Minor in Middle Eastern Studies

The Middle Eastern Studies minor includes a track A (Arabic language) and a track B (non-language).

Minor in Middle Eastern Studies
Track A
Required Courses
Elementary Arabic II
Intermediate Arabic I
Intermediate Arabic II
The Contemporary Arab World
Prescribed Electives
Select two of the following:6
Middle East to 1600
Modern Middle East
Politics of The Middle East
Development & Sustainability
Language Learning: Concepts & Methods
Total Hours6
Minor in Middle Eastern Studies
Track B
Required Courses12
The Contemporary Arab World
Middle East to 1600
Modern Middle East
Politics of The Middle East
Prescribed Electives
Select two of the following:6
Individual Readings in Arabic
Independent Study
Problems in Political Science
Development & Sustainability
Language Learning: Concepts & Methods
Total Hours18

Students may take ARAB 4075, or HIST 3075 or POLS 4081 more than once for credit toward the minor if the topics are different. Topics in these courses must be on the Middle East. In addition, ARAB 1411, ARAB 1412, ARAB 2311, or ARAB 2312 may be substituted for any six hours in block 2 classes of Track B.