Minor in Spanish Interpretation and Translation for Health Professions

Minor in Spanish Interpretation and Translation for Health Professions 1
Required Courses
SPAN 3330Principles of Health Care Interpretation3
SPAN 3340Principles of Health Care Translation3
SPAN 3361Spanish Grammar & Composition3
SPAN 4051Applied Health Care Interpretation and Translation3
SPAN 4374Spanish for Health Professions3
SPAN or LALS or WOLC 3000 or 4000 level course3
WOLC 3010Applied Language Practicum3
Total Hours21


Students must have permission from the Chair of the Department of World Languages and Cultures to enroll in minor courses.

Students must have ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview-Computer rating of Advanced Low or equivalent to enroll in minor courses. 


Minor in Spanish Interpretation and Translation for Health Professions cannot be paired with Minor in Spanish.