College of Education

Administrative Officers

Title/Department Officer
Dean Stacey Edmonson, Ed.D.; (936) 294-1101
Associate Dean for Academic Administration and Enrollment Abbie Strunc, Ph.D.; (936) 294-1062
Associate Dean for Educational Assessment and Accountability Casey Brown, Ph.D.; (936) 294-4287
Associate Dean for Student Success and Partnerships Helen Berg, Ph.D.; (936) 294-4633
Senior Director of Strategic Operations and Projects TBD
Department of Counselor Education Leigh Holman, Ph.D., Chair
Department of Educational Leadership Eric Platt, Ph.D., Chair; (936) 294-3705
Department of Library Science and Technology Holly Weimar, Ed.D., Chair; (936) 294-1150
School of Teaching and Learning Kristina Vargo, Ph.D., Chair; (936) 294-4099

About the College

The College of Education is comprised of four academic units:

  1. Counselor Education
  2. Educational Leadership
  3. Library Science and Technology 
  4. School of Teaching and Learning

Teacher Certification is also under the administrative purview of the College of Education.

Website: Education 

Vision Statement

Preparing leaders to impact a diverse and evolving world.

Belief Statements

  • What we all do matters.
  • Innovation fosters creativity, critical thinking, and passion.
  • Relevant experiences promote growth and inspires change.
  • Strength is found in valuing diversity.
  • Positive relationships influence success.

Academic Programs

Departments Programs
Department of Educational Leadership Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies
Department of Library Science and Technology Bachelor of Arts in Learning Technologies
School of Teaching and Learning Bachelor of Science in Education
Counselor Education Human Services
School of Teaching and Learning Early Childhood Education (not for certification)
School of Teaching and Learning Special Education (not for certification)

Note: There is not an undergraduate major in Secondary Education. The primary teaching field will be listed as the major for students seeking certification in Grades 7-12.

Teacher Preparation Programs at Sam Houston State University

Levels of Certification

Level Title
EC-6 Early Childhood 6th Grade
4-8 Middle Grades 4th-8th
6-12 Grades 6th-12th
7-12 Secondary 7th-12th
EC-12 All-level: Early Childhood-12th

College/Department Housing Major

Abbreviation Title
COSET College of Science and Engineering Technology
COBA College of Business Administration
COED College of Education
COAM College of Fine Arts and Mass Communication
COHS College of Health Sciences
CHSS College of Humanities and Social Sciences
SOTL School of Teaching and Learning
Content Area Level of Certification Major College/Department
Agricultural Science and Technology 6-12 COSET: Agriculture
Art EC-12 COAM: Art
Generalist EC-6 COED: School of Teaching and Learning
Generalist with Bilingual Spanish EC-6 COED: School of Teaching and Learning
Generalist with Special Education EC-6, EC-12 (SPED) COED: School of Teaching and Learning
Business Education 6-12 COBA: General Business
Computer Science 8-12 COSET: Computer Science
Dance 8-12 COAM: Theatre & Dance
English, Language Arts and Reading 7-12 CHSS: English
English, Language Arts, and Reading/Social Studies 4-8 CHSS: English
Languages Other than English-French EC-12 CHSS: World Languages and Cultures
Languages Other than English-German EC-12 CHSS: World Languages and Cultures
History 7-12 CHSS: History
Journalism 7-12 COAM: Mass Communication
Languages Other than English-Spanish EC-12 CHSS: World Languages and Cultures
Life Science 7-12 COSET: Biology
Mathematics 4-8 COED: School of Teaching and Learning
Mathematics 7-12 COSET: Mathematics
Mathematics/Science 4-8 COED: School of Teaching and Learning
Music EC-12 COAM: School of Music
Physical Education EC-12 COHS: Kinesiology
Physical Sciences 6-12 COSET: Physics
Social Studies 7-12 CHSS: Polical Science, History
Speech 7-12 COAM: Mass Communication
Technology Applications EC-12 COSET: Computer Science
Technology Education 6-12 COSET: Agriculture
Theatre or Theatre Arts EC-12 COAM: Theatre & Dance
Trade and Industrial Education 6-12 COSET: Agriculture

Graduate Study

Graduate degrees offered through the College of Education are:

  • Master of Arts,
  • Master of Education,
  • Master of Library Science,
  • Master of Science,
  • Doctor of Education, and
  • Doctor of Philosophy.

The Graduate and Professional Catalog provides detailed information.


Several academic scholarships are available for undergraduate teaching candidates through the academic departments in the College of Education; other scholarships are also available through the University. Information about departmental scholarships and application forms may be obtained at the College of Education Website. Information on University scholarships may be obtained by calling  (936) 294-1672.

Required Field Experiences

Undergraduate and post-baccalaureate candidates are required to participate in field experiences in the public schools. Requirements for these activities vary by course and are coordinated by the Director of Educator Preparation Services. The Educator Preparation Services office facilitates a review of the criminal history background of each candidate to assure the safety of the public school children who interact with SHSU teaching candidates. This review is required by state law.

Admission to the Educator Preparation Program Admission Standards

In the first education class, candidates seeking initial Teacher Certification apply online for admission to the program. A one-time application fee is charged upon application. In addition, candidates for admission must obtain an online account in the College of Education data management system. Admission to the Educator Preparation program requires meeting each of the criteria listed below and will be pending until each requirement is satisfied. Teaching candidates will not be permitted to participate in the Literacy Methods Block, Content Methods Block, Field Experience I, Student Teaching, or in The Year Long Residency without full admission and continued academic good standing in the Educator Preparation Program. The requirements are: Demonstration of successful college performance:

  • 2.75 overall GPA (includes transfer hours and SHSU hours)
  • 2.75 GPA in content area or teaching field
  • “C” or above in all courses in the teaching field
  • Interview: Educator Dispositions Screening Instrument
  • Basic Skills Requirements found at Educator Preparation Services

Regular admission to the Educator Preparation program is required prior to placement in the Literacy Methods Block, Content Methods Block, and Field Experience I coursework. The requirements for admission to blocks are:

  • Clear criminal history background check;
  • Full admission and continued academic good standing in the Educator Preparation Program;
  • Satisfactory demonstration of oral communication skills;
  • 2.75 GPA in the teaching field or area of specialization; and
  • No grade below “C” in courses required for the teaching field or certification.

Full Admission and continued academic good standing in the program are also required for placement in Student Teaching.

Teacher Certification

The preparation of teachers for the public schools in Texas is the responsibility of the entire Sam Houston State University community and the public school districts that participate Sam Houston’s Innovative Partnerships with Schools (SHIPS). Students seeking certification in grades EC-6 or 4-8 will follow the degree plan for Education. Students who wish to teach a content subject in grades 7-12 or 8-12 will major in a teaching field area (i.e. Mathematics, English, History) with a minor in Secondary Education (SED). Some specialized areas of teaching require certification for a wider range of grades, usually 6-12 or EC-12. The Certification Officer, located in the Steele Center for Professional Practice, will provide certification and grade level assignment information upon request.

All teaching certificates are issued by the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) under the supervision of the Texas Education Agency, upon recommendation of the University, and are subject to change. This recommendation includes verified completion of an approved program in educator preparation and a statement affirming the academic, moral, and physical fitness of the individual for service as a teacher. Sam Houston State University regards this recommendation process as a serious responsibility and has high standards for admission to candidacy in the SHSU Educator Preparation program, checkpoints throughout the program, and exit requirements.

Initial certification requires completion of a state-approved educator preparation program (programs are described below).

State of Texas Certification Tests

Candidates must successfully complete state-mandated certification examinations in order to be recommended for a standard certification by Sam Houston State University. Candidates take certification tests in the teaching field/s and in professional and pedagogical knowledge. Guidelines and procedures for taking state mandated certification tests are available on the website for TExES or at Educator Preparation Services in the Garrett Teacher Education Center, Room 100L2.  It is the responsibility of the student to be familiar with the Texas standards for their area to become familiar with the testing guidelines and procedures, to be aware of test registration deadlines, and to complete registration forms correctly.

Application for State Teaching Certification

After the undergraduate has successfully completed the program requirements for graduation and certification and passed the appropriate certification exams, application should be made online to the State Board of Educator Certification for the standard teaching certificate. The University makes a recommendation for certification after the online application and fingerprinting process has been completed and the degree has been posted on the student’s transcript. For further information, contact the SHSU Certification Officer at (936) 294-1045.

Education Leading to Certification in Early Childhood Through 6th Grade (EC-6) or 4th Grade Through 8th Grade (4-8)

For teaching in grades EC-6, the major is Education with three choices for certification: The primary purpose of the Education program is to prepare candidates to become exemplary teachers in Early Childhood through 6th grade (EC-6) classrooms and 4th grade through 8th grade (4-8) classrooms. The Education program consists of at least 125 semester credit hours, including student teaching or a year long residency. In addition to meeting Texas Standards for EC-6 or 4-8 Teachers, these degree plan programs also prepare candidates to secure a supplemental certificate in English as a Second Language teaching, preferred by many school districts in Texas. The ESL supplemental certificate does not require proficiency in a second language, but prepares certification candidates for effective teaching of English language learners. Candidates registered for nine hours during the student teaching semester are considered to be full-time students by SHSU. Candidates majoring in Education have the following choices of teaching certification:

  • Generalist (EC-6 Generalist), or
  • Generalist (EC-6 Generalist with Bilingual Education Supplement), or
  • Generalist (EC-6 Generalist with EC-12 Special Education).

For teaching in grades 4-8, the major is Education with four choices of a minor:

  • English Language Arts and Reading (4-8 ELAR),
  • Mathematics (4-8 Mathematics),
  • Science Composite (4-8 Science), or
  • Social Studies (4-8 SS)

For Education majors, the current Texas Teaching Certificates awarded upon completion of all program requirements and successful performance on the related certification examinations are:

  • EC-6    Generalist
  • EC-6    Generalist with Bilingual Education Supplement
  • EC-6    Generalist, with EC-12 Special Education
  • 4-8      English Language Arts ESL supplement
  • 4-8      Mathematics and ESL supplement
  • 4-8      Science ESL Supplement (all Interdisciplinary Studies candidates for this additional certificate)
  • 4-8      Social Studies and ELS supplement

Candidates majoring in Education may also choose to minor in Early Childhood. That route DOES NOT lead to teaching certification. A teaching certificate for Early Childhood teachers is not offered by the State Board for Educator Certification. All of the above programs have a 42-hour common core of Foundation Courses and a common set of Professional Education Courses that does not exceed 24 semester credit hours. Each major has a unique set of Interdisciplinary Studies courses which vary in the number of hours depending on choice of certification. The Educaiton major component has a minimum of 48 hours. Degree plans which include dual certification fields will require additional semester hours of course credits. Students choosing one of these majors/minors should contact the education advisor in the SAM Center as soon as possible to learn the exact courses required for the selected minor and for advising to assist in a smooth progress through the program. All Education majors are assessed at multiple benchmarks throughout their program and must be recommended at each checkpoint to progress through the program. Thus, they are:

  1. Required to apply for admission to Educator Preparation (see Admission to the Educator Preparation Programs, Admission Standards),
  2. Required to apply for placement in Literacy Block or Field Experience I,
  3. Required to apply for placement in Methods Block, and
  4. Required to apply for Student Teaching and/or Year Long Residency.