Minor in Legal Studies

Minors in Legal Studies must complete 18 semester credit hours of required courses and electives. In keeping with the intent of a minor to broaden the student’s background knowledge, none of the courses taken by Legal Studies minors may be used to satisfy the requirement of any major, including a Political Science major, or any other minor.

Minor in Legal Studies
Required Courses
POLS 3334Judicial Systems 13
POLS 4334Constitutional Law I: Civil Rights and Liberties3
POLS 4335Constitutional Law II: Gov Powers & State-Federal Relations3
Prescribed Electives
Select one of the following Law-Related Skills courses:3
Argument and Persuasion
Critical Thinking (must be writing enhanced)
Introduction to Contemporary Logic
Select two of the following Substantive Legal Content courses:6
Political Science:
Victims' Rights, Politics, and Policy
Contemporary Political Theory
International Law and Organizations
International Human Rights
Problems in Political Science 2
Criminal Justice:
Law And Society
Legal Aspects Of Corrections
Constitutional Issues In Law Enforcement
General Business:
Entrepreneurial Law
Business Law
Human Resources Management Law
International Business Law
Real Estate Law
Black Civil Rights Movement
Sport Law
Security Studies:
Law and Ethics in Homeland Security
Philosophy of Law
Psychology And The Law
Total Hours18

The department encourages, but does not require, students to complete POLS 3334 prior to enrolling in POLS 4334 and POLS 4335.


Students may use POLS 4081 to fulfill an elective requirement when the course topic is pertinent to the Minor in Legal Studies.