Minor in Ethics

Students seeking a minor in Ethics are required to complete a minimum of 18 semester credit hours.

Minor in Ethics
Required Courses
PHIL 2306Contemporary Moral Issues3
PHIL 2303Critical Thinking3
PHIL 4363Ethical Theories3
Prescribed Electives
Choose three of the following9
American Philosophy
Environmental Ethics
Philosophy of Law
Death and Dying
Philosophy of Crime & Justice
Feminist Philosophies
Philosophy of Race
Students may choose one of the following substantive ethics content courses in lieu of one PHIL elective listed above: 1
Cultural Geography
Conservation of Natural Resources
Black Civil Rights Movement
Gender and Sexualities
Topics in the History of Science and Medicine
Latin American and Latinx Gender Studies
Contemporary Political Theory
Survey of Political Theory
International Human Rights
Social Inequality
Gender And Inequality
Sociology of the Life Course
Racial and Ethnic Inequality
Environment And Society
Total Hours18

Students may, but are not required to, apply at most one non-philosophy course toward the elective component of the ethics minor. Students may petition philosophy program coordinator to apply a course with substantive ethics content that is not on this list toward the elective component. Double dipping of this course with major is permitted.

Note: Students pursuing the Philosophy Major may not count any course used in satisfying the requirements of that major toward the Minor in Ethics or the traditional Minor in Philosophy. Additionally, a student may not count the same course toward both minors.