FACS 3339.

FACS 4372 requires Junior Standing.

COMS 2386 is a prerequisite for COMS 4386.

SOCI 1301 is a prerequisite for SOCI 3365 and satisfies the Core Component Area VIII.

First Year
FACS 14414FACS 13303
FACS 136013ENGL 130223
ENGL 130123HIST 130233
HIST 130133Component Area III4
MATH 1314 or 133243Component Area IX1
 16 14
Second Year
FACS 1331 or 24413FACS 23693
FACS 23683POLS 230653
POLS 230553MATH Elective3
Component Area IV3Lab Science (Deg Spec)4
Component Area III4 
 16 13
Third Year
FACS 34454FACS 33693
FACS Advanced Elective3FACS Advanced Elective3
Lab Science (Degree Spec)4General Electives/Minor4
Advanced Electives/Minor3Component Area IX3
Component Area VIII3 
 17 13
Fourth Year
FACS 43623FACS 43693
FACS Advanced Electives6FACS Advanced Elective3
Advanced Electives/Minor6Advanced Electives/Minor6
 General Electives/Minor4
 15 16
Total Hours: 120

 Satisfies Component Area V.


 Satisfies Component Area I.


 Satisfies Component Area VI.


 Satisfies Component Area II.


 Satisfies Component Area VII.