Department of Forensic Science
Chair: Sheree Hughes, Ph.D.
Website: Department of Forensic Science
Our mission is to foster the principles and enhance the practice of forensic science through exceptional education, pioneering research, professional development, and dedicated service. We aim to prepare students for successful careers in forensic science, advancing the field through innovation, research, and service to the forensic science community.
The Department of Forensic Science at SHSU envisions to be a global leader in forensic science education, research, and training, recognized for our collaborative and multidisciplinary approach. By fostering innovation and partnering with industry to drive improvement and ethical practice, we will equip our students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are fundamental for scientific problem solving and necessary to contribute significantly to the forensic science community and the criminal justice system.
The College of Criminal Justice's Department of Forensic Science is rich in history yet heavily geared toward the future. The Department of Forensic Science at SHSU was the first to offer an accredited Master of Science in Forensic Science in Texas and the first multi-disciplinary PhD in Forensic Science in the United States.
Graduates from our MS and PhD programs have placement rates consistently over 90% in forensic science laboratories and research positions across the nation. Students have access to the latest scientific equipment found in crime laboratories and engage with faculty who have real-word experience in forensics. The College of Criminal Justice also operates the Southeast Texas Applied Forensic Science Facility (STAFS) - one of a small number of willed body donor facilities in the nation, and the Institute for Forensic Research, Training and Innovation (IFRTI), which offers professional development and unique, industry-driven research opportunities to students, practitioners, and the broader forensic community.
From the laboratory to the courtroom and everything in between, the Department of Forensic Science has the tools you need to build a career in forensic science.
Academic Programs
The Department of Forensic Science offers a minor, a master’s degree, and a doctoral degree. For a listing of the programs offered within the Department of Forensic Science, please, reference the Programs tab in the respective catalog.
The Master of Science in Forensic Science is accredited by the Forensic Science Education Programs Accreditation Commission (FEPAC). The program itself was established in 2001 and was the very first accredited program in Texas. This full-time, face-to-face program gives students the flexibility to tailor a degree toward their individual interests and professional goals while working in a state-of-the art scientific facility. We have been preparing students for careers in forensic science for over two decades, with proven success.
Sam Houston State University offers a PhD in Forensic Science for those seeking leadership positions or intending to pursue careers in research or education. The doctoral program at SHSU is an interdisciplinary science degree designed for full-time, face-to-face study, typically completed in about five years.
The online minor in Forensic Science can be tailored towards criminal justice or non-science majors interested in pursuing investigative or non-laboratory based careers in forensic science (e.g., crime scene investigators) and science majors (e.g., chemistry, biology, etc.) who have an interest in traditional (laboratory-based) careers in forensic science.
Career Opportunities
Students intending to pursue a career as a forensic scientist should major in one of the natural sciences. The minor in forensic science pairs well with natural science majors and can help prepare students for mandatory licensing requirements in the State of Texas. Discipline specific course requirements still apply. For more information on licensing requirements, visit the Department of Forensic Science website or the Texas Forensic Science Commission. Although non-science majors may be eligible for investigative careers, the minor in forensic science does not supplant the need for foundational scientific knowledge required to pursue traditional (laboratory-based) forensic disciplines. Criminal justice or other non-science majors are not eligible to apply for the MS or PhD in forensic science and are extremely unlikely to be eligible for employment as a forensic scientist.
Student Organizations and Activities
- Society of Forensic Science
Information on specific scholarships available in the College of Criminal Justice are available through Scholarships4Kats.
FORS 3331. Foundations of Applied Anthropology. 3 Hours.
This is an introductory course on the study of the biology of humans from an applied anthropological perspective. It is a foundation course for students interested in careers in applied anthropology, biological or forensic anthropology, nursing, medicine, or crime scene investigation. Students are introduced to all four fields of anthropology: archaeology (prehistoric and historic human activity), cultural anthropology (medical practices in past and present cultures), biological anthropology (primates, basic genetics, human evolution, human biological diversity, and forensic anthropology), and linguistics (language and communication and forensic linguistics) and how these fields are intertwined and applied in a variety of disciplines. The course content focuses predominantly on biological aspects of man and in human society. Course Equivalents: CRIJ 3331 .
FORS 3366. Forensic Science. 3 Hours.
Students are introduced to a wide variety of forensic science disciplines. Students gain basic knowledge of evidence handling, fingerprints, impression evidence, trace materials, firearms and toolmarks, serology and forensic DNA, controlled substances and toxicology. Course Equivalents: CRIJ 3366 .
FORS 3380. Introduction to Forensic Chemistry. 3 Hours.
Students are provided an introduction to forensic chemistry. Current practices, technologies, and techniques are discussed for some of the most common forensic chemistry disciplines.
Prerequisite: CHEM 1411 and FORS 3366.
FORS 3420. Human Osteology: Analysis of Human Bone. 4 Hours.
Students thoroughly examines the human musculoskeletal system, covering the structure and function of bone including bone growth and development and the distinction between juvenile and adult skeletal elements. The course is designed to equip the student with thorough knowledge of the normal appearance of the human skeleton and its variation caused by population variation, genetic disorders, diseases, or trauma. Course Equivalents: CRIJ 3420 .
FORS 4077. Special Topics in Forensic Science. 1-4 Hours.
This course is designed to give advanced undergraduate students academic flexibility by allowing them to take structured courses on emerging topics or other matters about which there are no courses already approved in the catalog. Variable Credit (1-4).
Prerequisite: Senior standing.
FORS 4310. Physical Evidence Techniques. 3 Hours.
Students are provided an overview of physical evidence concepts and identification techniques. Pattern recognition of physical evidence, including fingerprints, bloodstains, gunshot residue, tire prints, shoeprints, fire investigation, firearms, and digital evidence will be discussed. The use of electronic databases in pattern evidence comparison are addressed. Prerequistie: FORS 3366.
FORS 4317. Applied Statistics for Forensic Science. 3 Hours.
Students apply statistical methods to forensic science problems. Concepts including data distributions, sampling, significance and confidence intervals, likelihood ratios, probability, conditional probability, Bayes’ theorem, and odds may be included. Measurement uncertainty and metrological traceability are also covered to meet forensic laboratory accreditation requirements. Statistics are applied to problems relating to topics such as forensic toxicology, seized drugs, trace evidence, firearms, and questioned documents.
FORS 4320. Fundamentals of Forensic Biology. 3 Hours.
Students explore fundamental principles of forensic biology including serology and DNA. Current technologies and procedures used within the field of forensic biology are discussed.
Prerequisite: FORS 3366.
FORS 4330. Fingerprint Examination. 3 Hours.
Students learn the process of fingerprint identification, including the nature, physiological properties and morphogenesis of fingerprints. Students cover the different methods of physical and chemical development of fingerprints from various surfaces, the interpretation of fingerprint patterns and their classification, as well as the methodology of Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation and Verification (ACE-V) that fingerprint examiners apply in their casework.
Prerequisite: FORS 3366 & FORS 4310.
FORS 4343. Advanced Techniques in Forensic Anthropology. 3 Hours.
Students are provided practical experience in the application of various methods that aid in the identification of unknown skeletal remains, such as geometric morphometrics and digital imaging. Students gain understanding in the histology and biomechanics of bone and identify and differentiate bone pathology from bone trauma. In addition, students are trained in proper writing in forensic anthropology and manuscript preparation, including photography of bone trauma and pathology.
Prerequisite: FORS 4442.
FORS 4364. Crime Scene Investigation Techniques. 3 Hours.
Students are provided a foundational overview of criminalistics from the standpoint of crime scene investigation. Theoretical understanding and mock experience in crime scene processing is provided. Basic criminalistic and laboratory techniques are introduced and discussed. Course Equivalents: CRIJ 4364
Prerequisite: FORS 3366.
FORS 4380. Ethics and Professional Practice. 3 Hours.
Students are provided an overview of ethics and professional practice in forensic science. Ethical dilemmas, bias, and organizational culture are explored.
Prerequisite: FORS 3366.
FORS 4442. Introduction to Forensic Anthropology. 4 Hours.
Students are equipped with the methodologies and applications of forensic anthropology. The course includes extensive hands-on exercises working with the human skeletal system. Students learn and apply the methods used in building the human biological profile, which includes the determination of sex, age, ancestry, and stature based on skeletal features. Students learn the biomechanics of bone and identify skeletal pathologies and/or trauma. Course Equivalents: CRIJ 4442
Prerequisite: FORS 3420.
Director/Chair: Sheree Robyn Hughes
Kelsie Dawn Bryand, MS, Adjunct Faculty, Department of Forensic Science, MS, Sam Houston State University; BA, Texas A&M University
Patrick Buzzini, PHD, Professor of Forensic Science, Department of Forensic Science, PHD, University of Lausanne; MS, University of Lausanne
Jay Tyler Davidson, PHD, Assistant Professor of Forensic Science, Department of Forensic Science, PHD, West Virginia University; MS, West Virginia University; BS, Shippensburg University
Eduardo Geraldo de Campos, PHD, Assistant Professor of Forensic Science, Department of Forensic Science, PHD, University of Sao Paulo; MS, University of Sao Paulo; BS, University of Sao Paulo
Rachel Michelle Houston, PHD, Associate Professor of Forensic Science, Department of Forensic Science, PHD, Sam Houston State University; BS, Univ of Texas At Dallas
Sheree Robyn Hughes, PHD, Professor and Chair of Forensic Science, Department of Forensic Science, PHD, Bond University; BS, University of Queensland (The)
Timothy S. Kalafut, PHD, Associate Professor of Forensic Science, Department of Forensic Science, PHD, Texas A&M University; BA, Whitworth College
Andra Danielle Lewis-Krick, PHD, Lecturer of Forensic Science, Department of Forensic Science, PHD, Sam Houston State University; MS, Univ of New Haven; BS, California St Un-Long Beach; BS, California St Un-Long Beach
Mayra Alexandra Mayr-Eduardoff, PHD, Assistant Professor of Forensic Science, Department of Forensic Science, PHD, Medical University of Innsbruck; MSC, University of Innsbruck; BA, University of Sussex (UK)
Geraldine Isabelle Christ Monjardez, PHD, Assistant Professor of Forensic Science, Department of Forensic Science, PHD, University of Manchester; MS, Cranfield University; BS, University of Cent Lancashire
Britni Nicole Skillman, PHD, Assistant Professor of Forensic Science, Department of Forensic Science, PHD, Sam Houston State University; BS, Sam Houston State University
Jennifer Leigh Snedeker, BS, Post Doctoral Fellow of Forensic Science, Department of Forensic Science, BS, Michigan State University
Madeleine Jean Swortwood, PHD, Lecturer of Forensic Science, Department of Forensic Science, PHD, Florida Int'L Univ; BA, Duquesne University
Chi Chung Yu, PHD, Professor of Forensic Science, Department of Forensic Science, PHD, Carleton University; MS, Central Police University; BS, Central Police University