Minor in Music

Students who select music as a minor must complete a minimum of 20 hours, at least six of which must be advanced (3000 or 4000-level). Up to eight hours of applied music (studio instruction and ensembles) may be used in the minor. To enroll in private instruction or perform in ensembles, students must audition in their respective applied areas and for each ensemble.

Minor in Music
Required Courses
MUSI 1301Introduction To Study Of Music3
MUSI 2348Survey of Music Literature (Writing Enhanced) 13
Advanced Courses
Select 6 advanced hours from the following:6
XXXX Ind. Performances-Applied Lessons 2
Choral Ensemble
Jazz Band
Chamber Music
Opera Workshop
Music History: Antique through Baroque
Music History: Classic to Present (Writing Enhanced)
Wind Ensemble
Electronic Music
Opera Literature
Song History and Literature
Prescribed Elective Courses
Select 8 hours from the following:8
XXXX Ind. Performances-Applied Lessons 2
Fundamentals Of Singing
Music Appreciation
History of Rock, Jazz, and Popular Music
Introduction to Music Therapy
Psychology Of Music
Advanced Guitar
Instrumental Techniques for Vocalists
Total Hours20

MUSI 2348 satisfies the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area V (Creative Arts) & Minor requirement.


Music minors may take up to 8 hours of studio instruction; auditions are required.


Music minors may take up to 6 hours of ensembles; auditions are required. 


Students earning a grade below “C” in any music course required for his/her degree or minor in music are required to retake the course. After three failed attempts to earn a C or better, the student may be removed from the program.

Students enrolled in studio instruction must be concurrently enrolled in an ensemble.

Writing Enhanced Courses.  All undergraduate students are required to complete at least six hours of writing enhanced courses within the discipline, of which three hours must be advanced.


The following performance ensembles are open to all students of the university who qualify by audition:

Large Ensembles

Large Ensembles-
Marching/Concert Band-for Wind and Percussion Students
MUEN 1116/3116Band1
Wind Ensemble/Symphonic Band-for Wind and Percussion Students
MUEN 2116/4116Wind Ensemble1
Orchestra-for String Students and Wind and Percussion Students
MUEN 1117/3117Orchestra1
Chorus-for Vocal Students
MUEN 1111/3111Choral Ensemble1

Small Ensembles

No more than eight hours earned in large ensembles may be counted toward a degree. Small ensembles may be counted if approved by the ensemble director, studio instructor, and the Director, School of Music.

Additional small ensembles, such as Jazz Ensemble, Opera Workshop, and Chamber Music are strongly encouraged for those who qualify by audition:

Small Ensembles
Jazz Ensemble
MUEN 1115/3115Jazz Band1
Opera Workshop
MUEN 1119/3119Opera Workshop1
Chamber Music (smaller instrumental groups, including piano trios, string quartets, guitar ensemble, percussion ensemble, etc.)
MUEN 1118/3118Chamber Music1
Keyboard Skills and Collaborative Techniques-for Keyboard performance major students only
MUEN 1110/3110Keyboard Skills and Collaborative Techniques1


  • Music majors should enroll in at least one ensemble each semester they are enrolled as full-time students (except the student teaching semester).
  • Students enrolled in studio instruction should be concurrently enrolled in an ensemble.
  • Jazz Ensemble will not normally be considered to be the major ensemble for graduation hours.
  • Students should not be enrolled in more than 2 ensembles per semester.
  • Music Therapy majors must participate in 6 semesters of ensemble.

NOTE: Modifications or exceptions may be made in rare or unusual circumstances but require approval by the Director, School of Music in coordination with ensemble directors and studio instructors.

Marching Band (for Wind and Percussion students)

  • Wind and Percussion students in the Teacher Certification program are required to be in Marching Band for 3 semesters.
  • Music Therapy Majors, music performance majors, music minors, and non-majors are encouraged to participate in Marching Band.

For information regarding Common Course numbers for Ensemble, please refer to the Common Course listing in this catalog.

Ind. Performances/Applied Music Instruction and Practicums (Music Therapy)

Applied Music Instruction (Instrument, Voice, Music Therapy Practicum)
BSSN 1201Individual Performances-Bassoon2
BSSN 3201Individual Performances-Bassoon2
BSSN 3202Applied Bassoon with Junior Recital2
VNCL 1201Individual Performances-Violncello2
VNCL 3201Individual Performances-Violncello2
VNCL 3202Applied Cello with Junior Recital2
CLAR 1201Individual Performances - Clarinet2
CLAR 3201Individual Performances - Clarinet2
CLAR 3202Applied Clarinet with Junior Recital2
COMP 1101Applied Composition I1
COMP 3301Applied Composition II3
EUPH 1201Individual Performances-Euphonium2
EUPH 3201Individual Performances-Euphonium2
EUPH 3202Applied Euphonium with Junior Recital2
FLUT 1201Individual Performances-Flute2
FLUT 3201Individual Performances-Flute2
FLUT 3202Applied Flute with Junior Recital2
French Horn
HORN 1201Individual Performances-French Horn2
HORN 3201Individual Performances-French Horn2
HORN 3202Applied Horn with Junior Recital2
GUIT 1201Individual Performances-Guitar2
GUIT 3201Individual Performances-Guitar2
GUIT 3202Applied Guitar with Junior Recital2
HARP 1201Harp2
HARP 3201Harp2
HARP 3202Applied Harp with Junior Recital2
OBOE 1201Individual Performances-Oboe2
OBOE 3201Individual Performances-Oboe2
OBOE 3202Applied Oboe with Junior Recital2
ORGN 1201Individual Performances-Organ2
ORGN 3201Individual Performances-Organ I2
ORGN 3202Applied Organ with Junior Recital2
PERC 1201Individual Performances-Percussion2
PERC 3201Individual Performances-Percussion2
PERC 3202Applied Percussion w/ Jr Recital2
PIAN 1201Individual Performances-Piano2
PIAN 3201Individual Performances-Piano2
PIAN 3202Applied Piano with Junior Recital2
SAXO 1201Individual Performances-Saxophone2
SAXO 3201Individual Performances-Saxophone2
SAXO 3202Applied Saxophone with Junior Recital2
String Bass
STBS 1201Individual Performances-String Bass2
STBS 3201Individual Performances-String Bass2
STBS 3202Applied String Bass w/ Jr Recital2
TRMT 1201Individual Performances-Trumpet2
TRMT 3201Individual Performances-Trumpet2
TRMT 3202Applied Trumpet with Junior Recital2
TUBA 1201Individual Performances-Tuba2
TUBA 3201Individual Performances-Tuba2
TUBA 3202Applied Tuba with Junior Recital2
TRMB 1201Individual Performances-Trombone2
TRMB 3201Individual Performances-Trombone2
TRMB 3202Applied Trombone with Junior Recital2
VIOL 1201Individual Performances-Viola2
VIOL 3201Individual Performances-Viola2
VIOL 3202Applied Viola with Junior Recital2
VILN 1201Individual Performances-Violin2
VILN 3201Individual Performances-Violin2
VILN 3202Applied Violin with Junior Recital2
VOIC 1201Individual Performances-Voice2
VOIC 3201Individual Performances-Voice2
VOIC 3202Applied Voice with Junior Recital2
Practicum – Early Childhood
MUSI 3117Practicum In Music Therapy I1
Practicum – Special Needs
MUSI 3118Practicum In Music Therapy II1
Practicum – Psychiatric/Geriatric
MUSI 4110Practicum In Music Therapy III1
Practicum – Medical
MUSI 4111Practicum In Music Therapy IV1

Applied Music Fees

Students enrolled in Applied Music Instruction are required to pay a fee at the time of registration on a per-course basis each semester:

Texas ResidentNonresident
Semester Hours Amount Semester Hours Amount
2-hour course $60.00 2-hour course $60.00
4-hour course $75.00 4-hour course $75.00

There is no additional charge for use of practice rooms.