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Search Results for "MATH 3379"

MATH 3379. Statistical Methods in Practice. 3 Hours.

Students study the organization and presentation of data, measures of central tendency, dispersion, and position, probability distributions for discrete and continuous random variables, sampling techniques, parameter estimation, and hypothesis testing. Emphasis is given to the use of statistics packages. Normally offered in the Fall, Spring, Summer I. Also offered as STAT 3379. Course Equivalents: STAT 3379
Prerequisite: Three (3) semester hours of college mathematics.

Bachelor of Science, Major in Mathematics: 4+1 MS Mathematics
1 MATH 1420 satisfies the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area II (Mathematics) and one semester credit hour of the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IX (Component Area Option). 2 Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area III (Life and Physical Science). 3 Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture). 4 If KINE 2115 is used to satisfy the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IX (Component Area Option), an additional credit hour will be needed as a General Elective. 5 Advanced MATH electives do not include MATH 3363 , MATH 3379 / STAT 3379 , MATH 3380 , MATH 3381 , MATH 3383 , MATH 3384 , MATH 3386 , MATH 3387 , MATH 4367 , MATH 4384 , and MATH 4385 . ( MATH 3363 ,  MATH 4367 ,  MATH 4384 , and MATH 4385 are designed for students in the BS, Double Major in Education and Mathematics.) 6 Minor includes at least nine hours of advanced coursework. 7 The following minor cannot be paired with this degree program:  Minor in Mathematics. 8 Students planning to pursue the 4+1 Mathematics option must complete the Graduate Application process and be accepted to the MS in Mathematics program.  In order to apply to the 4+1 Mathematics program, students must complete all undergraduate degree plan requirements (minimum of 120 semester credit hours) and all admission requirements.  Once a student is accepted to the graduate Mathematics program, students are eligible to begin the Mathematics program upon completion of all admission requirements.