Core Curriculum PHYS 1401 PHYS 1403 PHYS 1404 PHYS 1411 PHYS 2425 PHYS 1422 PHYS 2426...
...1401 PHYS 1401 PHYS 1403 PHYS 1404 PHYS 1411 PHYS 2425 PHYS 1422 PHYS 2426...
Students are introduced to the topics of electricity and magnetism, including Maxwell’s equations, the Lorentz force, and basic electrical circuits. Considerable attention is given to the solution of problems with the emphasis placed on fundamental concepts. Students must register for the integrated weekly laboratory problem-solving session. Completion of Calculus II (MATH 1430) is recommended, though it may be taken concurrently.
Prerequisite: PHYS 1411 and MATH 1430.
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