American Sign Language (SGNL)

This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

SGNL 1401. Elementary Amer Sign Lang I. 4 Hours.

Students who have had no previous instruction in American Sign Language develop vocabulary acquisition, cultural components, drills, sentence formation, and everyday conversation leading to proficiency. Language laboratory period weekly is required. Grade of C or better required in SGNL 1401 in order to continue to SGNL 1402. Instruction is in American Sign Language.

SGNL 1402. Elementary Amer Sign Lng II. 4 Hours.

A continuation of SGNL 1401. Students add more speaking and writing toward advancing proficiency. Weekly language laboratory period is required. Instruction is in American Sign Language.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in SGNL 1401 or equivalent.

SGNL 2311. Intermediate American Sign Language I. 3 Hours.

A continuation of SGNL 1402. Students focus on more advanced skills. Instruction is in American Sign Language.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in SGNL 1401 and SGNL 1402 or equivalent.

SGNL 2312. Intermediate American Sign Language II. 3 Hours.

A continuation of SGNL 2311. Students focus on fluent usage of American Sign Language with the purpose of mastering mid-level proficiency skills.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in SGNL 1401, SGNL 1402, and SGNL 2311 or equivalent.

SGNL 3301. Adv. American Sign Language. 3 Hours.

As a continuation of Intermediate ASL II, students develop a high level of fluency in American Sign Language, using both expressive and receptive skills in regular weekly communications with persons in the Deaf Community. Students learn idioms and expansion features and discuss current events in the Deaf Community. Instruction is in American Sign Language.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in SGNL 1401, SGNL 1402, SGNL 2311, and SGNL 2312 or equivalent.