Developmental Education (DVED)

This is an archived copy of the 2021-2022 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

DVED 7088. Special Topics in Developmental Education Administration. 3 Hours.

This course offers graduate students the option of registering for a multi-topic course. The student can take the course under various special topics being offered.

DVED 7089. Independent Study Dev Ed Admin. 1-3 Hours.

Doctoral students are provided an opportunity to engage in a detailed field study of a program or problem in developmental education administration. The student works under the supervision of a doctoral faculty member and is expected to produce a written product or presentation.

DVED 7110. Doctoral Stdy - Dev Ed Admin. 1 Hour.

Students are provided an orientation to doctoral studies in educational leadership, topics of current interest to doctoral students in developmental education administration, and information regarding areas of study and research related to the doctoral program. May be repeated for a total of three credits. D in Developmental Education program.
Prerequisite: Admission to the Ed.

DVED 7336. Internship in Development Educ. 3 Hours.

Students participate and are evaluated in an intensive study and field experience relating to positions in developmental educational leadership. Doctoral students acquire insight into problems in the leadership process in an operational setting distinct from prior or concurrent work experience.

DVED 7360. Developmental Ed & Postsec Std. 3 Hours.

Students focus on the populations served by developmental education programs, define developmental education, and explore the historical perspective of the need for developmental education and student development theories. Students? needs, model programs, and best-practices for student learning, development, and retention are explored through collaboration, research and independent inquiry.

DVED 7364. Adv Learning Theory in Dev Ed. 3 Hours.

Students explore an advanced array of learning theories and how these apply specifically to developmental education. Students are required to develop operational models using research in learning theory to facilitate organizational change and implementation of new paradigms in developmental education. An understanding of student learning utilizing the latest pedagogy and technologies grounded in the neurosciences and the new sciences are included. Students become familiar with learning theories and how these theories are applied to diverse educational environments.

DVED 7365. Student Noncognitive Developmt. 3 Hours.

Development of the whole student is the focus of study with particular interest on areas other than the growth of intellectual competence. Psychological, economic, social and physical barriers to student development are studied. D. program in Developmental Education.
Prerequisite: Admission to the Ed.

DVED 7366. Outcome Assessment in DVED. 3 Hours.

Students focus on evaluation criteria and formative and summative evaluation of developmental students. A general model for evaluation of developmental programs, preparation of evaluation reports, and relevant research findings on student and program evaluation are explored and examined.

DVED 7367. Designing Lrning Env in Dev Ed. 3 Hours.

Students focus on instructional design and development, theoretical/philosophical approaches to teaching, current research in developmental instruction, and cognitive and non-cognitive factors in learning and classroom assessment. Student explore major issues, problems, methods, and best practices in the design and delivery of developmental education and learning assistance.

DVED 7373. Statistical Methods for Developmental Education. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to familiarize doctoral students with the logic and dynamics of the research process in education and provide students with the opportunity to develop skills in posing research questions, designing studies, collecting and examining data, and interpreting and reporting research results. In particular, students are taught how to use a variety of introductory-level statistical techniques to analyze quantitative data in education research. Students learn to (a) use statistical software to analyze data and (b) present results in an acceptable written format for social scientists. The curricula for this course include knowledge of the literature of the discipline and ongoing student engagement in research related to professional practice. Credit 3
Prerequisite: EDLD 7362.

DVED 7387. Independent Study. 3 Hours.

Doctoral students are provided an opportunity to engage in a detailed field study of a program or problem in developmental education administration. Students work under the supervision of a doctoral faculty member and are expected to produce a written product or presentation.

DVED 8033. Dissertation Preparation. 1-3 Hours.

This course is designed to lead the student to completion of an approved dissertation which will contribute to Developmental Education Administration. Minimum of 9 hours total required.
Prerequisite: Completion of required Leadership Core and Research Component coursework and successful completion of comprehensive exam.