Minor in Business Data Analytics

A Minor in Business Data Analytics (18 hours) is available for all bachelor's degree programs that permit a minor. Students enrolled in the Business Data Analytics minor will acquire knowledge, analytical skills, and software/programming skills that will prepare them for entry-level positions in business data analytics or for further training in business data analytics. The minor provides valuable training for those pursuing careers in business, banking, finance, healthcare administration, real estate, and public administration.

Minor in Business Data Analytics
Required Courses
Prescribed Electives: Techniques
Select three from the following:9
Introduction To Business Forecasting & Economics
Econometrics for Business
Decision Analysis & Analytics
Marketing Research
Prescribed Electives: Skills
Select three from the following:9
Emerging Technology in Accounting
Advanced Business Analytics for Economics and Business
Financial Spreadsheet Modeling
Business Database Management
Business Database Management II
Total Hours18

The Minor in Business Data Analytics is also available to majors outside of the College of Business Administration. In addition to the courses listed, the following (or comparable) courses may be required for non-business majors to obtain the Minor in Business Data Analytics, depending on the specific courses selected to complete the minor: ACCT 2301ACCT 2302ACCT 3313, BANA 2372, BANA 3363, ECON 2301, ECON 2302, FINC 3320, MGIS 3310, and/or MKTG 3310.

Furthermore, degree candidates for a Minor in Business Data Analytics must achieve a minimum 2.0 grade point average for all hours attempted in business courses, including in residence and transfer hours whether required for the Business Data Analytics minor or not.