Undergraduate Certificate in Jazz Studies

The Undergraduate Certificate in Jazz Studies is a non-degree course of study designed for undergraduate music majors interested in training and developing skills in the performance and pedagogy of jazz music.  The certificate will provide opportunities to gain skills and practical experiences necessary to become highly competitive as performers and educators in the jazz music field.  The educational objective of the certificate is to supplement the current degree tracks of music education and performance.

NOTE:  This Undergraduate Certificate is not eligible to receive Title IV funding -- Direct Loans, Pell Grant, TEACH Grant, SEOG Grant, or Federal Work Study.  Students enrolled in this program should explore alternative funding options and are encouraged to contact the financial aid office for assistance.

Undergraduate Certificate in Jazz Studies
Required Courses
MUEN 1115Jazz Band (must take four credits total) 14
or MUEN 3115 Jazz Band
MUEN 1118Chamber Music (must take two credits total) 12
or MUEN 3118 Chamber Music
MUSI 3190Jazz Keyboard Skills1
MUSI 3364Improvisation3
Free Electives
Select from the following:2
Applied Jazz Styles and Analysis
Applied Jazz Styles and Analysis
Jazz Band (may repeat an additional two times) 1
Chamber Music (may repeat an additional two times) 1
Independent Study
Total Hours12

Ensemble credits may not double dip from the major degree plan.

This Undergraduate Certificate is not eligible to receive Title IV funding -- Direct Loans, Pell Grant, TEACH Grant, SEOG Grant, or Federal Work Study.  Students enrolled in this program should explore alternative funding options and are encouraged to contact the financial aid office for assistance.  

Students seeking the Undergraduate Certificate in Jazz Studies must already be accepted as an undergraduate music major and pass an audition with the jazz faculty.  Admission for this certificate will be through a School of Music audition and acceptance by the School of Music faculty.  The audition must demonstrate technical skill and an understanding of jazz styles on an applied instrument.

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) marketable skills initiative is part of the state’s 60x30TX plan and was designed to help students articulate their skills to employers.  Marketable skills are those skills valued by employers and/or graduate programs that can be applied in a variety of work or education settings and may include interpersonal, cognitive, and applied skill areas.

The Undergraduate Certificate in Jazz Studies is designed to provide graduates with the following marketable skills:

  • Demonstrate proficient skills on an applied instrument in jazz styles.
  • Interpret jazz repertoire, including improvisation, at a level consistent with professional performing.
  • Apply jazz techniques to classroom teaching.
  • Evaluate jazz music for music preparation, programming, and performance.