Psychology (PSYC)

This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

PSYC 1301. Introduction To Psychology. 3 Hours. [TCCN: PSYC 2301]

(SH Prior Course ID: PSY 131); This course is designed to be a broad survey of the field of psychology covering such topics as learning, perception, personality, development, psychopathology, etc. It covers both the theoretical basis and the empirical content of these areas.

PSYC 2315. Psychology Of Adjustment. 3 Hours. [TCCN: PSYC 2315]

(SH Prior Course ID: PSY 289); A study is made of the dynamics of human behavior applying psychological theory to the development of the wholesome well-adjusted personality. Techniques for managing stress, reducing anxiety, coping with anger, increasing assertiveness, and achieving self-control are considered.

PSYC 3331. Abnormal Psychology. 3 Hours. [TCCN: PSYC 2320]

(SH Prior Course ID: PSY 331); This course includes an introduction to behavioral disorders. Biological and social factors in the development, diagnosis, and treatment of psychopathology are studied. .
Prerequisite: 3 semester hours of Psychology.

PSYC 3332. History Of Psychology. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: PSY 332); This course includes an historical survey of the scientific and philosophic antecedents of modern psychology. .
Prerequisite: 3 semester hours of Psychology.

PSYC 3333. Physiological Psychology. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to acquaint the student with the biological substrates of behavior. A study is made of the genetic, neuroanatomical, neurochemical and neurophysiological mechanisms of such psychological processes as sensation, movement, learning, memory, motivation and emotion. This course is offered primarily for psychology majors and minors but may serve as an elective for majors in biology, chemistry, and public health. Cannot be taken concurrently. .
Prerequisite: 3 hours in Psychology or 4 hours in Biology.

PSYC 3334. Human Sexuality. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: PSY 334); A study is made of the biological, social, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual elements of our human sexuality. Topics such as sexual health, sexual dysfunction, sexuality education, and intimate relationships are covered.

PSYC 3336. Sensation/Perception. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: PSY 336); A study is made of the sensory processes, the relationship between physical stimuli and sensory/perceptual experience, and perceptual phenomena. Topics such as pain, constancies, illusions, and psychophysics are covered.

PSYC 3337. Cognition. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: PSY 337); This course is intended to provide a broad survey of the field of cognitive psychology covering such topics as attention, memory, forgetting, consciousness, and organization/structure. It covers both the theoretical basis and empirical content of the area.

PSYC 3365. Close Relationships. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: PSY 365); This course examines the processes of close relationships, employing psychological theory and research. Topics include the nature of intimacy, attraction, communication, interdependency, love, jealousy, conflict, and loneliness.

PSYC 3374. Development Psychology. 3 Hours.

A study is made of the physical, mental, emotional, and social growth and development of the person across the entire life span.

PSYC 3375. Psychopathology & Fam Dynamics. 3 Hours.

(Prior SH course id: PSY 375); This course examines the interactions of psychopathology and family dynamics. Topics include parenting, chronic physical illness, mood and anxiety disorders, physical and sexual abuse, and chemical dependence.
Prerequisite: Junior standing and either PSYC 3331, FACS 3369, SOCI 3331, or COMS 4386.

PSYC 3381. Social Psychology. 3 Hours. [TCCN: PSYC 2319]

(SH Prior Course ID: PSY 381); This course examines individual human behavior as it is influenced by cultural and social stimuli. Topics studied include interpersonal attraction, aggression, prejudice and sexism, conformity, altruism, and group behavior.

PSYC 3382. Comparative Psychology. 3 Hours.

This course deals with physical and behavioral differences in animals and how these differences can be adaptive. Specific topics include habitat selection, territoriality, predator and anti-predator behavior, reproductive behavior, and social behavior.
Prerequisite: PSYC 2302 and PSYC 3301.

PSYC 3383. Psychology And The Law. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: PSY 383); This course is designed to examine the application of scientific and professional principles of psychology in the legal system, the use of social science methods to study the legal system, and the impact of law on the practice of psychology. Content areas include legal competencies, the insanity defense, jury consultation, psychologists and the death penalty, the accuracy of eyewitness testimony, prediction of violence, the psychology of victims, family law, and ethical dilemmas. .
Prerequisite: 6 hours of PSYC and Sophomore standing.

PSYC 3385. Health Psychology. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: PSY 385); This course examines how biological, psychological, and social factors interact and contribute to health promotion, illness prevention, coping with stress, pain, or other acute or chronic diseases, and recovery from and adjustment to serious health problems. .
Prerequisite: 6 hours of PSYC.

PSYC 3391. Psychopharmacology. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: PSY 391); This course includes a study of the field of behavioral pharmacology: the systematic study of the effects of drugs on behavior and the way in which behavioral principles can help in understanding how drugs work. The course focuses on the neurophysiological mechanisms of action of various psychoactive drugs. Cannot be taken concurrently.
Prerequisite: 3 hours of PSYC or 4 hours of BIOL.

PSYC 3401. Research Methods. 4 Hours.

This course is designed to introduce the student to the scientific method in general and research methodology in psychology in particular through laboratory and field experiments. Laboratory period required.

PSYC 3402. Psychological Statistics. 4 Hours.

This course is a study of statistics as applied to problems in psychology and education, to include frequency functions, correlation and regression, and statistical tests of significance. Lecture and lab component.

PSYC 4075. Problems. 1-3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: PSY 475); Designed for advanced students in psychology who are capable of independent study. Variable Credit (1-3).
Prerequisite: Approval of Program Coordinator and the instructor directing the study.

PSYC 4331. Personality. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: PSY 431); A study is made of the major theories of personality; the biological and social factors in the development and functioning of personality are considered.
Prerequisite: 6 semester hours of Psychology.

PSYC 4332. Learning. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: PSY 432); This course includes a study of the major theories of learning and their historical backgrounds; experimental procedures in the study of learning are discussed.
Prerequisite: 6 semester hours of Psychology.

PSYC 4333. Seminar In Psychology. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: PSY 433); This course includes discussions of selected topics in psychology.

PSYC 4334. Applied Social Psychology. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: PSY 434); This course examines the use of social psychological theory and method to explain and solve real world problems. Topics include physical and mental health, the environment, law, consumerism, and processes of conflict and social influence.
Prerequisite: PSYC 3381.

PSYC 4374. Psychology of the Elderly. 3 Hours.

This course examines the field of developmental psychology of the elderly addressing such topics as learning, perception, personality, development, mental health issues, etc. It addresses both the theoretical basis and the empirical content of these areas.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1301.

PSYC 4391. Divorce: Psychological Impact. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: PSY 491); A comprehensive investigation is made of psychological, legal, moral, religious, and cultural variables related to cause, process, and adjustment to divorce is made. Emphasis is placed on the impact of divorce on the individual.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

PSYC 4392. Industrial/Organizational Psy. 3 Hours.

(SH Prior Course ID: PSY 492); This course provides an integration of psychological principles as applied to industrial/organizational milieu. The focus is on the application of research methodology, psychological assessment, personality, and organizational theories to the work environment. Specifically, research related to the application of psychological theory related to personnel, work environment, organizational, and pertinent legal issues will be considered.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1301 or PSYC 2315.