Early Childhood Education (ECHE)

This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.shsu.edu.

ECHE 3128. Field Exp - Early Childhood Ed. 1 Hour.

Students will practice behavior management techniques with children in public school pre-kindergarten or kindergarten classrooms. This course is taken concurrently with ECHE 3229.
Prerequisite: 60 hours.

ECHE 3229. Guidance Of Young Children. 2 Hours.

Classroom and behavior management techniques which are appropriate for young children will be presented with an emphasis on inductive discipline which leads to self-discipline.
Prerequisite: 60 hours.

ECHE 3301. Social Guidance - Young Child. 3 Hours.

Students study the theory, principles, and methods employed in the socialization, guidance, and management of children birth-3 years. The emphasis of the course is on promoting children's successful adjustment to multiple ecological systems to encourage the development of self-discipline and executive function. Ten hours of field experience required.

ECHE 3302. Early Childhood Education Theories. 3 Hours.

Students focus on philosophies of learning through examination of the cognitive, behavioral, and social learning theories relevant to early childhood education. Students examine the strengths and weaknesses of each theoretical perspective to gain an understanding of how they impact the early childhood learning environment and curriculum.

ECHE 3313. Early Childhood Cognition. 3 Hours.

This course is intended to provide a foundation for viewing the early years of life as a distinctly different period in the childís life. The early childhood view of the world is based on the child ís developing physical, cognitive, linguistic, and socio-emotional skills and processes. Focus will include an emphasis on the child, the family, and the environment in which the child lives.

ECHE 3316. Assessment in Early Childhood. 3 Hours.

Students develop knowledge about a variety of assessment procedures appropriate for use with young children. Advantages and limitations of assessment techniques, including standardized test results, are examined. Observation techniques and authentic, classroom-based assessments are major areas of emphasis in the course. Ten hours of field experience required.

ECHE 3325. Creative Arts for Educators. 3 Hours.

In this course, students explore the underlying concepts of art, music, dramatic interpretation, theater, and dance and movement. Students learn to integrate these artistic expressions throughout the early childhood curriculum.

ECHE 3363. Wrkng /W Families-Diverse Comm. 3 Hours.

This course is an in-depth study of the relationships between families and schools in diverse communities. Topics addressed in this course include discussions of major theories that support partnerships with parents; models for parent, school, and community partnerships; home, school and community influences on children's lives; parenting styles; family dynamics; parent education strategies; communication with parents; and the rights and responsibilities of parents, children and teachers. Field experience with young children, their families, and the community will be required.
Prerequisite: 60 hours.

ECHE 4088. Spc Topics in Early Childhd Ed. 1-3 Hours.

This course is designed to permit individual students to study specific areas of interest and need.
Prerequisite: Approval of Department Chair.

ECHE 4089. Ind Study Early Childhood Ed. 1-3 Hours.

ECHE 4333. Dev Appr Prog For Yng Children. 3 Hours.

An in-depth study will be made of developmentally appropriate practices in schools for young children. Appropriate curriculum and instruction, thematic unit development, and a study of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills are major areas of emphasis. Field experience is required.
Prerequisite: 60 hours.

ECHE 4343. Curriculum for Early Childhood. 3 Hours.

In this course, students analyze and practice developmentally appropriate pedagogy that strengthens the link between age appropriate, active, engaged learning with identified state standards for the early childhood classroom (preschool - kindergarten). Fifteen hours of field experience in preschool/kindergarten classrooms are required as part of this course.

ECHE 4349. Lang/Lit Development. 3 Hours.

Candidates will investigate language acquisition and early literacy experiences of children from birth through kindergarten. Special emphasis is given to the characteristics of early learning environments and the teacher's role in the development of language processes, early experiences with print, and integrating early language and literacy activities into experiences of young children.
Prerequisite: ECHE 3313.

ECHE 4350. Preschool Child Wellness. 3 Hours.

In this course candidates will identify and analyze principles of wellness in the early childhood setting. Topics include health and physical fitness, signs of neglect and abuse, educator legal and ethical responsibilities, and communication with parents regarding young children's well being.
Prerequisite: 60 hours.

ECHE 4373. Early Childhood Theory and Cognition. 3 Hours.

This course is a required course for the Bachelor of Arts in Applied Science in Early Care and Education. The class is designed for early childhood preschool and Head Start teachers who are not seeking Texas Teacher Certification. Topics include an emphasis on the young child’s cognitive, physical, and social abilities as a foundation for planning appropriate classroom experiences.

ECHE 4399. Std Tch Kindergarten Classroom. 3 Hours.

Approximately six to seven weeks of student teaching experience in a public pre-kindergarten or kindergarten is provided.
Prerequisite: Admission to Student Teaching Program.