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Search Results for "READ 5340"

READ 5340. Practicum of Literacy Asmt & Instrumental Strat II-Secd Pops. 3 Hours.

Students study current approaches to assessment as a foundation for literacy instruction and intervention design for struggling readers and writers in grades 7-12 who might experience dyslexia and/or related disorders. Students learn how to use a range of formal and informal assessment tools and methods to diagnose and assess reading and writing development. This course has 50+ field experience hours with secondary students.
Prerequisite: READ 5307.

Master of Education in Literacy Instruction*
Our ILA Nationally Recognized  with Distinction fully online Master of Education in Literacy Instruction with Reading Specialist Certification (CERN) and the Master of Education in Literacy Instruction (NON CERN) are designed for practicing professionals in the field of literacy. Both programs develop reflective practitioners with the knowledge and skills for effective reading/language arts instruction for Early Childhood through Secondary learners. Candidates will develop expertise as literacy specialists utilizing resources and methods, literacy assessments, and designing interventions to address varied learning needs of all students. Candidates will have the ability to become proactive instructional leaders and literacy advocates of students at all levels of literacy development. One hundred and sixty hours (160) Practicum/Field experience hours with a diverse learner population are embedded in both programs.