Minor in Forensic Science

A minor in Forensic Science requires the completion of 18 credit hours from the following list of courses, of which at least six credits must be 4000-level courses.

This minor is most suitably paired with majors in biology, chemistry, forensic chemistry, computing science, nursing, psychology, or criminal justice. However, the minor is not limited to these majors. Students who intend to pursue employment as a forensic scientist should major in natural science. Non-science majors (e.g., criminal justice) can benefit from this minor if they intend to pursue employment as an investigator. The minor in forensic science does not supplant the need for an undergraduate degree in a natural science (e.g., chemistry, biology, etc.).  

The State of Texas has mandatory licensing requirements for forensic analysts and technicians. These requirements include minimum educational qualifications, specific coursework, and successful completion of an examination administered by the Texas Forensic Science Commission. Students intending to pursue careers subject to forensic licensing requirements are encouraged to enroll in FORS 3366, FORS 4310FORS 4380, and FORS 4317. Discipline specific course requirements still apply. Refer to the Texas Administrative Code for the most up to date information, or contact the Department of Forensic Science for assistance. 

Minor in Forensic Science
Select six of the following:18
Criminal Investigation
Courts And Criminal Procedure
Forensic Science
Introduction to Forensic Chemistry
Physical Evidence Techniques
Applied Statistics for Forensic Science
Fundamentals of Forensic Biology
Fingerprint Examination
Crime Scene Investigation Techniques
Ethics and Professional Practice
Total Hours18