Minor in Statistical Theory

This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.shsu.edu.

A Minor in Statistical Theory consists of the following courses:

Minor in Statistical Theory
Required Courses
MATH 1430Calculus II 14
STAT 4371Thry & Appl of Prob & Stat I3
STAT 4372Thry & Aplctn of Prob & Sta II3
Select four of the following:12
Statistical Methds in Practice
Stat Desgn & Analys of Exprmt
Sample Survey Methods
Intro to Statistical Computing
Special Topics in Statistics
Nonparametric Statistics
Regression Modeling & Analysis
Quality Control & Reliability
Time Series and Forecasting
Intro Appl Bayesian Analysis
Intro. to Statistical Learning
Independent Study
Total Hours22

The prerequisite to this, MATH 1420, should be taken to complete Core Curriculum Area II (Mathematics). MATH 1430 may satisfy both major and minor requirements.