Minor in Cultural Competency

The Minor in Cultural Competency offers students an interdisciplinary understanding of the pluralistic workplaces and communities of today.  By minoring in cultural competency, students gain knowledge, skills, and perspectives essential to full participation in civic life, career development, and the promotion of a just society.  Students will develop a broad awareness of the institutional, interpersonal, and psychological dimensions of society and will be equipped to be champions for underserved groups.  The minor empowers students to be leaders in both public and private sectors, and it complements any major or profession.

Minor in Cultural Competency
Required Courses
SOCI 1301Introduction to Sociology3
or SOCI 2319 Introduction To Ethnic Studies
SOCI 3324Social Inequality3
Prescribed Electives
Select four elective courses from the following:12
Intercultural Communication
Family Communication
Gender and Sexualities
Social Gospel to Mega Church
American Immigration
Spanish/English Cross-Cultural Communication
Philosophy of Religion
Feminist Philosophies
Philosophy of Race
Political Ethnic Minorities and Gender
Human Sexuality
Psychology of the Elderly
Gender And Inequality
Marriage And The Family
Sociology of the Life Course
Racial and Ethnic Inequality
Sociology of Immigration
Total Hours18