School of Nursing

This is an archived copy of the 2016-2017 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Interim Director: Denise Neill   (936) 202-5101



Our mission is to provide a quality education to a diverse body of accountable, competent, critical thinking students who are preparing to function independently and collaboratively as nursing leaders in the changing world. The program provides and develops a nursing foundation which promotes holistic, evidence-based health care in a professional community. The faculty promote the concept of lifelong learning based on scholarly teaching, research, practice in service in order to maintain competence and achieve new competencies as the profession evolves.


The Department of Nursing will provide a professional educational program that will stimulate learners to promote, maintain and restore the health of individuals, diverse communities and the environment now and in the future through evidence-based practice and the use of technology


The philosophy of the Department of Nursing is consistent with the mission and goals of Sam Houston
State University.  The concepts of persons, nursing, environment, health and learning are addressed
in this philosophy.

Every person has inherent dignity and worth. As such each is deserving of compassionate and
competent healthcare based on sound evidence. Mankind has the capacity to communicate effectively,
to work cooperatively, and to organize effective systems so that an individual’s biological,
psychosocial and spiritual needs, as well as society’s needs are met.

Accessible, quality healthcare is necessary for individual functioning and the continuation of the
global community. The rapid rate of change and enhanced transmission of information within the
world necessitates confidence with management of technology. Nursing seeks to consistently process
information accurately and wisely in a timely fashion and to protect confidential data.

Nursing occurs in variable environments that are defined by the patient/nurse/family in each
situation. Physical, interpersonal, emotional, spiritual, political, cultural, economic, and other
factors influence the environment of care. Nurses seek to create a caring/healing environment for
their patients in the context of each nurse-patient encounter.

Health is more than the absence of disease or disability. Healthy lifestyle, risk reduction,
genetics, and other factors influence the health of individuals as well as communities. It is
possible for persons to consider themselves in good health even while coping with chronic and
terminal illnesses and or disabilities when they factor in their capacity to adapt and respond and
live fully with their own challenges.

Quality, holistic nursing care draws from both the arts and the sciences. Effective nursing care is
based upon scientific principles that incorporate humanistic elements such as caring, effective
communication, spirituality, and cultural and psychosocial sensitivity.

Nurses must be accountable and knowledgeable about the profession and their specialty. In this age
of change and instantaneous dissemination of information, nurses must be able to rapidly process
and assimilate new knowledge and demonstrate new skills as they strive to anticipate and address
the needs of the population – a population that includes an increasing older adult cohort.

The science of nursing is in a constant state of evolution therefore nurses must demonstrate the
capacity to critically think and problem solve while maintaining personal growth through life-long
learning.  Learning is a life-long process that is unique for each person.

Learning is continuous and occurs in progressively more complex degrees.  The process of learning
provides a foundation that is necessary to develop skills, attitudes, behaviors and ways of
thinking. The teacher’s role is that of facilitator in a supportive environment. The student’s role
is to consistently and actively engage in learning activities to become an accountable
professional and life-long learner.

Academic Programs

The School of Nursing currently offers only undergraduate degree programs. See the current undergraduate catalog for more details.


The School of Nursing does not currently offer graduate courses.  Please consult the current undergraduate catalog for course offerings.