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Search Results for "MATH 6398"

MATH 6398. Research And Thesis. 3 Hours.

This course includes a study of research concepts in mathematics, identification of an appropriate thesis problem, presentation of a thesis prospectus, and the preparatory work and research leading to the completion of the thesis. Study must be supervised by a member of the graduate mathematics faculty.

Bachelor of Science, Major in Mathematics: 4+1 MS Mathematics
1 MATH 1420 satisfies the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area II (Mathematics) and one semester credit hour of the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IX (Component Area Option). 2 Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area III (Life and Physical Science). 3 Satisfies Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture). 4 If KINE 2115 is used to satisfy the Core Curriculum requirement for Component Area IX (Component Area Option), an additional credit hour will be needed as a General Elective. 5 Advanced MATH electives do not include MATH 3363 , MATH 3379 / STAT 3379 , MATH 3380 , MATH 3381 , MATH 3383 , MATH 3384 , MATH 3386 , MATH 3387 , MATH 4367 , MATH 4384 , and MATH 4385 . ( MATH 3363 ,  MATH 4367 ,  MATH 4384 , and MATH 4385 are designed for students in the BS, Double Major in Education and Mathematics.) 6 Minor includes at least nine hours of advanced coursework. 7 The following minor cannot be paired with this degree program:  Minor in Mathematics. 8 Students planning to pursue the 4+1 Mathematics option must complete the Graduate Application process and be accepted to the MS in Mathematics program.  In order to apply to the 4+1 Mathematics program, students must complete all undergraduate degree plan requirements (minimum of 120 semester credit hours) and all admission requirements.  Once a student is accepted to the graduate Mathematics program, students are eligible to begin the Mathematics program upon completion of all admission requirements.