Minor in Supply Chain Management

A Minor in Supply Chain Management (18 hours) is available for all bachelor's degree programs that permit a minor. The Minor in Supply Chain Management requires the following courses with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in residence at SHSU and overall.

Minor in Supply Chain Management
Required Courses
MGMT 3310Principles Of Management3
SCMG 3370Operations Management3
SCMG 3372Supply Chain Management3
Prescribed Elective Courses
Select 3 courses from the following:9
Introduction To Business Forecasting & Economics
Introduction to Business Forecasting and Economics
Business Database Management
Decision Analysis & Analytics
Strategic Sourcing/Procurement
Global Supply Chain Logistics
Quality Management
Management Science
Supply Chain ERP
Total Hours18

Furthermore, degree candidates for a Minor in Supply Chain Management must achieve a minimum 2.0 grade point average for all hours attempted in supply chain management courses, in residence at SHSU and overall (SHSU and transfer combined).