Minor in Statistical Methods

This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.shsu.edu.

 A Minor in Statistical Methods consists of the following courses:

Minor in Statistical Methods
Select six of the following18
Statistical Methds in Practice
Stat Desgn & Analys of Exprmt
Sample Survey Methods
Intro to Statistical Computing
Special Topics in Statistics
Nonparametric Statistics
Regression Modeling & Analysis
Quality Control & Reliability
Time Series and Forecasting
Intro Appl Bayesian Analysis
Intro. to Statistical Learning
Independent Study
Total Hours18

Special topics courses include choices, such as Survival Modeling and Biostatistics.

A concentration of twelve semester hours is appropriate for students who need an understanding of statistics to augment study in another field but who do not require a minor in statistics. A typical concentration might consist of:

Courses Required
STAT 3379Statistical Methds in Practice3
Select three of the following:9
Stat Desgn & Analys of Exprmt
Sample Survey Methods
Intro to Statistical Computing
Special Topics in Statistics
Thry & Appl of Prob & Stat I
Thry & Aplctn of Prob & Sta II
Nonparametric Statistics
Regression Modeling & Analysis
Quality Control & Reliability
Time Series and Forecasting
Intro Appl Bayesian Analysis
Intro. to Statistical Learning
Independent Study
Total Hours12