Academic Support Services

Academic Success Center

The Academic Success Center offers a variety of academic support programs for SHSU students. These services include CRLA-certified peer tutoring programs for writing, math, core science, business, world languages, and more. 

The ASC provides writing, reading, and world language support offering one-on-one 30-minute and 60-minute sessions.  Small group sessions can also be an option pending class session and instructor.  The overall goal is to help individuals become more successful, more confident writers and learners.  Students may seek writing assistance ranging from freshman essays to theses and dissertations.  In addition, our STEM tutoring program provides one-on-one and small group assistance for students seeking support in math, statistics, and a variety of sciences.  The ASC offers study groups in math and chemistry.  Also, the ASC has embedded tutors that support students within selected courses and provide feedback to instructors on learning challenges that students may face. 

The ASC offers Learning Coaches to help students balance the demands of college by guiding students through areas such as accountability, time management, study skills, note taking, test preparation, and goal setting.  Our Recovery Coaches work with students on first-time academic probation or students on first-time academic suspension.  Students on probation will learn academic recovery strategies and methods related to university policies, resources, communication techniques, wellness, and setting.  Students on academic suspension are guided to get back to good academic standing by constructing a recovery plan that includes forming connections with instructors, reaching goals, and identifying and utilizing campus resources.  

The ASC also offers workshops and seminars for academic success or academic recovery facilitated by learning coaches, recovery coaches, and professional staff.  

ASC services are available for all undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled in SHSU. Services are available in-person and virtually on main campus and at The Woodlands Center.  On the main campus, the Academic Success Center is located in the Newton Gresham Library.  The ASC can be contacted by calling (936) 294-3680.

Advising (Student Advising and Mentoring Center)

At the Student Advising and Mentoring Center (SAM Center), we value each student as an individual and believe that advising is a shared responsibility with the student.

Our professional advisors are highly skilled experts in student development and degree planning, and we strive to provide students with personalized, holistic, success-based academic advising and support. We strongly believe in the importance of academic advising in student achievement, retention, and degree completion.

Whether you are an entering freshman, returning student, transfer student, prospective student, or a current undergraduate student, you can expect to learn about campus processes, be directed to beneficial resources for your success, and work with advisors on major exploration along with course planning to build the best university experience possible for you.

The SAM Center is located on the Huntsville campus on the first floor, Suites 170 and 190, of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Building (CHSS). You can reach the SAM Center by e-mailing or calling (936) 294-4444 or toll free at (866) 364-5211.

Not sure who your advisor is or how to make your appointment? Visit the SAM Center Website to view Who is My Advisor and How to Get Advised.

Data Analytics and Decision Support (DADS)

Data Analytics and Decision Support (DADS) is a Sam Houston State University administrative service and support unit aligned under Strategic Enrollment & Innovation (SEI). The unit is comprised of three areas: Institutional Research (IR), Data Analytics, and Data Literacy/Data Governance.

It is the mission of the Data Analytics and Decision Support function to collect, analyze, appraise, report and disseminate data on behalf of the University, its executive administration and its educational leaders for the purpose of promoting evidence-based reflection, planning, and action. The DADS team provides information and conducts research studies to comply with federal, state and other reporting mandates, and to assess policy, programs and special initiatives. DADS is also responsible for certifying SHSU's official student data to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB).

To request assistance with obtaining data, access to existing reports, and information about external data resources, SHSU employees with network access may submit a work order request/request a report.  A data dictionary, Data Cookbook, is available to individuals with SHSU network log in credentials to review descriptions of existing reports (specifications) and data terms (definitions).  SHSU uses Cognos as the reporting tool, and links to the Cognos reports are included in Data Cookbook.  Various reports require prior training and/or approval, and SHSU Cognos users are encouraged to read about these details in Data Cookbook.  A Data Cookbook introductory tutorial is available for additional assistance.  Questions about Cognos and Data Cookbook can be directed to our staff or to SHSU Information Technology Service Desk personnel.

Newton Gresham Library

The Newton Gresham Library (NGL) contains more than 1.2 million print books, periodicals, audio and visual materials, and microforms. Students have access to over 800,000 eBooks, online journals and newspapers, as well as streaming media resources through the Library website. The Library also acts as a Federal and State government documents depository, providing access to almost 200,000 print and online documents. The library maintains licenses to over 400 online databasesBooks, articles, documents, and other items which are not available locally may be requested via the Library’s Interlibrary Loan service. 

SHSU Special Collections in the Thomason Room on the Library’s 4th floor holds over 22,000 rare books and research collections on Texas, the Southwest, American authors, the Civil War, Criminal Justice, and other topics. University Archives, also located on the 4th floor of the Library, preserves the history of the campus.  The Newton Gresham Library’s general collection includes popular and recreational reading materials, tabletop games, a children’s literature collection, a music and scores collection, and materials to help teachers create lesson plans. Creative, research and study spaces at the Library include: a music listening room, 35 individual study carrels, eight technology equippegroup study and seminar spaces, video recording studio, a copy center (including faxing, poster printing, and more), as well as a lactation room, vending machines, outdoor seating, and a Starbucks--all provided for the convenience of students and faculty.   

Twenty-one librarians, twenty-nine support staff, and scores of student assistants provide reference, interlibrary loan, circulation, acquisitions, and other library services to the faculty, staff, and students of the University as well as to visiting scholars and off-campus users. Distance Learners will find librarians embedded in their online classes.  A full-time librarian provides assistance to students at The Woodlands Center, and at the College of Osteopathic MedicineA computer lab with over 75 networked workstations is available during regular library hours, and staffed by IT@Sam.  To assist library users in utilizing library materials and services, librarians developed online guides available on the Library’s website. Librarians also provide access to information and help in using the library’s resources and services to students on- and off-campus with online chat (see Ask A Librarian on the Library’s homepage), e-mail, and by phone.  Two active-learning spaces have been recently completed for use in library instructional sessions, and in support of other campus teaching and training activities. Finally, the Academic Success Center (ASC) and the First-Generation Center are located 2nd floor of the Library, providing academic coaching, First-Year experience, peer mentoring, and tutoring services for all students. 

SHSU Online

SHSU Online

Welcome to Sam Houston State University, where online and hybrid education are part of a strategic priority. A large percentage of Bearkats participate every year in SHSU’s online courses and programs and if you’re one of them, we are glad you are here!

SHSU Online is a department within Academic Affairs that is dedicated to empowering learners, educators, and staff by facilitating exceptional online education experiences that extend beyond the boundaries of traditional classrooms. Our mission is to enable citizens in Texas and beyond to further their education, secure meaningful employment, achieve higher earnings, and enhance their quality of life. We support all course and program modalities, including 100% online courses, Online Live, Online On-Demand, Hybrids, and Face-to-Face courses that integrate online tools to enhance the delivery of on-ground education.

Through our strategic initiatives, SHSU Online strives to provide a unified presence for online education, fund essential tools, deliver high-quality course development and instructional design, and create inclusive and accessible learning environments. We are committed to supporting YOU and the entire SHSU community in our shared pursuit of educational excellence.

To that end, SHSU Online delivers a wide-range of services for SHSU faculty, students, and staff, including:

  • 24/7 Technical Support Call Center for Blackboard courses
  • Faculty Certification and Development
  • Instructional Design and Couse Building
  • Graphic Design
  • Multimedia Design
  • Digital Content Development
  • Educational Video Production 
  • Guest Lecture Recordings
  • Video Hosting
  • Marketing and field video production for online programs
  • Video transcriptions 
  • Ally® for Accessibility 
  • Thought-Leadership, including
    • SHSU Online Newsletter
    • TSUS Annual Report
    • TSUS Faculty Development Days
    • SHSU Online Annual Conference: Digital Education Summit

We hope to connect with you through one of our services or events!

SHSU Online also actively promotes success beyond the classroom by providing many SHSU students with opportunities to develop marketable skills. We hire, train, and prepare student workers with on-the-job training and market experience in various creative and technical fields.

Contact Information

Technology Solutions and Support

Information Technology maintains instructional environments, including computer labs and classrooms to support faculty and students in our Bearkat learning environments. These spaces are equipped with Windows and iMac computers, up-to-date software, webcams, printers, and scanners. Additionally, a few labs have course-specific software for students to complete work outside of the classroom. View the Computer Lab website for a complete list of labs and their technology equipment.

Additionally, we provide Microsoft 365 for your personal devices and wireless internet through eduroam. Simply use your SHSU credentials to access either option!

For additional questions regarding the technology available at SHSU, contact the Service Desk

Contact Information

Phone: 936.294.1950

Email: Service Desk 

Location: Academic Building I, Suite 145

Testing Center

The Sam Houston State University (SHSU) Testing Center provides institutional and national testing opportunities to students and community members in an atmosphere that enables examinees to perform to the best of their abilities. This atmosphere relies on test administration practices that (1) adhere to nationally recognized professional testing standards and government regulations, (2) maintain the integrity of the testing process by incorporating ethical standards and security measures, and (3) treat all examinees in a professional, yet personable manner. The Sam Houston State University Testing Center adheres to the National College Testing Association (NCTA) Professional Standards and Guidelines and currently offers the following exams unless noted otherwise:

Entrance Exams

ATI TEAS: The Test of Essential and Academic Skills (TEAS) is used as part of the admissions process by Nursing and Allied Health schools nationwide. Additional information may be obtained by visiting the Testing Center or TEAS.

TOEFL: The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) may be required of international students for admittance into the university. The TOEFL exam measures the ability of non-native English speakers to communicate in an academic setting. For more information, visit the Testing Center or TOEFL. Additional information may also be obtained by contacting Admissions.

Placement Exams

ACCUPLACER: The ACCUPLACER test is a placement exam offered at SHSU for evaluating a student’s performance in reading, writing, and mathematics. Additional information may be obtained by visiting the Testing Center or ACCUPLACER.

ACCUPLACER - ESL: The ACCUPLACER English as a Second Language (ESL) test is designed to support the placement of English language learners into English language courses so that they may receive appropriate and targeted levels of instruction. Additional information may be obtained by visiting the Testing Center or ACCUPLACER.

TSI ASSESSMENT 2.0: The Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA2) is a placement exam offered at SHSU to assess test takers' readiness for college-level coursework in the general areas of English language arts and reading (ELAR) and mathematics. Additional information may be obtained by visiting the Testing Center or TSI Assessment.

Credit by Exam

ACT/SAT English Credit: Sam Houston State University may award credit for freshmen English courses based on high ACT or SAT test scores on the English section (ACT) or the Reading and Writing section (SAT). Sam Houston State University has a policy of accepting up to a maximum of thirty (30) hours of credit through a combination of national standardized examinations and/or locally designed and administered departmental tests. More than thirty (30) hours of credit by examination will be considered on an individual appeal basis. Appeals can be requested through the Admissions Office. The ACT and SAT exams are not offered at the Testing Center; however, policy information about the ACT/SAT English Credit can be located on the Testing Center website.

Advanced Placement Program (AP): Sam Houston State University may award college credit for the Advanced Placement Examinations based on the score(s) received. Advanced Placement exams are given at the high school level. Sam Houston State University has a policy of accepting up to a maximum of thirty (30) hours of credit through a combination of national standardized examinations and/or locally designed and administered departmental tests. More than thirty (30) hours of credit by examination will be considered on an individual appeal basis. Appeals can be requested through the Admissions Office. AP exams are not offered at the Testing Center; however, policy information can be located on the Testing Center and AP Program websites.

Avant Assessments: Avant STAMP (STAndards-Based Measurement of Proficiency) measures language proficiency in Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Avant STAMP for American Sign Language (ASL) evaluates receptive skills (comprehension of signed ASL videos) and expressive skills (production of signed ASL). Sam Houston State University has a policy of accepting up to a maximum of thirty (30) hours of credit through a combination of national standardized examinations and/or locally designed and administered departmental tests. More than thirty (30) hours of credit by examination will be considered on an individual appeal basis. Appeals can be requested through the Admissions Office. For more information, visit the Testing Center or Avant.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP): Sam Houston State University is a national testing center for the College Level Examination Program (CLEP).  All CLEP exams may be taken at SHSU, but only the CLEP Subject Exams listed on the Testing Center website will be accepted for credit at SHSU. Sam Houston State University has a policy of accepting up to a maximum of thirty (30) hours of credit through a combination of national standardized examinations and/or locally designed and administered departmental tests. More than thirty (30) hours of credit by examination will be considered on an individual appeal basis. Appeals can be requested through the Admissions Office. For more information, visit the Testing Center or CLEP.

DSST: Sam Houston State University is a national testing center for the DSST exams. All DSST exams may be taken at SHSU, but only the DSST exams listed on the Testing Center website will be accepted for credit at Sam Houston State University. Sam Houston State University has a policy of accepting up to a maximum of thirty (30) hours of credit through a combination of national standardized examinations and/or locally designed and administered departmental tests. More than thirty (30) hours of credit by examination will be considered on an individual appeal basis. Appeals can be requested through the Admissions Office. For more information, visit the Testing Center or DSST.

International Baccalaureate Program (IB): Sam Houston State University recognizes the International Baccalaureate program and awards credit to those students who earn the IB diploma. Sam Houston State University has a policy of accepting up to a maximum of thirty (30) hours of credit through a combination of national standardized examinations and/or locally designed and administered departmental tests. More than thirty (30) hours of credit by exam will be considered on an individual appeal basis. Appeals can be requested through the Admissions Office. Information on the International Baccalaureate Program may be obtained from high school counselors or by visiting the Testing Center or International Baccalaureate.

Departmental Exams

The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Oral Proficiency Interview-Computer (ACTFL OPIc): ACTFL OPIc tests are used worldwide by academic institutions, government agencies, and private corporations for purposes such as academic placement, student assessment, program evaluation, professional certification, hiring, and promotional qualifications. The ACTFL OPIc is a valid and reliable means of assessing how well a person speaks a language. Additional information may be obtained by visiting the Testing Center or ACTFL.

Representative TExES: The Representative TExES tests are paper-pencil practice exams administered for the College of Education. Additional information may be obtained by visiting the Testing Center or by emailing  

Graduate Exams

Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT): The GMAT exam is designed to test skills that are highly important to business and management programs. It assesses quantitative reason, verbal reasoning, and data insight skills that are vital to real-world business and management success. Additional information may be obtained by visiting the Testing Center or GMAT.

Graduate Record Examinations (GRE): The GRE is used by graduate schools as one assessment indicator for comparing the qualifications of applicants who come from a variety of colleges and universities. The GRE measures verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing skills. Additional information may be obtained by visiting the Testing Center or GRE.

Certification Exams

ACSM: American College of Sports Medicine offers several health fitness certification programs, each with unique programming and/or population focus. Additional information may be obtained by visiting the Testing Center or the American College of Sports Medicine.

CERTIPORT: Certiport is dedicated to helping people succeed through certification. Certiport's globally recognized credentials are aimed at enhancing individual productivity, marketability, and value. Additional information may be obtained by visiting the Testing Center or Certiport.

CCE: The Center for Credentialing and Education offers a dynamic portfolio of services including credentials, assessments, and examination services to promote excellence in and expand equitable access to mental health and human development professions. The CCE offers the CPCE (Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam) and the NCE (National Counselor Exam) tests. Additional information may be obtained by visiting the Testing Center or CCE.

CompTIA: CompTIA certifications are industry-leading credentials to start and grow an IT career. Entry-level IT certifications and advanced IT certifications -- such as cybersecurity -- are offered. Additional information may be obtained by visiting the Testing Center or CompTIA.

Meazure Learning:  Meazure Learning offers exams for the certification or licensure of professionals to assess the knowledge and skills of employees for training purposes or as a pre-employment check for potential hires. Additional information may be obtained by visiting the Testing Center or Meazure Learning.

NSCA: Elevate your career in strength and conditioning and related sports science professions to new heights with a National Strength and Conditioning Association certification.  Additional information may be obtained by visiting the Testing Center or NSCA.

TCEQ: The SHSU Testing Center is a testing site for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Occupational Licensing examinations. Additional information about TCEQ exams can be obtained by visiting the Testing Center or TCEQ.

TCFP:  The Texas Commission on Fire Protection offers certifications for those interested in becoming certified fire protection professionals. Additional information may be obtained by visiting the Testing Center or TCFP.

TExES: The Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §230.21(a) mandates that all individuals seeking educator certification in the state of Texas must achieve satisfactory performance on comprehensive examinations. These assessments are designed to ensure that each educator possesses the essential content knowledge and professional expertise requisite for an entry-level position within Texas public schools. The Texas Examinations of Educator Standards (TExES) program was established to fulfill this objective. Additional information may be obtained by visiting the Testing Center or TExES.

State of Texas High School Diploma Test

The General Educational Development (GED) test is a suite of exams that test-takers can pass to earn a GED diploma/certificate. The GED provides adults with high school equivalency exams that are based on current career and college-readiness standards. The SHSU Testing Center is an authorized testing site for the GED exam. Additional information may be obtained by visiting GED.

Distance Education Exams

Sam Houston State University Testing Center provides proctoring services for distance education exams from other institutions and agencies.  Additional information may be obtained by visiting the Testing Center.